YANG Model Compilation Compilation Result (pyang --lint). pyang 2.0-devel Compilation Result (pyang). Note: also generates errors for imported files. pyang 2.0-devel Compilation Results (confdc) Note: also generates errors for imported files. confd version confd-6.6 Compilation Results (yangdump-pro). Note: also generates errors for imported files. yangdump-pro 17.10-11 Compilation Results (yanglint -V -i). Note: also generates errors for imported files. yanglint 0.16.50
openconfig-aaa-types@2018-11-21.yang PASSED          
openconfig-aaa@2018-11-21.yang PASSED WITH WARNINGS       Warning: revision with same date on line 60
openconfig-inet-types.yang:66.3: warning(1054): Revision date has already been used

Warning: no child node '*:config' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: ../../config/type = 'oc-aaa-types:TACACS'
openconfig-aaa.yang:269.22: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: no child node '*:config' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: ../../config/type = 'oc-aaa-types:RADIUS'
openconfig-aaa.yang:273.22: warning(1032): no child node available

*** 0 Errors, 2 Warnings
warn: Module's revisions are not unique (2017-04-03).
openconfig-access-points@2018-07-16.yang PASSED WITH WARNINGS   /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-system.yang:995 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-aaa.yang:269): warning: node openconfig-system::config is not found in openconfig-system::servers
openconfig-access-points.yang:163 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-aaa.yang:269): warning: node openconfig-access-points::config is not found in openconfig-access-points::servers
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-system.yang:995 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-aaa.yang:273): warning: node openconfig-system::config is not found in openconfig-system::servers
openconfig-access-points.yang:163 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-aaa.yang:273): warning: node openconfig-access-points::config is not found in openconfig-access-points::servers
  Warning: revision with same date on line 60
openconfig-inet-types.yang:66.3: warning(1054): Revision date has already been used

Warning: no child node '*:config' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: ../../config/type = 'oc-aaa-types:TACACS'
openconfig-aaa.yang:269.22: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: no child node '*:config' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: ../../config/type = 'oc-aaa-types:RADIUS'
openconfig-aaa.yang:273.22: warning(1032): no child node available
warn: Module's revisions are not unique (2017-04-03).
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "openconfig-aaa-types:TACACS". (/openconfig-system:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[13] "type = 'openconfig-aaa-types:TACACS'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "openconfig-aaa-types:RADIUS". (/openconfig-system:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[13] "type = 'openconfig-aaa-types:RADIUS'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "openconfig-aaa-types:TACACS". (/openconfig-access-points:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[13] "type = 'openconfig-aaa-types:TACACS'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "openconfig-aaa-types:RADIUS". (/openconfig-access-points:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[13] "type = 'openconfig-aaa-types:RADIUS'".
openconfig-acl@2018-11-21.yang PASSED WITH WARNINGS openconfig-acl.yang:842 (at openconfig-acl.yang:388): warning: node openconfig-acl::config is not found in openconfig-acl::acl-entries
openconfig-acl.yang:842 (at openconfig-acl.yang:394): warning: node openconfig-acl::config is not found in openconfig-acl::acl-entries
openconfig-acl.yang:842 (at openconfig-acl.yang:401): warning: node openconfig-acl::config is not found in openconfig-acl::acl-entries
openconfig-acl.yang:842 (at openconfig-acl.yang:409): warning: node openconfig-acl::config is not found in openconfig-acl::acl-entries
openconfig-acl.yang:842 (at openconfig-acl.yang:388): warning: node openconfig-acl::config is not found in openconfig-acl::acl-entries
openconfig-acl.yang:842 (at openconfig-acl.yang:394): warning: node openconfig-acl::config is not found in openconfig-acl::acl-entries
openconfig-acl.yang:842 (at openconfig-acl.yang:401): warning: node openconfig-acl::config is not found in openconfig-acl::acl-entries
openconfig-acl.yang:842 (at openconfig-acl.yang:409): warning: node openconfig-acl::config is not found in openconfig-acl::acl-entries
  Warning: revision with same date on line 60
openconfig-inet-types.yang:66.3: warning(1054): Revision date has already been used

Warning: no child node '*:config' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: ../../config/type='ACL_L2'
openconfig-acl.yang:388.22: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: no child node '*:config' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: ../../config/type='ACL_IPV4'
openconfig-acl.yang:394.22: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: no child node '*:config' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: ../../config/type='ACL_IPV6'
openconfig-acl.yang:401.22: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: no child node '*:config' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: ../../config/type='ACL_IPV6' or ../../config/type='ACL_IPV4'
openconfig-acl.yang:408.22: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: no child node '*:config' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: ../../config/type='ACL_IPV6' or ../../config/type='ACL_IPV4'
openconfig-acl.yang:408.54: warning(1032): no child node available

*** 0 Errors, 5 Warnings
warn: Module's revisions are not unique (2017-04-03).
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "ACL_L2" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[13] "type='ACL_L2'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "ACL_IPV4" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[13] "type='ACL_IPV4'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "ACL_IPV6" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[13] "type='ACL_IPV6'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "ACL_IPV6" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[13] "type='ACL_IPV6'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "ACL_IPV4" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[45] "type='ACL_IPV4'".
openconfig-aft-network-instance@2018-11-21.yang FAILED   /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-acl.yang:842 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-acl.yang:388): warning: node openconfig-acl::config is not found in openconfig-acl::acl-entries
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-acl.yang:842 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-acl.yang:394): warning: node openconfig-acl::config is not found in openconfig-acl::acl-entries
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-acl.yang:842 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-acl.yang:401): warning: node openconfig-acl::config is not found in openconfig-acl::acl-entries
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-acl.yang:842 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-acl.yang:409): warning: node openconfig-acl::config is not found in openconfig-acl::acl-entries
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:218): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::type is not found in openconfig-network-instance::config
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:264): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::type is not found in openconfig-network-instance::config
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:282): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::type is not found in openconfig-network-instance::config
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:402): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::type is not found in openconfig-network-instance::route-limits
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:620): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::config is not found in openconfig-network-instance::mpls
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:628): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::config is not found in openconfig-network-instance::segment-routing
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:692): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::config is not found in openconfig-network-instance::static-routes
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:703): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::config is not found in openconfig-network-instance::local-aggregates
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:714): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::config is not found in openconfig-network-instance::bgp
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:725): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::config is not found in openconfig-network-instance::ospfv2
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:733): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::config is not found in openconfig-network-instance::isis
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:744): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::config is not found in openconfig-network-instance::pim
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:755): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::config is not found in openconfig-network-instance::igmp
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:775): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::type is not found in openconfig-network-instance::enabled-address-families
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:784): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::type is not found in openconfig-network-instance::mtu
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang:2304): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::state is not found in openconfig-network-instance::lsas
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang:2312): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::state is not found in openconfig-network-instance::lsas
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang:2323): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::state is not found in openconfig-network-instance::lsas
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang:2331): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::state is not found in openconfig-network-instance::lsas
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang:2339): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::state is not found in openconfig-network-instance::lsas
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang:2349): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::state is not found in openconfig-network-instance::lsas
./openconfig-network-instance.yang:402: error: the node 'type' from module 'openconfig-network-instance' (in node 'network-instance' from 'openconfig-network-instance') is not found
Warning: revision with same date on line 60
openconfig-inet-types.yang:66.3: warning(1054): Revision date has already been used

Warning: revision with same date on line 48
openconfig-bgp-types.yang:54.3: warning(1054): Revision date has already been used

Warning: top-level NP container 'bgp' is mandatory
openconfig-bgp.yang:180.3: warning(1048): top-level object is mandatory

Warning: compare value '../IPV4_ADDRESS_INDEX' invalid for object 'openconfig-bgp:type type:enumeration'
XPath:../type = 'IPV4_NODE_ADDRESS' or ../type='../IPV4_ADDRESS_INDEX'or ../type='IPV4_LOCAL_INTF_ID' or ../type='IPV4_LOCAL_REMOTE_ADDR'
openconfig-rib-bgp-attributes.yang: line 855: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'IPV6_ADDRESS_INDEX' invalid for object 'openconfig-bgp:type type:enumeration'
XPath:../type = 'IPV6_NODE_ADDRESS' or ../type='IPV6_ADDRESS_INDEX'or ../type='IPV6_LOCAL_INTF_ID' or ../type='IPV6_LOCAL_REMOTE_ADDR'
openconfig-rib-bgp-attributes.yang: line 884: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: Module 'iana-if-type' not used
openconfig-if-ethernet.yang:12.3: warning(1015): import not used

Warning: Module 'iana-if-type' not used
openconfig-if-aggregate.yang:13.3: warning(1015): import not used

Warning: Module 'openconfig-if-types' not used
openconfig-if-aggregate.yang:14.3: warning(1015): import not used

Warning: Module 'iana-if-type' not used
openconfig-vlan.yang:15.3: warning(1015): import not used

Warning: revision with same date on line 25
openconfig-isis-types.yang:31.3: warning(1054): Revision date has already been used

Warning: revision with same date on line 66
openconfig-isis.yang:72.3: warning(1054): Revision date has already been used

Warning: no child node '*:config' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: ../../config/type='ACL_L2'
openconfig-acl.yang:388.22: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: no child node '*:config' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: ../../config/type='ACL_IPV4'
openconfig-acl.yang:394.22: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: no child node '*:config' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: ../../config/type='ACL_IPV6'
openconfig-acl.yang:401.22: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: no child node '*:config' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: ../../config/type='ACL_IPV6' or ../../config/type='ACL_IPV4'
openconfig-acl.yang:408.22: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: no child node '*:config' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: ../../config/type='ACL_IPV6' or ../../config/type='ACL_IPV4'
openconfig-acl.yang:408.54: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: compare value 'L2VSI' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:config/type = 'L2VSI' or config/type = 'L2P2P' or config/type = 'L2L3' or config/type = 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 217: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'L2P2P' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:config/type = 'L2VSI' or config/type = 'L2P2P' or config/type = 'L2L3' or config/type = 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 217: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'L2L3' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:config/type = 'L2VSI' or config/type = 'L2P2P' or config/type = 'L2L3' or config/type = 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 217: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:config/type = 'L2VSI' or config/type = 'L2P2P' or config/type = 'L2L3' or config/type = 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 217: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'L2VSI' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../../config/type = 'L2VSI' or ../../config/type = 'L2P2P'
or ../../config/type = 'L2L3'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 263: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'L2P2P' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../../config/type = 'L2VSI' or ../../config/type = 'L2P2P'
or ../../config/type = 'L2L3'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 263: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'L2L3' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../../config/type = 'L2VSI' or ../../config/type = 'L2P2P'
or ../../config/type = 'L2L3'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 263: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'L2VSI' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../../config/type = 'L2VSI' or ../../config/type = 'L2P2P'
or ../../config/type = 'L2L3'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 281: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'L2P2P' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../../config/type = 'L2VSI' or ../../config/type = 'L2P2P'
or ../../config/type = 'L2L3'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 281: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'L2L3' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../../config/type = 'L2VSI' or ../../config/type = 'L2P2P'
or ../../config/type = 'L2L3'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 281: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: no child node '*:type' found for parent 'openconfig-network-instance:network-instance'
XPath: type = 'L3VRF' or type = 'L2L3'
openconfig-network-instance.yang:402.16: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: no child node '*:type' found for parent 'openconfig-network-instance:network-instance'
XPath: type = 'L3VRF' or type = 'L2L3'
openconfig-network-instance.yang:402.34: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: compare value 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:config/type = 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 620: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:config/type = 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 628: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'STATIC' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:identifier type:identityref'
XPath:config/identifier = 'STATIC'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 692: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'LOCAL_AGGREGATE' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:identifier type:identityref'
XPath:config/identifier = 'LOCAL_AGGREGATE'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 703: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'BGP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:identifier type:identityref'
XPath:config/identifier = 'BGP'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 714: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'OSPF' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:identifier type:identityref'
XPath:config/identifier = 'OSPF'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 725: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'ISIS' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:identifier type:identityref'
XPath:config/identifier = 'ISIS'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 733: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PIM' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:identifier type:identityref'
XPath:config/identifier = 'PIM'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 744: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'IGMP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:identifier type:identityref'
XPath:config/identifier = 'IGMP'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 755: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: no child node '*:type' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: type = 'L3VRF' or type = 'L2L3'
openconfig-network-instance.yang:775.12: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: no child node '*:type' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: type = 'L3VRF' or type = 'L2L3'
openconfig-network-instance.yang:775.30: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: no child node '*:type' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: type = 'L2VSI' or type = 'L2P2P' or type = 'L2L3'
openconfig-network-instance.yang:783.12: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: no child node '*:type' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: type = 'L2VSI' or type = 'L2P2P' or type = 'L2L3'
openconfig-network-instance.yang:783.30: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: no child node '*:type' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: type = 'L2VSI' or type = 'L2P2P' or type = 'L2L3'
openconfig-network-instance.yang:783.48: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: compare value 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../config/type != 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 246: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'L2P2P' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../../../config/type = 'L2P2P' or ../../../config/type = 'L2VSI'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 513: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'L2VSI' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../../../config/type = 'L2P2P' or ../../../config/type = 'L2VSI'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 513: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'LOCAL' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../config/type = 'LOCAL'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 560: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'REMOTE' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../config/type = 'REMOTE'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 588: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 571: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 581: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 600: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 617: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 571: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 581: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 600: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 617: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'P2P' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../config/type = 'P2P'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 901: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 831: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 842: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 855: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 867: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../../../../../config/signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 640: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../../../../../config/signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 658: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../../../../../config/signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 683: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 831: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 842: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 855: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 867: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../../../../../config/signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 640: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../../../../../config/signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 658: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../../../../../config/signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 683: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 831: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 842: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 855: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 867: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../../../../../config/signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 640: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../../../../../config/signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 658: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../../../../../config/signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 683: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 831: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 842: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 855: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 867: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../../../../../config/signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 640: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../../../../../config/signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 658: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../../../../../config/signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 683: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value '../IPV4_ADDRESS_INDEX' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:enumeration'
XPath:../type = 'IPV4_NODE_ADDRESS' or ../type='../IPV4_ADDRESS_INDEX'or ../type='IPV4_LOCAL_INTF_ID' or ../type='IPV4_LOCAL_REMOTE_ADDR'
openconfig-rib-bgp-attributes.yang: line 855: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'IPV6_ADDRESS_INDEX' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:enumeration'
XPath:../type = 'IPV6_NODE_ADDRESS' or ../type='IPV6_ADDRESS_INDEX'or ../type='IPV6_LOCAL_INTF_ID' or ../type='IPV6_LOCAL_REMOTE_ADDR'
openconfig-rib-bgp-attributes.yang: line 884: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'TRAFFIC_ENGINEERING' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'TRAFFIC_ENGINEERING'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 479: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'TE_ROUTER_ADDRESS' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'TE_ROUTER_ADDRESS'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 505: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'TE_ROUTER_LINK' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'TE_ROUTER_LINK'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 522: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'TE_LINK_TYPE' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:union'
XPath:../type = 'TE_LINK_TYPE'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1372: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'TE_LINK_ID' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:union'
XPath:../type = 'TE_LINK_ID'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1401: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'TE_LINK_LOCAL_IP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:union'
XPath:../type = 'TE_LINK_LOCAL_IP'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1415: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'TE_LINK_REMOTE_IP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:union'
XPath:../type = 'TE_LINK_REMOTE_IP'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1428: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'TE_LINK_METRIC' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:union'
XPath:../type = 'TE_LINK_METRIC'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1441: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'TE_LINK_MAXIMUM_BANDWIDTH' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:union'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1455: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'TE_LINK_MAXIUMUM_RESERVABLE_BANDWIDTH' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:union'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1470: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'TE_NODE_ATTRIBUTE' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'TE_NODE_ATTRIBUTE'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 614: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'NODE_IPV4_LOCAL_ADDRESS' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:union'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1557: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'NODE_LOCAL_IPV6_ADDRESS' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:union'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1569: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'GRACE_LSA' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'GRACE_LSA'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 655: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'GRACE_PERIOD' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../type = 'GRACE_PERIOD'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1608: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'GRACE_RESTART_REASON' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1624: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'GRACE_IP_INTERFACE_ADDRESS' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1662: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'ROUTER_INFORMATION_LSA' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'ROUTER_INFORMATION_LSA'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 686: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'RI_INFORMATIONAL_CAPABILITIES' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:union'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 714: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'RI_NODE_ADMIN_TAG' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:union'
XPath:../state/type = 'RI_NODE_ADMIN_TAG'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 734: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'RI_SR_ALGORITHM' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:union'
XPath:../state/type = 'RI_SR_ALGORITHM'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 753: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'RI_SR_SID_LABEL_RANGE' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:union'
XPath:../state/type = 'RI_SR_SID_LABEL_RANGE'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 771: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'OSPFV2_EXTENDED_PREFIX' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'OSPFV2_EXTENDED_PREFIX'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 818: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'EXTENDED_PREFIX_RANGE' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'EXTENDED_PREFIX_RANGE'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 853: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PREFIX_SID' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'PREFIX_SID'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 872: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'SID_LABEL_BINDING' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'SID_LABEL_BINDING'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 891: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'SID_LABEL_BINDING' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'SID_LABEL_BINDING'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 925: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'ERO_METRIC' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'ERO_METRIC'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 944: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'ERO_PATH' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'ERO_PATH'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 963: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'IPV4_SEGMENT' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'IPV4_SEGMENT'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 990: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'UNNUMBERED_INTERFACE_SEGMENT' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1007: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'ADJACENCY_SID' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'ADJACENCY_SID'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1067: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

openconfig-network-instance.yang:186.13: error(250): definition not found

Error: No object match for node 'network-instances' in expr '/network-instances/network-instance/config/name'
openconfig-network-instance.yang:186.13: error(250): definition not found

Error: No object match for node 'network-instances' in expr '/network-instances/network-instance/config/name'
openconfig-network-instance.yang:186.13: error(250): definition not found

Error: No object match for node 'network-instances' in expr '/network-instances/network-instance/config/name'
openconfig-network-instance.yang:186.13: error(250): definition not found

Error: No object match for node 'network-instances' in expr '/network-instances/network-instance/config/name'
openconfig-network-instance.yang:186.13: error(250): definition not found

Error: No object match for node 'network-instances' in expr '/network-instances/network-instance/config/name'
openconfig-network-instance.yang:186.13: error(250): definition not found

Error: No object match for node 'network-instances' in expr '/network-instances/network-instance/config/name'
warn: Module's revisions are not unique (2017-04-03).
warn: Module's revisions are not unique (2018-03-20).
warn: Invalid value "../IPV4_ADDRESS_INDEX" in "type" element. (/openconfig-bgp:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[36] "type='../IPV4_ADDRESS_INDEX'".
warn: Invalid value "IPV6_ADDRESS_INDEX" in "type" element. (/openconfig-bgp:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[36] "type='IPV6_ADDRESS_INDEX'".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:state" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:type" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state/openconfig-interfaces:type) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:state" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:type" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state/openconfig-interfaces:type) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:state" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state/openconfig-interfaces:type = 'iana-if-type:ieee8023adLag' or openconfig-interfaces:state) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:type" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state/openconfig-interfaces:type = 'iana-if-type:ieee8023adLag' or openconfig-interfaces:state/openconfig-interfaces:type) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
warn: Module's revisions are not unique (2018-06-05).
warn: Module's revisions are not unique (2018-11-21).
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "ACL_L2" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[13] "type='ACL_L2'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "ACL_IPV4" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[13] "type='ACL_IPV4'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "ACL_IPV6" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[13] "type='ACL_IPV6'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "ACL_IPV6" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[13] "type='ACL_IPV6'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "ACL_IPV4" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[45] "type='ACL_IPV4'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2VSI" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "type = 'L2VSI'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2VSI". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "type = 'L2VSI'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2P2P" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[32] "type = 'L2P2P'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2P2P". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[32] "type = 'L2P2P'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2L3" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[57] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2L3". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[57] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "DEFAULT_INSTANCE" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[81] "type = 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "DEFAULT_INSTANCE". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[81] "type = 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L3VRF" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[0] "type = 'L3VRF'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L3VRF". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[0] "type = 'L3VRF'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2L3" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[18] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2L3". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[18] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2VSI" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[0] "type = 'L2VSI'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2VSI". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[0] "type = 'L2VSI'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2P2P" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[18] "type = 'L2P2P'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2P2P". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[18] "type = 'L2P2P'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2L3" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[36] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2L3". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[36] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L3VRF" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[0] "type = 'L3VRF'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L3VRF". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[0] "type = 'L3VRF'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2L3" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[18] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2L3". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[18] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2VSI" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[0] "type = 'L2VSI'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2VSI". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[0] "type = 'L2VSI'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2P2P" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[18] "type = 'L2P2P'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2P2P". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[18] "type = 'L2P2P'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2L3" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[36] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2L3". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[36] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "DEFAULT_INSTANCE" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[10] "type != 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "DEFAULT_INSTANCE". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[10] "type != 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2VSI" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[13] "type = 'L2VSI'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2VSI". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[13] "type = 'L2VSI'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2P2P" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[44] "type = 'L2P2P'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2P2P". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[44] "type = 'L2P2P'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2L3" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[77] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2L3". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[77] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2VSI" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[13] "type = 'L2VSI'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2VSI". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[13] "type = 'L2VSI'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2P2P" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[44] "type = 'L2P2P'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2P2P". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[44] "type = 'L2P2P'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2L3" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[77] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2L3". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[77] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Schema node "type" not found (type) with context node "/network-instances/network-instance".
warn: Schema node "type" not found (type = 'L3VRF' or type) with context node "/network-instances/network-instance".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2P2P" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[16] "type = 'L2P2P'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2P2P". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[16] "type = 'L2P2P'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2VSI" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[50] "type = 'L2VSI'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2VSI". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[50] "type = 'L2VSI'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "LOCAL" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[10] "type = 'LOCAL'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "LOCAL". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[10] "type = 'LOCAL'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "REMOTE" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[10] "type = 'REMOTE'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "REMOTE". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[10] "type = 'REMOTE'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "DEFAULT_INSTANCE" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "type = 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "DEFAULT_INSTANCE". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "type = 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "P2P" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[10] "type = 'P2P'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "P2P". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[10] "type = 'P2P'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "LOCALLY_COMPUTED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "LOCALLY_COMPUTED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "LOCALLY_COMPUTED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "LOCALLY_COMPUTED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "EXTERNALLY_QUERIED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "EXTERNALLY_QUERIED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "EXPLICITLY_DEFINED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "EXPLICITLY_DEFINED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "LOCALLY_COMPUTED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "LOCALLY_COMPUTED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "LOCALLY_COMPUTED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "LOCALLY_COMPUTED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "EXTERNALLY_QUERIED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "EXTERNALLY_QUERIED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "EXPLICITLY_DEFINED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "EXPLICITLY_DEFINED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "LOCALLY_COMPUTED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "LOCALLY_COMPUTED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "LOCALLY_COMPUTED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "LOCALLY_COMPUTED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "EXTERNALLY_QUERIED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "EXTERNALLY_QUERIED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "EXPLICITLY_DEFINED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "EXPLICITLY_DEFINED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "LOCALLY_COMPUTED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "LOCALLY_COMPUTED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "LOCALLY_COMPUTED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "LOCALLY_COMPUTED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "EXTERNALLY_QUERIED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "EXTERNALLY_QUERIED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "EXPLICITLY_DEFINED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "EXPLICITLY_DEFINED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "DEFAULT_INSTANCE" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "type = 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "DEFAULT_INSTANCE". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "type = 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'".
warn: Identityref "identifier" comparison with identity "STATIC" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'STATIC'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "STATIC". (/openconfig-network-instance:identifier)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'STATIC'".
warn: Identityref "identifier" comparison with identity "LOCAL_AGGREGATE" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'LOCAL_AGGREGATE'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "LOCAL_AGGREGATE". (/openconfig-network-instance:identifier)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'LOCAL_AGGREGATE'".
warn: Identityref "identifier" comparison with identity "BGP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'BGP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "BGP". (/openconfig-network-instance:identifier)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'BGP'".
warn: Invalid value "../IPV4_ADDRESS_INDEX" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[36] "type='../IPV4_ADDRESS_INDEX'".
warn: Invalid value "IPV6_ADDRESS_INDEX" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[36] "type='IPV6_ADDRESS_INDEX'".
warn: Identityref "identifier" comparison with identity "OSPF" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'OSPF'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "OSPF". (/openconfig-network-instance:identifier)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'OSPF'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "ROUTER_LSA" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[12] "type = 'ROUTER_LSA'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "ROUTER_LSA". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[12] "type = 'ROUTER_LSA'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "NETWORK_LSA" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[12] "type = 'NETWORK_LSA'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "NETWORK_LSA". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[12] "type = 'NETWORK_LSA'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "SUMMARY_IP_NETWORK_LSA" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[12] "type = 'SUMMARY_IP_NETWORK_LSA'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "SUMMARY_IP_NETWORK_LSA". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[12] "type = 'SUMMARY_IP_NETWORK_LSA'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "SUMMARY_ASBR_LSA" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[59] "type = 'SUMMARY_ASBR_LSA'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "SUMMARY_ASBR_LSA". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[59] "type = 'SUMMARY_ASBR_LSA'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "AS_EXTERNAL_LSA" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[12] "type = 'AS_EXTERNAL_LSA'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "AS_EXTERNAL_LSA". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[12] "type = 'AS_EXTERNAL_LSA'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "NSSA_AS_EXTERNAL_LSA" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[12] "type = 'NSSA_AS_EXTERNAL_LSA'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "NSSA_AS_EXTERNAL_LSA". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[12] "type = 'NSSA_AS_EXTERNAL_LSA'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "OSPFV2_LINK_SCOPE_OPAQUE_LSA" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[12] "type = 'OSPFV2_LINK_SCOPE_OPAQUE_LSA'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "OSPFV2_LINK_SCOPE_OPAQUE_LSA". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[12] "type = 'OSPFV2_LINK_SCOPE_OPAQUE_LSA'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "OSPFV2_AREA_SCOPE_OPAQUE_LSA" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[65] "type = 'OSPFV2_AREA_SCOPE_OPAQUE_LSA'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "OSPFV2_AREA_SCOPE_OPAQUE_LSA". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[65] "type = 'OSPFV2_AREA_SCOPE_OPAQUE_LSA'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "OSPFV2_AS_SCOPE_OPAQUE_LSA" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[118] "type = 'OSPFV2_AS_SCOPE_OPAQUE_LSA'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "OSPFV2_AS_SCOPE_OPAQUE_LSA". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[118] "type = 'OSPFV2_AS_SCOPE_OPAQUE_LSA'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "TRAFFIC_ENGINEERING" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'TRAFFIC_ENGINEERING'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "TRAFFIC_ENGINEERING". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'TRAFFIC_ENGINEERING'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "TE_ROUTER_ADDRESS" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'TE_ROUTER_ADDRESS'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "TE_ROUTER_ADDRESS". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'TE_ROUTER_ADDRESS'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "TE_ROUTER_LINK" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'TE_ROUTER_LINK'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "TE_ROUTER_LINK". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'TE_ROUTER_LINK'".
warn: Invalid value "TE_LINK_TYPE" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'TE_LINK_TYPE'".
warn: Invalid value "TE_LINK_ID" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'TE_LINK_ID'".
warn: Invalid value "TE_LINK_LOCAL_IP" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'TE_LINK_LOCAL_IP'".
warn: Invalid value "TE_LINK_REMOTE_IP" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'TE_LINK_REMOTE_IP'".
warn: Invalid value "TE_LINK_METRIC" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'TE_LINK_METRIC'".
warn: Invalid value "TE_LINK_MAXIMUM_BANDWIDTH" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'TE_LINK_MAXIMUM_BANDWIDTH'".
warn: Invalid value "TE_LINK_MAXIUMUM_RESERVABLE_BANDWIDTH" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'TE_LINK_MAXIUMUM_RESERVABLE_BANDWIDTH'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "TE_NODE_ATTRIBUTE" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'TE_NODE_ATTRIBUTE'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "TE_NODE_ATTRIBUTE". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'TE_NODE_ATTRIBUTE'".
warn: Invalid value "NODE_IPV4_LOCAL_ADDRESS" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'NODE_IPV4_LOCAL_ADDRESS'".
warn: Invalid value "NODE_LOCAL_IPV6_ADDRESS" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'NODE_LOCAL_IPV6_ADDRESS'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "GRACE_LSA" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'GRACE_LSA'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "GRACE_LSA". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'GRACE_LSA'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "GRACE_PERIOD" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'GRACE_PERIOD'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "GRACE_PERIOD". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'GRACE_PERIOD'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "GRACE_RESTART_REASON" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'GRACE_RESTART_REASON'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "GRACE_RESTART_REASON". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'GRACE_RESTART_REASON'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "GRACE_IP_INTERFACE_ADDRESS" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'GRACE_IP_INTERFACE_ADDRESS'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "GRACE_IP_INTERFACE_ADDRESS". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'GRACE_IP_INTERFACE_ADDRESS'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "ROUTER_INFORMATION_LSA" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'ROUTER_INFORMATION_LSA'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "ROUTER_INFORMATION_LSA". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'ROUTER_INFORMATION_LSA'".
warn: Invalid value "RI_INFORMATIONAL_CAPABILITIES" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'RI_INFORMATIONAL_CAPABILITIES'".
warn: Invalid value "RI_NODE_ADMIN_TAG" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'RI_NODE_ADMIN_TAG'".
warn: Invalid value "RI_SR_ALGORITHM" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'RI_SR_ALGORITHM'".
warn: Invalid value "RI_SR_SID_LABEL_RANGE" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'RI_SR_SID_LABEL_RANGE'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "OSPFV2_EXTENDED_PREFIX" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'OSPFV2_EXTENDED_PREFIX'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "OSPFV2_EXTENDED_PREFIX". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'OSPFV2_EXTENDED_PREFIX'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "EXTENDED_PREFIX_RANGE" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'EXTENDED_PREFIX_RANGE'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "EXTENDED_PREFIX_RANGE". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'EXTENDED_PREFIX_RANGE'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "PREFIX_SID" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'PREFIX_SID'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PREFIX_SID". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'PREFIX_SID'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "SID_LABEL_BINDING" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'SID_LABEL_BINDING'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "SID_LABEL_BINDING". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'SID_LABEL_BINDING'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "SID_LABEL_BINDING" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'SID_LABEL_BINDING'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "SID_LABEL_BINDING". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'SID_LABEL_BINDING'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "ERO_METRIC" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'ERO_METRIC'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "ERO_METRIC". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'ERO_METRIC'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "ERO_PATH" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'ERO_PATH'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "ERO_PATH". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'ERO_PATH'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "IPV4_SEGMENT" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'IPV4_SEGMENT'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "IPV4_SEGMENT". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'IPV4_SEGMENT'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "UNNUMBERED_INTERFACE_SEGMENT" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'UNNUMBERED_INTERFACE_SEGMENT'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "UNNUMBERED_INTERFACE_SEGMENT". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'UNNUMBERED_INTERFACE_SEGMENT'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "ADJACENCY_SID" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'ADJACENCY_SID'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "ADJACENCY_SID". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'ADJACENCY_SID'".
warn: Identityref "identifier" comparison with identity "ISIS" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'ISIS'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "ISIS". (/openconfig-network-instance:identifier)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'ISIS'".
warn: Identityref "identifier" comparison with identity "PIM" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'PIM'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PIM". (/openconfig-network-instance:identifier)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'PIM'".
warn: Identityref "identifier" comparison with identity "IGMP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'IGMP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "IGMP". (/openconfig-network-instance:identifier)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'IGMP'".
err : No resolvents found for leafref "/network-instances/network-instance/config/name". (/openconfig-network-instance:network-instances/openconfig-network-instance:network-instance/openconfig-network-instance:afts/openconfig-network-instance:next-hops/openconfig-network-instance:next-hop/openconfig-network-instance:state/network-instance)
err : No resolvents found for leafref "/network-instances/network-instance/config/name". (/openconfig-network-instance:network-instances/openconfig-network-instance:network-instance/openconfig-network-instance:afts/openconfig-network-instance:ipv4-unicast/openconfig-network-instance:ipv4-entry/openconfig-network-instance:state/origin-network-instance)
err : No resolvents found for leafref "/network-instances/network-instance/config/name". (/openconfig-network-instance:network-instances/openconfig-network-instance:network-instance/openconfig-network-instance:afts/openconfig-network-instance:ipv6-unicast/openconfig-network-instance:ipv6-entry/openconfig-network-instance:state/origin-network-instance)
err : Module "openconfig-aft-network-instance" parsing failed.
openconfig-aft-types@2018-11-21.yang PASSED          
openconfig-aft@2018-11-21.yang FAILED /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-aft-common.yang:242: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order,expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12)
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-aft-common.yang:244: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12)
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-aft-common.yang:279: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order,expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12)
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-aft-common.yang:280: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12)
    Warning: revision with same date on line 60
openconfig-inet-types.yang:66.3: warning(1054): Revision date has already been used
warn: Module's revisions are not unique (2017-04-03).
openconfig-alarm-types@2018-11-21.yang PASSED          
openconfig-alarms@2018-11-21.yang FAILED openconfig-alarms.yang:170: error: keyword "config" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12)
openconfig-ap-manager@2019-02-25.yang PASSED WITH WARNINGS       Warning: revision with same date on line 60
openconfig-inet-types.yang:66.3: warning(1054): Revision date has already been used
warn: Module's revisions are not unique (2017-04-03).
openconfig-bfd@2019-06-02.yang FAILED openconfig-bfd.yang:15: warning: imported module openconfig-if-types not used
openconfig-bfd.yang:226: error: keyword "when" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12)
openconfig-bfd.yang:522: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12)
openconfig-bfd.yang:549: error: keyword "when" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12)
openconfig-bfd.yang:748 (at openconfig-bfd.yang:226): warning: node openconfig-bfd::name is not found in openconfig-interfaces::interface
openconfig-bfd.yang:748 (at openconfig-bfd.yang:549): warning: node openconfig-bfd::name is not found in openconfig-interfaces::interface
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-acl.yang:842 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-acl.yang:388): warning: node openconfig-acl::config is not found in openconfig-acl::acl-entries
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-acl.yang:842 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-acl.yang:394): warning: node openconfig-acl::config is not found in openconfig-acl::acl-entries
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-acl.yang:842 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-acl.yang:401): warning: node openconfig-acl::config is not found in openconfig-acl::acl-entries
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-acl.yang:842 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-acl.yang:409): warning: node openconfig-acl::config is not found in openconfig-acl::acl-entries
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:218): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::type is not found in openconfig-network-instance::config
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:264): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::type is not found in openconfig-network-instance::config
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:282): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::type is not found in openconfig-network-instance::config
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:402): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::type is not found in openconfig-network-instance::route-limits
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:620): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::config is not found in openconfig-network-instance::mpls
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:628): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::config is not found in openconfig-network-instance::segment-routing
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:692): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::config is not found in openconfig-network-instance::static-routes
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:703): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::config is not found in openconfig-network-instance::local-aggregates
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:714): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::config is not found in openconfig-network-instance::bgp
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:725): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::config is not found in openconfig-network-instance::ospfv2
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:733): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::config is not found in openconfig-network-instance::isis
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:744): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::config is not found in openconfig-network-instance::pim
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:755): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::config is not found in openconfig-network-instance::igmp
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:775): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::type is not found in openconfig-network-instance::enabled-address-families
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:784): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::type is not found in openconfig-network-instance::mtu
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang:2304): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::state is not found in openconfig-network-instance::lsas
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang:2312): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::state is not found in openconfig-network-instance::lsas
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang:2323): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::state is not found in openconfig-network-instance::lsas
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang:2331): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::state is not found in openconfig-network-instance::lsas
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang:2339): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::state is not found in openconfig-network-instance::lsas
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang:2349): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::state is not found in openconfig-network-instance::lsas
./openconfig-network-instance.yang:402: error: the node 'type' from module 'openconfig-network-instance' (in node 'network-instance' from 'openconfig-network-instance') is not found
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-bfd.yang:224: error: the node 'name' from module 'openconfig-bfd' (in node 'interface' from 'openconfig-interfaces') is not found
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-bfd.yang:224: error: the node 'name' from module 'openconfig-bfd' (in node 'interface' from 'openconfig-interfaces') is not found
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-bfd.yang:547: error: the node 'name' from module 'openconfig-bfd' (in node 'interface' from 'openconfig-interfaces') is not found
Warning: revision with same date on line 60
openconfig-inet-types.yang:66.3: warning(1054): Revision date has already been used

Warning: revision with same date on line 48
openconfig-bgp-types.yang:54.3: warning(1054): Revision date has already been used

Warning: top-level NP container 'bgp' is mandatory
openconfig-bgp.yang:180.3: warning(1048): top-level object is mandatory

Warning: compare value '../IPV4_ADDRESS_INDEX' invalid for object 'openconfig-bgp:type type:enumeration'
XPath:../type = 'IPV4_NODE_ADDRESS' or ../type='../IPV4_ADDRESS_INDEX'or ../type='IPV4_LOCAL_INTF_ID' or ../type='IPV4_LOCAL_REMOTE_ADDR'
openconfig-rib-bgp-attributes.yang: line 855: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'IPV6_ADDRESS_INDEX' invalid for object 'openconfig-bgp:type type:enumeration'
XPath:../type = 'IPV6_NODE_ADDRESS' or ../type='IPV6_ADDRESS_INDEX'or ../type='IPV6_LOCAL_INTF_ID' or ../type='IPV6_LOCAL_REMOTE_ADDR'
openconfig-rib-bgp-attributes.yang: line 884: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: Module 'iana-if-type' not used
openconfig-if-ethernet.yang:12.3: warning(1015): import not used

Warning: Module 'iana-if-type' not used
openconfig-if-aggregate.yang:13.3: warning(1015): import not used

Warning: Module 'openconfig-if-types' not used
openconfig-if-aggregate.yang:14.3: warning(1015): import not used

Warning: Module 'iana-if-type' not used
openconfig-vlan.yang:15.3: warning(1015): import not used

Warning: revision with same date on line 25
openconfig-isis-types.yang:31.3: warning(1054): Revision date has already been used

Warning: revision with same date on line 66
openconfig-isis.yang:72.3: warning(1054): Revision date has already been used

Warning: no child node '*:config' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: ../../config/type='ACL_L2'
openconfig-acl.yang:388.22: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: no child node '*:config' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: ../../config/type='ACL_IPV4'
openconfig-acl.yang:394.22: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: no child node '*:config' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: ../../config/type='ACL_IPV6'
openconfig-acl.yang:401.22: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: no child node '*:config' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: ../../config/type='ACL_IPV6' or ../../config/type='ACL_IPV4'
openconfig-acl.yang:408.22: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: no child node '*:config' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: ../../config/type='ACL_IPV6' or ../../config/type='ACL_IPV4'
openconfig-acl.yang:408.54: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: compare value 'L2VSI' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:config/type = 'L2VSI' or config/type = 'L2P2P' or config/type = 'L2L3' or config/type = 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 217: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'L2P2P' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:config/type = 'L2VSI' or config/type = 'L2P2P' or config/type = 'L2L3' or config/type = 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 217: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'L2L3' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:config/type = 'L2VSI' or config/type = 'L2P2P' or config/type = 'L2L3' or config/type = 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 217: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:config/type = 'L2VSI' or config/type = 'L2P2P' or config/type = 'L2L3' or config/type = 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 217: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'L2VSI' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../../config/type = 'L2VSI' or ../../config/type = 'L2P2P'
or ../../config/type = 'L2L3'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 263: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'L2P2P' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../../config/type = 'L2VSI' or ../../config/type = 'L2P2P'
or ../../config/type = 'L2L3'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 263: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'L2L3' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../../config/type = 'L2VSI' or ../../config/type = 'L2P2P'
or ../../config/type = 'L2L3'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 263: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'L2VSI' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../../config/type = 'L2VSI' or ../../config/type = 'L2P2P'
or ../../config/type = 'L2L3'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 281: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'L2P2P' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../../config/type = 'L2VSI' or ../../config/type = 'L2P2P'
or ../../config/type = 'L2L3'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 281: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'L2L3' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../../config/type = 'L2VSI' or ../../config/type = 'L2P2P'
or ../../config/type = 'L2L3'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 281: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: no child node '*:type' found for parent 'openconfig-network-instance:network-instance'
XPath: type = 'L3VRF' or type = 'L2L3'
openconfig-network-instance.yang:402.16: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: no child node '*:type' found for parent 'openconfig-network-instance:network-instance'
XPath: type = 'L3VRF' or type = 'L2L3'
openconfig-network-instance.yang:402.34: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: compare value 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:config/type = 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 620: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:config/type = 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 628: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'STATIC' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:identifier type:identityref'
XPath:config/identifier = 'STATIC'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 692: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'LOCAL_AGGREGATE' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:identifier type:identityref'
XPath:config/identifier = 'LOCAL_AGGREGATE'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 703: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'BGP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:identifier type:identityref'
XPath:config/identifier = 'BGP'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 714: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'OSPF' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:identifier type:identityref'
XPath:config/identifier = 'OSPF'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 725: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'ISIS' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:identifier type:identityref'
XPath:config/identifier = 'ISIS'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 733: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PIM' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:identifier type:identityref'
XPath:config/identifier = 'PIM'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 744: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'IGMP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:identifier type:identityref'
XPath:config/identifier = 'IGMP'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 755: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: no child node '*:type' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: type = 'L3VRF' or type = 'L2L3'
openconfig-network-instance.yang:775.12: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: no child node '*:type' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: type = 'L3VRF' or type = 'L2L3'
openconfig-network-instance.yang:775.30: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: no child node '*:type' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: type = 'L2VSI' or type = 'L2P2P' or type = 'L2L3'
openconfig-network-instance.yang:783.12: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: no child node '*:type' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: type = 'L2VSI' or type = 'L2P2P' or type = 'L2L3'
openconfig-network-instance.yang:783.30: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: no child node '*:type' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: type = 'L2VSI' or type = 'L2P2P' or type = 'L2L3'
openconfig-network-instance.yang:783.48: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: compare value 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../config/type != 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 246: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'L2P2P' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../../../config/type = 'L2P2P' or ../../../config/type = 'L2VSI'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 513: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'L2VSI' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../../../config/type = 'L2P2P' or ../../../config/type = 'L2VSI'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 513: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'LOCAL' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../config/type = 'LOCAL'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 560: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'REMOTE' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../config/type = 'REMOTE'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 588: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 571: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 581: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 600: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 617: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 571: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 581: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 600: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 617: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'P2P' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../config/type = 'P2P'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 901: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 831: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 842: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 855: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 867: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../../../../../config/signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 640: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../../../../../config/signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 658: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../../../../../config/signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 683: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 831: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 842: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 855: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 867: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../../../../../config/signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 640: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../../../../../config/signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 658: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../../../../../config/signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 683: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 831: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 842: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 855: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 867: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../../../../../config/signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 640: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../../../../../config/signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 658: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../../../../../config/signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 683: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 831: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 842: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 855: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 867: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../../../../../config/signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 640: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../../../../../config/signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 658: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../../../../../config/signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 683: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value '../IPV4_ADDRESS_INDEX' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:enumeration'
XPath:../type = 'IPV4_NODE_ADDRESS' or ../type='../IPV4_ADDRESS_INDEX'or ../type='IPV4_LOCAL_INTF_ID' or ../type='IPV4_LOCAL_REMOTE_ADDR'
openconfig-rib-bgp-attributes.yang: line 855: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'IPV6_ADDRESS_INDEX' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:enumeration'
XPath:../type = 'IPV6_NODE_ADDRESS' or ../type='IPV6_ADDRESS_INDEX'or ../type='IPV6_LOCAL_INTF_ID' or ../type='IPV6_LOCAL_REMOTE_ADDR'
openconfig-rib-bgp-attributes.yang: line 884: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'TRAFFIC_ENGINEERING' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'TRAFFIC_ENGINEERING'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 479: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'TE_ROUTER_ADDRESS' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'TE_ROUTER_ADDRESS'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 505: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'TE_ROUTER_LINK' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'TE_ROUTER_LINK'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 522: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'TE_LINK_TYPE' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:union'
XPath:../type = 'TE_LINK_TYPE'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1372: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'TE_LINK_ID' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:union'
XPath:../type = 'TE_LINK_ID'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1401: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'TE_LINK_LOCAL_IP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:union'
XPath:../type = 'TE_LINK_LOCAL_IP'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1415: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'TE_LINK_REMOTE_IP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:union'
XPath:../type = 'TE_LINK_REMOTE_IP'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1428: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'TE_LINK_METRIC' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:union'
XPath:../type = 'TE_LINK_METRIC'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1441: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'TE_LINK_MAXIMUM_BANDWIDTH' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:union'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1455: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'TE_LINK_MAXIUMUM_RESERVABLE_BANDWIDTH' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:union'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1470: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'TE_NODE_ATTRIBUTE' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'TE_NODE_ATTRIBUTE'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 614: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'NODE_IPV4_LOCAL_ADDRESS' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:union'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1557: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'NODE_LOCAL_IPV6_ADDRESS' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:union'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1569: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'GRACE_LSA' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'GRACE_LSA'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 655: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'GRACE_PERIOD' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../type = 'GRACE_PERIOD'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1608: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'GRACE_RESTART_REASON' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1624: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'GRACE_IP_INTERFACE_ADDRESS' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1662: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'ROUTER_INFORMATION_LSA' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'ROUTER_INFORMATION_LSA'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 686: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'RI_INFORMATIONAL_CAPABILITIES' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:union'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 714: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'RI_NODE_ADMIN_TAG' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:union'
XPath:../state/type = 'RI_NODE_ADMIN_TAG'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 734: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'RI_SR_ALGORITHM' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:union'
XPath:../state/type = 'RI_SR_ALGORITHM'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 753: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'RI_SR_SID_LABEL_RANGE' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:union'
XPath:../state/type = 'RI_SR_SID_LABEL_RANGE'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 771: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'OSPFV2_EXTENDED_PREFIX' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'OSPFV2_EXTENDED_PREFIX'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 818: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'EXTENDED_PREFIX_RANGE' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'EXTENDED_PREFIX_RANGE'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 853: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PREFIX_SID' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'PREFIX_SID'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 872: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'SID_LABEL_BINDING' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'SID_LABEL_BINDING'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 891: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'SID_LABEL_BINDING' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'SID_LABEL_BINDING'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 925: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'ERO_METRIC' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'ERO_METRIC'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 944: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'ERO_PATH' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'ERO_PATH'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 963: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'IPV4_SEGMENT' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'IPV4_SEGMENT'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 990: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'UNNUMBERED_INTERFACE_SEGMENT' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1007: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'ADJACENCY_SID' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'ADJACENCY_SID'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1067: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'oc-ift:IF_AGGREGATE' invalid for object 'openconfig-interfaces:type type:identityref'
XPath:/oc-if:interfaces/oc-if:interface[name=current()/../../interface-ref/config/interface]/oc-if:state/oc-if:type = 'oc-ift:IF_AGGREGATE'
openconfig-bfd.yang: line 224: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'oc-ift:IF_AGGREGATE' invalid for object 'openconfig-interfaces:type type:identityref'
XPath:/oc-if:interfaces/oc-if:interface[name=current()/../../interface-ref/config/interface]/oc-if:state/oc-if:type = 'oc-ift:IF_AGGREGATE'
openconfig-bfd.yang: line 224: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'oc-ift:IF_AGGREGATE' invalid for object 'openconfig-interfaces:type type:identityref'
XPath:/oc-if:interfaces/oc-if:interface[name=current()/../interface-ref/config/interface]/oc-if:state/oc-if:type = 'oc-ift:IF_AGGREGATE'
openconfig-bfd.yang: line 547: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

*** 0 Errors, 3 Warnings
warn: Module's revisions are not unique (2017-04-03).
warn: Module's revisions are not unique (2018-03-20).
warn: Invalid value "../IPV4_ADDRESS_INDEX" in "type" element. (/openconfig-bgp:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[36] "type='../IPV4_ADDRESS_INDEX'".
warn: Invalid value "IPV6_ADDRESS_INDEX" in "type" element. (/openconfig-bgp:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[36] "type='IPV6_ADDRESS_INDEX'".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:state" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:type" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state/openconfig-interfaces:type) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:state" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:type" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state/openconfig-interfaces:type) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:state" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state/openconfig-interfaces:type = 'iana-if-type:ieee8023adLag' or openconfig-interfaces:state) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:type" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state/openconfig-interfaces:type = 'iana-if-type:ieee8023adLag' or openconfig-interfaces:state/openconfig-interfaces:type) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
warn: Module's revisions are not unique (2018-06-05).
warn: Module's revisions are not unique (2018-11-21).
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "ACL_L2" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[13] "type='ACL_L2'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "ACL_IPV4" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[13] "type='ACL_IPV4'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "ACL_IPV6" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[13] "type='ACL_IPV6'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "ACL_IPV6" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[13] "type='ACL_IPV6'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "ACL_IPV4" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[45] "type='ACL_IPV4'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2VSI" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "type = 'L2VSI'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2VSI". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "type = 'L2VSI'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2P2P" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[32] "type = 'L2P2P'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2P2P". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[32] "type = 'L2P2P'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2L3" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[57] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2L3". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[57] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "DEFAULT_INSTANCE" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[81] "type = 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "DEFAULT_INSTANCE". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[81] "type = 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L3VRF" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[0] "type = 'L3VRF'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L3VRF". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[0] "type = 'L3VRF'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2L3" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[18] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2L3". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[18] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2VSI" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[0] "type = 'L2VSI'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2VSI". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[0] "type = 'L2VSI'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2P2P" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[18] "type = 'L2P2P'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2P2P". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[18] "type = 'L2P2P'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2L3" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[36] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2L3". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[36] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L3VRF" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[0] "type = 'L3VRF'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L3VRF". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[0] "type = 'L3VRF'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2L3" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[18] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2L3". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[18] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2VSI" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[0] "type = 'L2VSI'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2VSI". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[0] "type = 'L2VSI'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2P2P" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[18] "type = 'L2P2P'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2P2P". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[18] "type = 'L2P2P'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2L3" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[36] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2L3". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[36] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "DEFAULT_INSTANCE" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[10] "type != 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "DEFAULT_INSTANCE". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[10] "type != 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2VSI" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[13] "type = 'L2VSI'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2VSI". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[13] "type = 'L2VSI'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2P2P" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[44] "type = 'L2P2P'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2P2P". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[44] "type = 'L2P2P'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2L3" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[77] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2L3". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[77] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2VSI" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[13] "type = 'L2VSI'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2VSI". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[13] "type = 'L2VSI'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2P2P" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[44] "type = 'L2P2P'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2P2P". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[44] "type = 'L2P2P'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2L3" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[77] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2L3". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[77] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Schema node "type" not found (type) with context node "/network-instances/network-instance".
warn: Schema node "type" not found (type = 'L3VRF' or type) with context node "/network-instances/network-instance".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2P2P" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[16] "type = 'L2P2P'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2P2P". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[16] "type = 'L2P2P'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2VSI" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[50] "type = 'L2VSI'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2VSI". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[50] "type = 'L2VSI'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "LOCAL" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[10] "type = 'LOCAL'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "LOCAL". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[10] "type = 'LOCAL'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "REMOTE" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[10] "type = 'REMOTE'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "REMOTE". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[10] "type = 'REMOTE'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "DEFAULT_INSTANCE" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "type = 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "DEFAULT_INSTANCE". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "type = 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "P2P" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[10] "type = 'P2P'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "P2P". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[10] "type = 'P2P'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "LOCALLY_COMPUTED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "LOCALLY_COMPUTED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "LOCALLY_COMPUTED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "LOCALLY_COMPUTED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "EXTERNALLY_QUERIED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "EXTERNALLY_QUERIED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "EXPLICITLY_DEFINED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "EXPLICITLY_DEFINED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "LOCALLY_COMPUTED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "LOCALLY_COMPUTED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "LOCALLY_COMPUTED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "LOCALLY_COMPUTED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "EXTERNALLY_QUERIED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "EXTERNALLY_QUERIED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "EXPLICITLY_DEFINED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "EXPLICITLY_DEFINED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "LOCALLY_COMPUTED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "LOCALLY_COMPUTED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "LOCALLY_COMPUTED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "LOCALLY_COMPUTED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "EXTERNALLY_QUERIED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "EXTERNALLY_QUERIED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "EXPLICITLY_DEFINED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "EXPLICITLY_DEFINED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "LOCALLY_COMPUTED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "LOCALLY_COMPUTED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "LOCALLY_COMPUTED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "LOCALLY_COMPUTED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "EXTERNALLY_QUERIED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "EXTERNALLY_QUERIED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "EXPLICITLY_DEFINED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "EXPLICITLY_DEFINED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "DEFAULT_INSTANCE" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "type = 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "DEFAULT_INSTANCE". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "type = 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'".
warn: Identityref "identifier" comparison with identity "STATIC" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'STATIC'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "STATIC". (/openconfig-network-instance:identifier)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'STATIC'".
warn: Identityref "identifier" comparison with identity "LOCAL_AGGREGATE" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'LOCAL_AGGREGATE'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "LOCAL_AGGREGATE". (/openconfig-network-instance:identifier)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'LOCAL_AGGREGATE'".
warn: Identityref "identifier" comparison with identity "BGP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'BGP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "BGP". (/openconfig-network-instance:identifier)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'BGP'".
warn: Invalid value "../IPV4_ADDRESS_INDEX" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[36] "type='../IPV4_ADDRESS_INDEX'".
warn: Invalid value "IPV6_ADDRESS_INDEX" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[36] "type='IPV6_ADDRESS_INDEX'".
warn: Identityref "identifier" comparison with identity "OSPF" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'OSPF'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "OSPF". (/openconfig-network-instance:identifier)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'OSPF'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "ROUTER_LSA" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[12] "type = 'ROUTER_LSA'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "ROUTER_LSA". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[12] "type = 'ROUTER_LSA'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "NETWORK_LSA" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[12] "type = 'NETWORK_LSA'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "NETWORK_LSA". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[12] "type = 'NETWORK_LSA'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "SUMMARY_IP_NETWORK_LSA" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[12] "type = 'SUMMARY_IP_NETWORK_LSA'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "SUMMARY_IP_NETWORK_LSA". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[12] "type = 'SUMMARY_IP_NETWORK_LSA'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "SUMMARY_ASBR_LSA" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[59] "type = 'SUMMARY_ASBR_LSA'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "SUMMARY_ASBR_LSA". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[59] "type = 'SUMMARY_ASBR_LSA'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "AS_EXTERNAL_LSA" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[12] "type = 'AS_EXTERNAL_LSA'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "AS_EXTERNAL_LSA". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[12] "type = 'AS_EXTERNAL_LSA'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "NSSA_AS_EXTERNAL_LSA" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[12] "type = 'NSSA_AS_EXTERNAL_LSA'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "NSSA_AS_EXTERNAL_LSA". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[12] "type = 'NSSA_AS_EXTERNAL_LSA'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "OSPFV2_LINK_SCOPE_OPAQUE_LSA" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[12] "type = 'OSPFV2_LINK_SCOPE_OPAQUE_LSA'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "OSPFV2_LINK_SCOPE_OPAQUE_LSA". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[12] "type = 'OSPFV2_LINK_SCOPE_OPAQUE_LSA'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "OSPFV2_AREA_SCOPE_OPAQUE_LSA" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[65] "type = 'OSPFV2_AREA_SCOPE_OPAQUE_LSA'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "OSPFV2_AREA_SCOPE_OPAQUE_LSA". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[65] "type = 'OSPFV2_AREA_SCOPE_OPAQUE_LSA'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "OSPFV2_AS_SCOPE_OPAQUE_LSA" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[118] "type = 'OSPFV2_AS_SCOPE_OPAQUE_LSA'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "OSPFV2_AS_SCOPE_OPAQUE_LSA". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[118] "type = 'OSPFV2_AS_SCOPE_OPAQUE_LSA'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "TRAFFIC_ENGINEERING" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'TRAFFIC_ENGINEERING'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "TRAFFIC_ENGINEERING". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'TRAFFIC_ENGINEERING'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "TE_ROUTER_ADDRESS" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'TE_ROUTER_ADDRESS'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "TE_ROUTER_ADDRESS". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'TE_ROUTER_ADDRESS'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "TE_ROUTER_LINK" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'TE_ROUTER_LINK'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "TE_ROUTER_LINK". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'TE_ROUTER_LINK'".
warn: Invalid value "TE_LINK_TYPE" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'TE_LINK_TYPE'".
warn: Invalid value "TE_LINK_ID" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'TE_LINK_ID'".
warn: Invalid value "TE_LINK_LOCAL_IP" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'TE_LINK_LOCAL_IP'".
warn: Invalid value "TE_LINK_REMOTE_IP" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'TE_LINK_REMOTE_IP'".
warn: Invalid value "TE_LINK_METRIC" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'TE_LINK_METRIC'".
warn: Invalid value "TE_LINK_MAXIMUM_BANDWIDTH" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'TE_LINK_MAXIMUM_BANDWIDTH'".
warn: Invalid value "TE_LINK_MAXIUMUM_RESERVABLE_BANDWIDTH" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'TE_LINK_MAXIUMUM_RESERVABLE_BANDWIDTH'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "TE_NODE_ATTRIBUTE" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'TE_NODE_ATTRIBUTE'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "TE_NODE_ATTRIBUTE". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'TE_NODE_ATTRIBUTE'".
warn: Invalid value "NODE_IPV4_LOCAL_ADDRESS" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'NODE_IPV4_LOCAL_ADDRESS'".
warn: Invalid value "NODE_LOCAL_IPV6_ADDRESS" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'NODE_LOCAL_IPV6_ADDRESS'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "GRACE_LSA" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'GRACE_LSA'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "GRACE_LSA". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'GRACE_LSA'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "GRACE_PERIOD" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'GRACE_PERIOD'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "GRACE_PERIOD". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'GRACE_PERIOD'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "GRACE_RESTART_REASON" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'GRACE_RESTART_REASON'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "GRACE_RESTART_REASON". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'GRACE_RESTART_REASON'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "GRACE_IP_INTERFACE_ADDRESS" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'GRACE_IP_INTERFACE_ADDRESS'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "GRACE_IP_INTERFACE_ADDRESS". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'GRACE_IP_INTERFACE_ADDRESS'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "ROUTER_INFORMATION_LSA" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'ROUTER_INFORMATION_LSA'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "ROUTER_INFORMATION_LSA". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'ROUTER_INFORMATION_LSA'".
warn: Invalid value "RI_INFORMATIONAL_CAPABILITIES" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'RI_INFORMATIONAL_CAPABILITIES'".
warn: Invalid value "RI_NODE_ADMIN_TAG" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'RI_NODE_ADMIN_TAG'".
warn: Invalid value "RI_SR_ALGORITHM" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'RI_SR_ALGORITHM'".
warn: Invalid value "RI_SR_SID_LABEL_RANGE" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'RI_SR_SID_LABEL_RANGE'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "OSPFV2_EXTENDED_PREFIX" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'OSPFV2_EXTENDED_PREFIX'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "OSPFV2_EXTENDED_PREFIX". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'OSPFV2_EXTENDED_PREFIX'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "EXTENDED_PREFIX_RANGE" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'EXTENDED_PREFIX_RANGE'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "EXTENDED_PREFIX_RANGE". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'EXTENDED_PREFIX_RANGE'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "PREFIX_SID" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'PREFIX_SID'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PREFIX_SID". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'PREFIX_SID'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "SID_LABEL_BINDING" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'SID_LABEL_BINDING'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "SID_LABEL_BINDING". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'SID_LABEL_BINDING'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "SID_LABEL_BINDING" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'SID_LABEL_BINDING'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "SID_LABEL_BINDING". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'SID_LABEL_BINDING'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "ERO_METRIC" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'ERO_METRIC'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "ERO_METRIC". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'ERO_METRIC'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "ERO_PATH" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'ERO_PATH'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "ERO_PATH". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'ERO_PATH'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "IPV4_SEGMENT" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'IPV4_SEGMENT'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "IPV4_SEGMENT". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'IPV4_SEGMENT'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "UNNUMBERED_INTERFACE_SEGMENT" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'UNNUMBERED_INTERFACE_SEGMENT'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "UNNUMBERED_INTERFACE_SEGMENT". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'UNNUMBERED_INTERFACE_SEGMENT'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "ADJACENCY_SID" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'ADJACENCY_SID'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "ADJACENCY_SID". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'ADJACENCY_SID'".
warn: Identityref "identifier" comparison with identity "ISIS" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'ISIS'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "ISIS". (/openconfig-network-instance:identifier)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'ISIS'".
warn: Identityref "identifier" comparison with identity "PIM" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'PIM'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PIM". (/openconfig-network-instance:identifier)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'PIM'".
warn: Identityref "identifier" comparison with identity "IGMP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'IGMP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "IGMP". (/openconfig-network-instance:identifier)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'IGMP'".
warn: Schema node "name" not found (/openconfig-interfaces:interfaces/openconfig-interfaces:interface[name) with context node "/bfd/interfaces/interface/config/enable-per-member-link".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:state" not found (/openconfig-interfaces:interfaces/openconfig-interfaces:interface[name=current()/../../interface-ref/config/interface]/openconfig-interfaces:state) with context node "/bfd/interfaces/interface/config/enable-per-member-link".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:type" not found (/openconfig-interfaces:interfaces/openconfig-interfaces:interface[name=current()/../../interface-ref/config/interface]/openconfig-interfaces:state/openconfig-interfaces:type) with context node "/bfd/interfaces/interface/config/enable-per-member-link".
warn: Schema node "name" not found (/openconfig-interfaces:interfaces/openconfig-interfaces:interface[name) with context node "/bfd/interfaces/interface/state/enable-per-member-link".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "openconfig-if-types:IF_AGGREGATE". (/openconfig-interfaces:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[147] "openconfig-interfaces:type = 'openconfig-if-types:IF_AGGREGATE'".
warn: Schema node "name" not found (/openconfig-interfaces:interfaces/openconfig-interfaces:interface[name) with context node "/bfd/interfaces/interface/micro-bfd-sessions".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:state" not found (/openconfig-interfaces:interfaces/openconfig-interfaces:interface[name=current()/../interface-ref/config/interface]/openconfig-interfaces:state) with context node "/bfd/interfaces/interface/micro-bfd-sessions".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:type" not found (/openconfig-interfaces:interfaces/openconfig-interfaces:interface[name=current()/../interface-ref/config/interface]/openconfig-interfaces:state/openconfig-interfaces:type) with context node "/bfd/interfaces/interface/micro-bfd-sessions".
openconfig-bgp-policy@2019-02-01.yang FAILED openconfig-bgp-policy.yang:1149 (at openconfig-bgp-policy.yang:770): warning: node openconfig-bgp-policy::INLINE is not found in openconfig-bgp-policy::inline
openconfig-bgp-policy.yang:1149 (at openconfig-bgp-policy.yang:829): warning: node openconfig-bgp-policy::REFERENCE is not found in openconfig-bgp-policy::reference
openconfig-bgp-policy.yang:1149 (at openconfig-bgp-policy.yang:933): warning: node openconfig-bgp-policy::INLINE is not found in openconfig-bgp-policy::inline
openconfig-bgp-policy.yang:1149 (at openconfig-bgp-policy.yang:994): warning: node openconfig-bgp-policy::REFERENCE is not found in openconfig-bgp-policy::reference
openconfig-bgp-policy.yang:1149 (at openconfig-bgp-policy.yang:770): warning: node openconfig-bgp-policy::INLINE is not found in openconfig-bgp-policy::inline
openconfig-bgp-policy.yang:1149 (at openconfig-bgp-policy.yang:829): warning: node openconfig-bgp-policy::REFERENCE is not found in openconfig-bgp-policy::reference
openconfig-bgp-policy.yang:1149 (at openconfig-bgp-policy.yang:933): warning: node openconfig-bgp-policy::INLINE is not found in openconfig-bgp-policy::inline
openconfig-bgp-policy.yang:1149 (at openconfig-bgp-policy.yang:994): warning: node openconfig-bgp-policy::REFERENCE is not found in openconfig-bgp-policy::reference
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-bgp-policy.yang:770: error: the node 'INLINE' from module 'openconfig-bgp-policy' (in node 'inline' in module 'openconfig-bgp-policy' from 'openconfig-bgp-policy') is not found
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-bgp-policy.yang:770: warning: The when expression refers to descendant node 'INLINE', will probably not work as intended.
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-bgp-policy.yang:829: error: the node 'REFERENCE' from module 'openconfig-bgp-policy' (in node 'reference' in module 'openconfig-bgp-policy' from 'openconfig-bgp-policy') is not found
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-bgp-policy.yang:829: warning: The when expression refers to descendant node 'REFERENCE', will probably not work as intended.
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-bgp-policy.yang:933: error: the node 'INLINE' from module 'openconfig-bgp-policy' (in node 'inline' in module 'openconfig-bgp-policy' from 'openconfig-bgp-policy') is not found
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-bgp-policy.yang:933: warning: The when expression refers to descendant node 'INLINE', will probably not work as intended.
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-bgp-policy.yang:994: error: the node 'REFERENCE' from module 'openconfig-bgp-policy' (in node 'reference' in module 'openconfig-bgp-policy' from 'openconfig-bgp-policy') is not found
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-bgp-policy.yang:994: warning: The when expression refers to descendant node 'REFERENCE', will probably not work as intended.
Warning: revision with same date on line 60
openconfig-inet-types.yang:66.3: warning(1054): Revision date has already been used

Warning: revision with same date on line 48
openconfig-bgp-types.yang:54.3: warning(1054): Revision date has already been used

Warning: no child node '*:INLINE' found for parent 'openconfig-bgp-policy:inline'
XPath: ../config/method=INLINE
openconfig-bgp-policy.yang:770.29: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: no child node '*:REFERENCE' found for parent 'openconfig-bgp-policy:reference'
XPath: ../config/method=REFERENCE
openconfig-bgp-policy.yang:829.29: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: no child node '*:INLINE' found for parent 'openconfig-bgp-policy:inline'
XPath: ../config/method=INLINE
openconfig-bgp-policy.yang:933.29: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: no child node '*:REFERENCE' found for parent 'openconfig-bgp-policy:reference'
XPath: ../config/method=REFERENCE
openconfig-bgp-policy.yang:994.29: warning(1032): no child node available

*** 0 Errors, 4 Warnings
warn: Module's revisions are not unique (2017-04-03).
warn: Module's revisions are not unique (2018-03-20).
warn: Schema node "INLINE" not found (../config/method=INLINE) with context node "/openconfig-routing-policy:routing-policy/openconfig-routing-policy:policy-definitions/openconfig-routing-policy:policy-definition/openconfig-routing-policy:statements/openconfig-routing-policy:statement/openconfig-routing-policy:actions/bgp-actions/set-community/inline".
warn: Schema node "REFERENCE" not found (../config/method=REFERENCE) with context node "/openconfig-routing-policy:routing-policy/openconfig-routing-policy:policy-definitions/openconfig-routing-policy:policy-definition/openconfig-routing-policy:statements/openconfig-routing-policy:statement/openconfig-routing-policy:actions/bgp-actions/set-community/reference".
warn: Schema node "INLINE" not found (../config/method=INLINE) with context node "/openconfig-routing-policy:routing-policy/openconfig-routing-policy:policy-definitions/openconfig-routing-policy:policy-definition/openconfig-routing-policy:statements/openconfig-routing-policy:statement/openconfig-routing-policy:actions/bgp-actions/set-ext-community/inline".
warn: Schema node "REFERENCE" not found (../config/method=REFERENCE) with context node "/openconfig-routing-policy:routing-policy/openconfig-routing-policy:policy-definitions/openconfig-routing-policy:policy-definition/openconfig-routing-policy:statements/openconfig-routing-policy:statement/openconfig-routing-policy:actions/bgp-actions/set-ext-community/reference".
openconfig-bgp-types@2018-11-21.yang PASSED WITH WARNINGS       Warning: revision with same date on line 60
openconfig-inet-types.yang:66.3: warning(1054): Revision date has already been used

Warning: revision with same date on line 48
openconfig-bgp-types.yang:54.3: warning(1054): Revision date has already been used

*** 0 Errors, 1 Warnings
warn: Module's revisions are not unique (2018-03-20).
warn: Module's revisions are not unique (2017-04-03).
openconfig-bgp@2019-05-28.yang FAILED openconfig-bgp.yang:180 (at openconfig-bgp.yang:154): error: RFC 8407: 4.10: top-level node bgp must not be mandatory
    Warning: revision with same date on line 60
openconfig-inet-types.yang:66.3: warning(1054): Revision date has already been used

Warning: revision with same date on line 48
openconfig-bgp-types.yang:54.3: warning(1054): Revision date has already been used

Warning: top-level NP container 'bgp' is mandatory
openconfig-bgp.yang:180.3: warning(1048): top-level object is mandatory

Warning: compare value '../IPV4_ADDRESS_INDEX' invalid for object 'openconfig-bgp:type type:enumeration'
XPath:../type = 'IPV4_NODE_ADDRESS' or ../type='../IPV4_ADDRESS_INDEX'or ../type='IPV4_LOCAL_INTF_ID' or ../type='IPV4_LOCAL_REMOTE_ADDR'
openconfig-rib-bgp-attributes.yang: line 855: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'IPV6_ADDRESS_INDEX' invalid for object 'openconfig-bgp:type type:enumeration'
XPath:../type = 'IPV6_NODE_ADDRESS' or ../type='IPV6_ADDRESS_INDEX'or ../type='IPV6_LOCAL_INTF_ID' or ../type='IPV6_LOCAL_REMOTE_ADDR'
openconfig-rib-bgp-attributes.yang: line 884: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

*** 0 Errors, 1 Warnings
warn: Module's revisions are not unique (2018-03-20).
warn: Module's revisions are not unique (2017-04-03).
warn: Invalid value "../IPV4_ADDRESS_INDEX" in "type" element. (/openconfig-bgp:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[36] "type='../IPV4_ADDRESS_INDEX'".
warn: Invalid value "IPV6_ADDRESS_INDEX" in "type" element. (/openconfig-bgp:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[36] "type='IPV6_ADDRESS_INDEX'".
openconfig-catalog-types@2018-11-21.yang PASSED          
openconfig-channel-monitor@2018-11-21.yang PASSED          
openconfig-extensions@2018-10-17.yang PASSED WITH WARNINGS openconfig-extensions.yang:49: warning: RFC 8407: 4.4: statement "yin-element" is given with its default value "false"
openconfig-extensions.yang:158: warning: RFC 8407: 4.4: statement "yin-element" is given with its default value "false"
openconfig-extensions.yang:169: warning: RFC 8407: 4.4: statement "yin-element" is given with its default value "false"
openconfig-if-aggregate@2019-04-16.yang PASSED WITH WARNINGS       Warning: Module 'iana-if-type' not used
openconfig-if-ethernet.yang:12.3: warning(1015): import not used

Warning: Module 'iana-if-type' not used
openconfig-if-aggregate.yang:13.3: warning(1015): import not used

Warning: Module 'openconfig-if-types' not used
openconfig-if-aggregate.yang:14.3: warning(1015): import not used

*** 0 Errors, 2 Warnings
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:state" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:type" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state/openconfig-interfaces:type) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:state" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:type" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state/openconfig-interfaces:type) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:state" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state/openconfig-interfaces:type = 'iana-if-type:ieee8023adLag' or openconfig-interfaces:state) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:type" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state/openconfig-interfaces:type = 'iana-if-type:ieee8023adLag' or openconfig-interfaces:state/openconfig-interfaces:type) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
openconfig-if-ethernet-ext@2018-11-21.yang PASSED WITH WARNINGS       Warning: Module 'iana-if-type' not used
openconfig-if-ethernet.yang:12.3: warning(1015): import not used
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:state" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:type" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state/openconfig-interfaces:type) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
openconfig-if-ethernet@2019-04-16.yang PASSED WITH WARNINGS       Warning: Module 'iana-if-type' not used
openconfig-if-ethernet.yang:12.3: warning(1015): import not used

*** 0 Errors, 1 Warnings
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:state" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:type" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state/openconfig-interfaces:type) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
openconfig-if-ip-ext@2018-11-21.yang PASSED WITH WARNINGS       Warning: revision with same date on line 60
openconfig-inet-types.yang:66.3: warning(1054): Revision date has already been used

Warning: Module 'iana-if-type' not used
openconfig-if-ethernet.yang:12.3: warning(1015): import not used

Warning: Module 'iana-if-type' not used
openconfig-if-aggregate.yang:13.3: warning(1015): import not used

Warning: Module 'openconfig-if-types' not used
openconfig-if-aggregate.yang:14.3: warning(1015): import not used

Warning: Module 'iana-if-type' not used
openconfig-vlan.yang:15.3: warning(1015): import not used
warn: Module's revisions are not unique (2017-04-03).
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:state" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:type" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state/openconfig-interfaces:type) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:state" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:type" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state/openconfig-interfaces:type) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:state" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state/openconfig-interfaces:type = 'iana-if-type:ieee8023adLag' or openconfig-interfaces:state) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:type" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state/openconfig-interfaces:type = 'iana-if-type:ieee8023adLag' or openconfig-interfaces:state/openconfig-interfaces:type) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
openconfig-if-ip@2019-01-08.yang PASSED WITH WARNINGS       Warning: revision with same date on line 60
openconfig-inet-types.yang:66.3: warning(1054): Revision date has already been used

Warning: Module 'iana-if-type' not used
openconfig-if-ethernet.yang:12.3: warning(1015): import not used

Warning: Module 'iana-if-type' not used
openconfig-if-aggregate.yang:13.3: warning(1015): import not used

Warning: Module 'openconfig-if-types' not used
openconfig-if-aggregate.yang:14.3: warning(1015): import not used

Warning: Module 'iana-if-type' not used
openconfig-vlan.yang:15.3: warning(1015): import not used
warn: Module's revisions are not unique (2017-04-03).
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:state" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:type" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state/openconfig-interfaces:type) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:state" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:type" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state/openconfig-interfaces:type) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:state" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state/openconfig-interfaces:type = 'iana-if-type:ieee8023adLag' or openconfig-interfaces:state) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:type" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state/openconfig-interfaces:type = 'iana-if-type:ieee8023adLag' or openconfig-interfaces:state/openconfig-interfaces:type) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
openconfig-if-poe@2018-11-21.yang PASSED WITH WARNINGS       Warning: Module 'iana-if-type' not used
openconfig-if-ethernet.yang:12.3: warning(1015): import not used
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:state" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:type" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state/openconfig-interfaces:type) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
openconfig-if-tunnel@2018-11-21.yang PASSED WITH WARNINGS       Warning: revision with same date on line 60
openconfig-inet-types.yang:66.3: warning(1054): Revision date has already been used

Warning: Module 'iana-if-type' not used
openconfig-if-ethernet.yang:12.3: warning(1015): import not used

Warning: Module 'iana-if-type' not used
openconfig-if-aggregate.yang:13.3: warning(1015): import not used

Warning: Module 'openconfig-if-types' not used
openconfig-if-aggregate.yang:14.3: warning(1015): import not used

Warning: Module 'iana-if-type' not used
openconfig-vlan.yang:15.3: warning(1015): import not used
warn: Module's revisions are not unique (2017-04-03).
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:state" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:type" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state/openconfig-interfaces:type) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:state" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:type" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state/openconfig-interfaces:type) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:state" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state/openconfig-interfaces:type = 'iana-if-type:ieee8023adLag' or openconfig-interfaces:state) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:type" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state/openconfig-interfaces:type = 'iana-if-type:ieee8023adLag' or openconfig-interfaces:state/openconfig-interfaces:type) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
openconfig-if-types@2018-11-21.yang PASSED          
openconfig-igmp-types@2018-11-21.yang PASSED          
openconfig-igmp@2018-11-21.yang PASSED WITH WARNINGS   /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-acl.yang:842 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-acl.yang:388): warning: node openconfig-acl::config is not found in openconfig-acl::acl-entries
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-acl.yang:842 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-acl.yang:394): warning: node openconfig-acl::config is not found in openconfig-acl::acl-entries
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-acl.yang:842 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-acl.yang:401): warning: node openconfig-acl::config is not found in openconfig-acl::acl-entries
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-acl.yang:842 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-acl.yang:409): warning: node openconfig-acl::config is not found in openconfig-acl::acl-entries
  Warning: revision with same date on line 60
openconfig-inet-types.yang:66.3: warning(1054): Revision date has already been used

Warning: no child node '*:config' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: ../../config/type='ACL_L2'
openconfig-acl.yang:388.22: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: no child node '*:config' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: ../../config/type='ACL_IPV4'
openconfig-acl.yang:394.22: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: no child node '*:config' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: ../../config/type='ACL_IPV6'
openconfig-acl.yang:401.22: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: no child node '*:config' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: ../../config/type='ACL_IPV6' or ../../config/type='ACL_IPV4'
openconfig-acl.yang:408.22: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: no child node '*:config' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: ../../config/type='ACL_IPV6' or ../../config/type='ACL_IPV4'
openconfig-acl.yang:408.54: warning(1032): no child node available
warn: Module's revisions are not unique (2017-04-03).
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "ACL_L2" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[13] "type='ACL_L2'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "ACL_IPV4" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[13] "type='ACL_IPV4'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "ACL_IPV6" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[13] "type='ACL_IPV6'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "ACL_IPV6" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[13] "type='ACL_IPV6'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "ACL_IPV4" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[45] "type='ACL_IPV4'".
openconfig-inet-types@2019-04-25.yang PASSED WITH WARNINGS       Warning: revision with same date on line 60
openconfig-inet-types.yang:66.3: warning(1054): Revision date has already been used

*** 0 Errors, 1 Warnings
warn: Module's revisions are not unique (2017-04-03).
openconfig-interfaces@2018-11-21.yang PASSED          
openconfig-isis-lsdb-types@2018-11-21.yang PASSED          
openconfig-isis-policy@2018-11-21.yang PASSED WITH WARNINGS       Warning: revision with same date on line 60
openconfig-inet-types.yang:66.3: warning(1054): Revision date has already been used

Warning: revision with same date on line 25
openconfig-isis-types.yang:31.3: warning(1054): Revision date has already been used
warn: Module's revisions are not unique (2017-04-03).
warn: Module's revisions are not unique (2018-11-21).
openconfig-isis-types@2018-11-21.yang PASSED WITH WARNINGS       Warning: revision with same date on line 25
openconfig-isis-types.yang:31.3: warning(1054): Revision date has already been used

*** 0 Errors, 1 Warnings
warn: Module's revisions are not unique (2018-11-21).
openconfig-isis@2018-11-21.yang PASSED WITH WARNINGS       Warning: revision with same date on line 25
openconfig-isis-types.yang:31.3: warning(1054): Revision date has already been used

Warning: revision with same date on line 60
openconfig-inet-types.yang:66.3: warning(1054): Revision date has already been used

Warning: revision with same date on line 66
openconfig-isis.yang:72.3: warning(1054): Revision date has already been used

*** 0 Errors, 1 Warnings
warn: Module's revisions are not unique (2018-06-05).
warn: Module's revisions are not unique (2018-11-21).
warn: Module's revisions are not unique (2017-04-03).
openconfig-lacp@2018-11-21.yang PASSED          
openconfig-lldp-types@2018-11-21.yang PASSED          
openconfig-lldp@2018-11-21.yang PASSED          
openconfig-local-routing@2018-11-21.yang PASSED WITH WARNINGS       Warning: revision with same date on line 60
openconfig-inet-types.yang:66.3: warning(1054): Revision date has already been used
warn: Module's revisions are not unique (2017-04-03).
openconfig-messages@2018-08-13.yang PASSED WITH WARNINGS       Warning: revision with same date on line 60
openconfig-inet-types.yang:66.3: warning(1054): Revision date has already been used
warn: Module's revisions are not unique (2017-04-03).
openconfig-module-catalog@2018-11-21.yang PASSED WITH WARNINGS       Warning: revision with same date on line 60
openconfig-inet-types.yang:66.3: warning(1054): Revision date has already been used
warn: Module's revisions are not unique (2017-04-03).
openconfig-mpls-ldp@2018-11-21.yang FAILED openconfig-mpls-ldp.yang:263: error: keyword "config" not in canonical order,expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12)
openconfig-mpls-ldp.yang:267: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12)
openconfig-mpls-ldp.yang:273: error: keyword "config" not in canonical order,expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12)
openconfig-mpls-ldp.yang:277: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12)
openconfig-mpls-ldp.yang:302: error: keyword "config" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12)
openconfig-mpls-ldp.yang:342: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order,expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12)
openconfig-mpls-ldp.yang:343: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12)
openconfig-mpls-ldp.yang:349: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order,expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12)
openconfig-mpls-ldp.yang:350: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12)
openconfig-mpls-ldp.yang:357: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order,expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12)
openconfig-mpls-ldp.yang:358: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12)
openconfig-mpls-ldp.yang:392: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order,expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12)
openconfig-mpls-ldp.yang:393: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12)
openconfig-mpls-ldp.yang:399: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order,expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12)
openconfig-mpls-ldp.yang:400: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12)
openconfig-mpls-ldp.yang:405: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order,expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12)
openconfig-mpls-ldp.yang:406: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12)
openconfig-mpls-ldp.yang:412: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order,expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12)
openconfig-mpls-ldp.yang:413: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12)
openconfig-mpls-ldp.yang:554: error: keyword "config" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12)
openconfig-mpls-ldp.yang:696: error: keyword "config" not in canonical order,expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12)
openconfig-mpls-ldp.yang:697: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12)
openconfig-mpls-ldp.yang:703: error: keyword "config" not in canonical order,expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12)
openconfig-mpls-ldp.yang:704: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12)
openconfig-mpls-ldp.yang:724: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order,expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12)
openconfig-mpls-ldp.yang:725: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12)
    Warning: revision with same date on line 60
openconfig-inet-types.yang:66.3: warning(1054): Revision date has already been used
warn: Module's revisions are not unique (2017-04-03).
openconfig-mpls-rsvp@2018-11-21.yang PASSED WITH WARNINGS       Warning: revision with same date on line 60
openconfig-inet-types.yang:66.3: warning(1054): Revision date has already been used
warn: Module's revisions are not unique (2017-04-03).
openconfig-mpls-sr@2018-11-21.yang PASSED          
openconfig-mpls-types@2019-03-26.yang PASSED          
openconfig-mpls@2019-03-26.yang PASSED WITH WARNINGS       Warning: revision with same date on line 60
openconfig-inet-types.yang:66.3: warning(1054): Revision date has already been used
warn: Module's revisions are not unique (2017-04-03).
openconfig-network-instance-l3@2018-11-21.yang PASSED          
openconfig-network-instance-policy@2018-11-21.yang PASSED WITH WARNINGS       Warning: revision with same date on line 60
openconfig-inet-types.yang:66.3: warning(1054): Revision date has already been used
warn: Module's revisions are not unique (2017-04-03).
openconfig-network-instance-types@2018-11-21.yang PASSED          
openconfig-network-instance@2019-05-14.yang FAILED openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at openconfig-network-instance.yang:218): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::type is not found in openconfig-network-instance::config
openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at openconfig-network-instance.yang:264): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::type is not found in openconfig-network-instance::config
openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at openconfig-network-instance.yang:282): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::type is not found in openconfig-network-instance::config
openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at openconfig-network-instance.yang:402): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::type is not found in openconfig-network-instance::route-limits
openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at openconfig-network-instance.yang:620): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::config is not found in openconfig-network-instance::mpls
openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at openconfig-network-instance.yang:628): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::config is not found in openconfig-network-instance::segment-routing
openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at openconfig-network-instance.yang:692): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::config is not found in openconfig-network-instance::static-routes
openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at openconfig-network-instance.yang:703): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::config is not found in openconfig-network-instance::local-aggregates
openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at openconfig-network-instance.yang:714): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::config is not found in openconfig-network-instance::bgp
openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at openconfig-network-instance.yang:725): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::config is not found in openconfig-network-instance::ospfv2
openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at openconfig-network-instance.yang:733): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::config is not found in openconfig-network-instance::isis
openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at openconfig-network-instance.yang:744): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::config is not found in openconfig-network-instance::pim
openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at openconfig-network-instance.yang:755): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::config is not found in openconfig-network-instance::igmp
openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at openconfig-network-instance.yang:775): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::type is not found in openconfig-network-instance::enabled-address-families
openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at openconfig-network-instance.yang:784): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::type is not found in openconfig-network-instance::mtu
openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at openconfig-network-instance.yang:218): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::type is not found in openconfig-network-instance::config
openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at openconfig-network-instance.yang:264): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::type is not found in openconfig-network-instance::config
openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at openconfig-network-instance.yang:282): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::type is not found in openconfig-network-instance::config
openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at openconfig-network-instance.yang:402): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::type is not found in openconfig-network-instance::route-limits
openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at openconfig-network-instance.yang:620): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::config is not found in openconfig-network-instance::mpls
openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at openconfig-network-instance.yang:628): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::config is not found in openconfig-network-instance::segment-routing
openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at openconfig-network-instance.yang:692): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::config is not found in openconfig-network-instance::static-routes
openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at openconfig-network-instance.yang:703): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::config is not found in openconfig-network-instance::local-aggregates
openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at openconfig-network-instance.yang:714): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::config is not found in openconfig-network-instance::bgp
openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at openconfig-network-instance.yang:725): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::config is not found in openconfig-network-instance::ospfv2
openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at openconfig-network-instance.yang:733): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::config is not found in openconfig-network-instance::isis
openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at openconfig-network-instance.yang:744): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::config is not found in openconfig-network-instance::pim
openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at openconfig-network-instance.yang:755): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::config is not found in openconfig-network-instance::igmp
openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at openconfig-network-instance.yang:775): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::type is not found in openconfig-network-instance::enabled-address-families
openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at openconfig-network-instance.yang:784): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::type is not found in openconfig-network-instance::mtu
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-acl.yang:842 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-acl.yang:388): warning: node openconfig-acl::config is not found in openconfig-acl::acl-entries
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-acl.yang:842 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-acl.yang:394): warning: node openconfig-acl::config is not found in openconfig-acl::acl-entries
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-acl.yang:842 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-acl.yang:401): warning: node openconfig-acl::config is not found in openconfig-acl::acl-entries
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-acl.yang:842 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-acl.yang:409): warning: node openconfig-acl::config is not found in openconfig-acl::acl-entries
openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang:2304): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::state is not found in openconfig-network-instance::lsas
openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang:2312): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::state is not found in openconfig-network-instance::lsas
openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang:2323): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::state is not found in openconfig-network-instance::lsas
openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang:2331): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::state is not found in openconfig-network-instance::lsas
openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang:2339): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::state is not found in openconfig-network-instance::lsas
openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang:2349): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::state is not found in openconfig-network-instance::lsas
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:402: error: the node 'type' from module 'openconfig-network-instance' (in node 'network-instance' from 'openconfig-network-instance') is not found
Warning: revision with same date on line 60
openconfig-inet-types.yang:66.3: warning(1054): Revision date has already been used

Warning: revision with same date on line 48
openconfig-bgp-types.yang:54.3: warning(1054): Revision date has already been used

Warning: top-level NP container 'bgp' is mandatory
openconfig-bgp.yang:180.3: warning(1048): top-level object is mandatory

Warning: compare value '../IPV4_ADDRESS_INDEX' invalid for object 'openconfig-bgp:type type:enumeration'
XPath:../type = 'IPV4_NODE_ADDRESS' or ../type='../IPV4_ADDRESS_INDEX'or ../type='IPV4_LOCAL_INTF_ID' or ../type='IPV4_LOCAL_REMOTE_ADDR'
openconfig-rib-bgp-attributes.yang: line 855: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'IPV6_ADDRESS_INDEX' invalid for object 'openconfig-bgp:type type:enumeration'
XPath:../type = 'IPV6_NODE_ADDRESS' or ../type='IPV6_ADDRESS_INDEX'or ../type='IPV6_LOCAL_INTF_ID' or ../type='IPV6_LOCAL_REMOTE_ADDR'
openconfig-rib-bgp-attributes.yang: line 884: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: Module 'iana-if-type' not used
openconfig-if-ethernet.yang:12.3: warning(1015): import not used

Warning: Module 'iana-if-type' not used
openconfig-if-aggregate.yang:13.3: warning(1015): import not used

Warning: Module 'openconfig-if-types' not used
openconfig-if-aggregate.yang:14.3: warning(1015): import not used

Warning: Module 'iana-if-type' not used
openconfig-vlan.yang:15.3: warning(1015): import not used

Warning: revision with same date on line 25
openconfig-isis-types.yang:31.3: warning(1054): Revision date has already been used

Warning: revision with same date on line 66
openconfig-isis.yang:72.3: warning(1054): Revision date has already been used

Warning: no child node '*:config' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: ../../config/type='ACL_L2'
openconfig-acl.yang:388.22: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: no child node '*:config' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: ../../config/type='ACL_IPV4'
openconfig-acl.yang:394.22: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: no child node '*:config' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: ../../config/type='ACL_IPV6'
openconfig-acl.yang:401.22: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: no child node '*:config' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: ../../config/type='ACL_IPV6' or ../../config/type='ACL_IPV4'
openconfig-acl.yang:408.22: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: no child node '*:config' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: ../../config/type='ACL_IPV6' or ../../config/type='ACL_IPV4'
openconfig-acl.yang:408.54: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: compare value 'L2VSI' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:config/type = 'L2VSI' or config/type = 'L2P2P' or config/type = 'L2L3' or config/type = 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 217: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'L2P2P' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:config/type = 'L2VSI' or config/type = 'L2P2P' or config/type = 'L2L3' or config/type = 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 217: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'L2L3' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:config/type = 'L2VSI' or config/type = 'L2P2P' or config/type = 'L2L3' or config/type = 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 217: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:config/type = 'L2VSI' or config/type = 'L2P2P' or config/type = 'L2L3' or config/type = 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 217: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'L2VSI' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../../config/type = 'L2VSI' or ../../config/type = 'L2P2P'
or ../../config/type = 'L2L3'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 263: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'L2P2P' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../../config/type = 'L2VSI' or ../../config/type = 'L2P2P'
or ../../config/type = 'L2L3'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 263: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'L2L3' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../../config/type = 'L2VSI' or ../../config/type = 'L2P2P'
or ../../config/type = 'L2L3'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 263: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'L2VSI' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../../config/type = 'L2VSI' or ../../config/type = 'L2P2P'
or ../../config/type = 'L2L3'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 281: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'L2P2P' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../../config/type = 'L2VSI' or ../../config/type = 'L2P2P'
or ../../config/type = 'L2L3'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 281: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'L2L3' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../../config/type = 'L2VSI' or ../../config/type = 'L2P2P'
or ../../config/type = 'L2L3'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 281: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: no child node '*:type' found for parent 'openconfig-network-instance:network-instance'
XPath: type = 'L3VRF' or type = 'L2L3'
openconfig-network-instance.yang:402.16: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: no child node '*:type' found for parent 'openconfig-network-instance:network-instance'
XPath: type = 'L3VRF' or type = 'L2L3'
openconfig-network-instance.yang:402.34: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: compare value 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:config/type = 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 620: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:config/type = 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 628: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'STATIC' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:identifier type:identityref'
XPath:config/identifier = 'STATIC'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 692: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'LOCAL_AGGREGATE' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:identifier type:identityref'
XPath:config/identifier = 'LOCAL_AGGREGATE'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 703: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'BGP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:identifier type:identityref'
XPath:config/identifier = 'BGP'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 714: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'OSPF' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:identifier type:identityref'
XPath:config/identifier = 'OSPF'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 725: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'ISIS' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:identifier type:identityref'
XPath:config/identifier = 'ISIS'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 733: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PIM' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:identifier type:identityref'
XPath:config/identifier = 'PIM'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 744: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'IGMP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:identifier type:identityref'
XPath:config/identifier = 'IGMP'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 755: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: no child node '*:type' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: type = 'L3VRF' or type = 'L2L3'
openconfig-network-instance.yang:775.12: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: no child node '*:type' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: type = 'L3VRF' or type = 'L2L3'
openconfig-network-instance.yang:775.30: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: no child node '*:type' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: type = 'L2VSI' or type = 'L2P2P' or type = 'L2L3'
openconfig-network-instance.yang:783.12: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: no child node '*:type' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: type = 'L2VSI' or type = 'L2P2P' or type = 'L2L3'
openconfig-network-instance.yang:783.30: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: no child node '*:type' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: type = 'L2VSI' or type = 'L2P2P' or type = 'L2L3'
openconfig-network-instance.yang:783.48: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: compare value 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../config/type != 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 246: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'L2P2P' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../../../config/type = 'L2P2P' or ../../../config/type = 'L2VSI'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 513: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'L2VSI' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../../../config/type = 'L2P2P' or ../../../config/type = 'L2VSI'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 513: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'LOCAL' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../config/type = 'LOCAL'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 560: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'REMOTE' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../config/type = 'REMOTE'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 588: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 571: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 581: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 600: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 617: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 571: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 581: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 600: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 617: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'P2P' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../config/type = 'P2P'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 901: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 831: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 842: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 855: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 867: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../../../../../config/signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 640: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../../../../../config/signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 658: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../../../../../config/signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 683: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 831: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 842: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 855: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 867: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../../../../../config/signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 640: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../../../../../config/signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 658: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../../../../../config/signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 683: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 831: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 842: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 855: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 867: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../../../../../config/signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 640: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../../../../../config/signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 658: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../../../../../config/signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 683: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 831: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 842: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 855: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 867: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../../../../../config/signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 640: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../../../../../config/signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 658: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../../../../../config/signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 683: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value '../IPV4_ADDRESS_INDEX' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:enumeration'
XPath:../type = 'IPV4_NODE_ADDRESS' or ../type='../IPV4_ADDRESS_INDEX'or ../type='IPV4_LOCAL_INTF_ID' or ../type='IPV4_LOCAL_REMOTE_ADDR'
openconfig-rib-bgp-attributes.yang: line 855: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'IPV6_ADDRESS_INDEX' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:enumeration'
XPath:../type = 'IPV6_NODE_ADDRESS' or ../type='IPV6_ADDRESS_INDEX'or ../type='IPV6_LOCAL_INTF_ID' or ../type='IPV6_LOCAL_REMOTE_ADDR'
openconfig-rib-bgp-attributes.yang: line 884: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'TRAFFIC_ENGINEERING' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'TRAFFIC_ENGINEERING'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 479: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'TE_ROUTER_ADDRESS' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'TE_ROUTER_ADDRESS'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 505: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'TE_ROUTER_LINK' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'TE_ROUTER_LINK'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 522: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'TE_LINK_TYPE' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:union'
XPath:../type = 'TE_LINK_TYPE'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1372: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'TE_LINK_ID' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:union'
XPath:../type = 'TE_LINK_ID'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1401: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'TE_LINK_LOCAL_IP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:union'
XPath:../type = 'TE_LINK_LOCAL_IP'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1415: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'TE_LINK_REMOTE_IP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:union'
XPath:../type = 'TE_LINK_REMOTE_IP'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1428: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'TE_LINK_METRIC' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:union'
XPath:../type = 'TE_LINK_METRIC'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1441: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'TE_LINK_MAXIMUM_BANDWIDTH' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:union'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1455: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'TE_LINK_MAXIUMUM_RESERVABLE_BANDWIDTH' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:union'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1470: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'TE_NODE_ATTRIBUTE' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'TE_NODE_ATTRIBUTE'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 614: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'NODE_IPV4_LOCAL_ADDRESS' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:union'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1557: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'NODE_LOCAL_IPV6_ADDRESS' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:union'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1569: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'GRACE_LSA' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'GRACE_LSA'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 655: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'GRACE_PERIOD' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../type = 'GRACE_PERIOD'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1608: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'GRACE_RESTART_REASON' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1624: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'GRACE_IP_INTERFACE_ADDRESS' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1662: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'ROUTER_INFORMATION_LSA' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'ROUTER_INFORMATION_LSA'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 686: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'RI_INFORMATIONAL_CAPABILITIES' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:union'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 714: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'RI_NODE_ADMIN_TAG' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:union'
XPath:../state/type = 'RI_NODE_ADMIN_TAG'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 734: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'RI_SR_ALGORITHM' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:union'
XPath:../state/type = 'RI_SR_ALGORITHM'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 753: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'RI_SR_SID_LABEL_RANGE' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:union'
XPath:../state/type = 'RI_SR_SID_LABEL_RANGE'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 771: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'OSPFV2_EXTENDED_PREFIX' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'OSPFV2_EXTENDED_PREFIX'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 818: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'EXTENDED_PREFIX_RANGE' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'EXTENDED_PREFIX_RANGE'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 853: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PREFIX_SID' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'PREFIX_SID'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 872: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'SID_LABEL_BINDING' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'SID_LABEL_BINDING'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 891: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'SID_LABEL_BINDING' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'SID_LABEL_BINDING'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 925: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'ERO_METRIC' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'ERO_METRIC'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 944: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'ERO_PATH' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'ERO_PATH'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 963: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'IPV4_SEGMENT' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'IPV4_SEGMENT'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 990: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'UNNUMBERED_INTERFACE_SEGMENT' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1007: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'ADJACENCY_SID' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'ADJACENCY_SID'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1067: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

*** 0 Errors, 31 Warnings
warn: Module's revisions are not unique (2017-04-03).
warn: Module's revisions are not unique (2018-03-20).
warn: Invalid value "../IPV4_ADDRESS_INDEX" in "type" element. (/openconfig-bgp:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[36] "type='../IPV4_ADDRESS_INDEX'".
warn: Invalid value "IPV6_ADDRESS_INDEX" in "type" element. (/openconfig-bgp:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[36] "type='IPV6_ADDRESS_INDEX'".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:state" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:type" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state/openconfig-interfaces:type) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:state" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:type" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state/openconfig-interfaces:type) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:state" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state/openconfig-interfaces:type = 'iana-if-type:ieee8023adLag' or openconfig-interfaces:state) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:type" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state/openconfig-interfaces:type = 'iana-if-type:ieee8023adLag' or openconfig-interfaces:state/openconfig-interfaces:type) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
warn: Module's revisions are not unique (2018-06-05).
warn: Module's revisions are not unique (2018-11-21).
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "ACL_L2" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[13] "type='ACL_L2'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "ACL_IPV4" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[13] "type='ACL_IPV4'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "ACL_IPV6" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[13] "type='ACL_IPV6'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "ACL_IPV6" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[13] "type='ACL_IPV6'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "ACL_IPV4" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[45] "type='ACL_IPV4'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2VSI" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "type = 'L2VSI'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2VSI". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "type = 'L2VSI'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2P2P" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[32] "type = 'L2P2P'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2P2P". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[32] "type = 'L2P2P'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2L3" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[57] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2L3". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[57] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "DEFAULT_INSTANCE" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[81] "type = 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "DEFAULT_INSTANCE". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[81] "type = 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L3VRF" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[0] "type = 'L3VRF'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L3VRF". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[0] "type = 'L3VRF'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2L3" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[18] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2L3". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[18] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2VSI" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[0] "type = 'L2VSI'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2VSI". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[0] "type = 'L2VSI'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2P2P" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[18] "type = 'L2P2P'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2P2P". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[18] "type = 'L2P2P'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2L3" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[36] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2L3". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[36] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L3VRF" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[0] "type = 'L3VRF'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L3VRF". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[0] "type = 'L3VRF'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2L3" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[18] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2L3". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[18] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2VSI" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[0] "type = 'L2VSI'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2VSI". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[0] "type = 'L2VSI'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2P2P" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[18] "type = 'L2P2P'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2P2P". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[18] "type = 'L2P2P'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2L3" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[36] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2L3". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[36] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "DEFAULT_INSTANCE" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[10] "type != 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "DEFAULT_INSTANCE". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[10] "type != 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2VSI" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[13] "type = 'L2VSI'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2VSI". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[13] "type = 'L2VSI'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2P2P" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[44] "type = 'L2P2P'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2P2P". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[44] "type = 'L2P2P'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2L3" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[77] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2L3". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[77] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2VSI" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[13] "type = 'L2VSI'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2VSI". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[13] "type = 'L2VSI'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2P2P" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[44] "type = 'L2P2P'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2P2P". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[44] "type = 'L2P2P'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2L3" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[77] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2L3". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[77] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Schema node "type" not found (type) with context node "/network-instances/network-instance".
warn: Schema node "type" not found (type = 'L3VRF' or type) with context node "/network-instances/network-instance".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2P2P" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[16] "type = 'L2P2P'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2P2P". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[16] "type = 'L2P2P'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2VSI" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[50] "type = 'L2VSI'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2VSI". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[50] "type = 'L2VSI'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "LOCAL" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[10] "type = 'LOCAL'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "LOCAL". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[10] "type = 'LOCAL'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "REMOTE" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[10] "type = 'REMOTE'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "REMOTE". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[10] "type = 'REMOTE'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "DEFAULT_INSTANCE" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "type = 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "DEFAULT_INSTANCE". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "type = 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "P2P" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[10] "type = 'P2P'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "P2P". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[10] "type = 'P2P'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "LOCALLY_COMPUTED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "LOCALLY_COMPUTED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "LOCALLY_COMPUTED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "LOCALLY_COMPUTED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "EXTERNALLY_QUERIED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "EXTERNALLY_QUERIED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "EXPLICITLY_DEFINED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "EXPLICITLY_DEFINED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "LOCALLY_COMPUTED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "LOCALLY_COMPUTED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "LOCALLY_COMPUTED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "LOCALLY_COMPUTED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "EXTERNALLY_QUERIED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "EXTERNALLY_QUERIED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "EXPLICITLY_DEFINED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "EXPLICITLY_DEFINED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "LOCALLY_COMPUTED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "LOCALLY_COMPUTED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "LOCALLY_COMPUTED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "LOCALLY_COMPUTED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "EXTERNALLY_QUERIED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "EXTERNALLY_QUERIED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "EXPLICITLY_DEFINED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "EXPLICITLY_DEFINED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "LOCALLY_COMPUTED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "LOCALLY_COMPUTED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "LOCALLY_COMPUTED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "LOCALLY_COMPUTED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "EXTERNALLY_QUERIED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "EXTERNALLY_QUERIED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "EXPLICITLY_DEFINED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "EXPLICITLY_DEFINED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "DEFAULT_INSTANCE" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "type = 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "DEFAULT_INSTANCE". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "type = 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'".
warn: Identityref "identifier" comparison with identity "STATIC" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'STATIC'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "STATIC". (/openconfig-network-instance:identifier)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'STATIC'".
warn: Identityref "identifier" comparison with identity "LOCAL_AGGREGATE" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'LOCAL_AGGREGATE'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "LOCAL_AGGREGATE". (/openconfig-network-instance:identifier)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'LOCAL_AGGREGATE'".
warn: Identityref "identifier" comparison with identity "BGP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'BGP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "BGP". (/openconfig-network-instance:identifier)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'BGP'".
warn: Invalid value "../IPV4_ADDRESS_INDEX" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[36] "type='../IPV4_ADDRESS_INDEX'".
warn: Invalid value "IPV6_ADDRESS_INDEX" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[36] "type='IPV6_ADDRESS_INDEX'".
warn: Identityref "identifier" comparison with identity "OSPF" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'OSPF'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "OSPF". (/openconfig-network-instance:identifier)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'OSPF'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "ROUTER_LSA" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[12] "type = 'ROUTER_LSA'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "ROUTER_LSA". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[12] "type = 'ROUTER_LSA'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "NETWORK_LSA" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[12] "type = 'NETWORK_LSA'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "NETWORK_LSA". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[12] "type = 'NETWORK_LSA'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "SUMMARY_IP_NETWORK_LSA" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[12] "type = 'SUMMARY_IP_NETWORK_LSA'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "SUMMARY_IP_NETWORK_LSA". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[12] "type = 'SUMMARY_IP_NETWORK_LSA'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "SUMMARY_ASBR_LSA" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[59] "type = 'SUMMARY_ASBR_LSA'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "SUMMARY_ASBR_LSA". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[59] "type = 'SUMMARY_ASBR_LSA'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "AS_EXTERNAL_LSA" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[12] "type = 'AS_EXTERNAL_LSA'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "AS_EXTERNAL_LSA". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[12] "type = 'AS_EXTERNAL_LSA'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "NSSA_AS_EXTERNAL_LSA" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[12] "type = 'NSSA_AS_EXTERNAL_LSA'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "NSSA_AS_EXTERNAL_LSA". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[12] "type = 'NSSA_AS_EXTERNAL_LSA'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "OSPFV2_LINK_SCOPE_OPAQUE_LSA" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[12] "type = 'OSPFV2_LINK_SCOPE_OPAQUE_LSA'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "OSPFV2_LINK_SCOPE_OPAQUE_LSA". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[12] "type = 'OSPFV2_LINK_SCOPE_OPAQUE_LSA'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "OSPFV2_AREA_SCOPE_OPAQUE_LSA" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[65] "type = 'OSPFV2_AREA_SCOPE_OPAQUE_LSA'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "OSPFV2_AREA_SCOPE_OPAQUE_LSA". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[65] "type = 'OSPFV2_AREA_SCOPE_OPAQUE_LSA'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "OSPFV2_AS_SCOPE_OPAQUE_LSA" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[118] "type = 'OSPFV2_AS_SCOPE_OPAQUE_LSA'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "OSPFV2_AS_SCOPE_OPAQUE_LSA". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[118] "type = 'OSPFV2_AS_SCOPE_OPAQUE_LSA'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "TRAFFIC_ENGINEERING" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'TRAFFIC_ENGINEERING'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "TRAFFIC_ENGINEERING". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'TRAFFIC_ENGINEERING'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "TE_ROUTER_ADDRESS" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'TE_ROUTER_ADDRESS'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "TE_ROUTER_ADDRESS". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'TE_ROUTER_ADDRESS'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "TE_ROUTER_LINK" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'TE_ROUTER_LINK'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "TE_ROUTER_LINK". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'TE_ROUTER_LINK'".
warn: Invalid value "TE_LINK_TYPE" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'TE_LINK_TYPE'".
warn: Invalid value "TE_LINK_ID" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'TE_LINK_ID'".
warn: Invalid value "TE_LINK_LOCAL_IP" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'TE_LINK_LOCAL_IP'".
warn: Invalid value "TE_LINK_REMOTE_IP" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'TE_LINK_REMOTE_IP'".
warn: Invalid value "TE_LINK_METRIC" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'TE_LINK_METRIC'".
warn: Invalid value "TE_LINK_MAXIMUM_BANDWIDTH" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'TE_LINK_MAXIMUM_BANDWIDTH'".
warn: Invalid value "TE_LINK_MAXIUMUM_RESERVABLE_BANDWIDTH" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'TE_LINK_MAXIUMUM_RESERVABLE_BANDWIDTH'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "TE_NODE_ATTRIBUTE" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'TE_NODE_ATTRIBUTE'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "TE_NODE_ATTRIBUTE". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'TE_NODE_ATTRIBUTE'".
warn: Invalid value "NODE_IPV4_LOCAL_ADDRESS" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'NODE_IPV4_LOCAL_ADDRESS'".
warn: Invalid value "NODE_LOCAL_IPV6_ADDRESS" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'NODE_LOCAL_IPV6_ADDRESS'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "GRACE_LSA" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'GRACE_LSA'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "GRACE_LSA". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'GRACE_LSA'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "GRACE_PERIOD" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'GRACE_PERIOD'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "GRACE_PERIOD". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'GRACE_PERIOD'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "GRACE_RESTART_REASON" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'GRACE_RESTART_REASON'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "GRACE_RESTART_REASON". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'GRACE_RESTART_REASON'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "GRACE_IP_INTERFACE_ADDRESS" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'GRACE_IP_INTERFACE_ADDRESS'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "GRACE_IP_INTERFACE_ADDRESS". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'GRACE_IP_INTERFACE_ADDRESS'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "ROUTER_INFORMATION_LSA" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'ROUTER_INFORMATION_LSA'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "ROUTER_INFORMATION_LSA". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'ROUTER_INFORMATION_LSA'".
warn: Invalid value "RI_INFORMATIONAL_CAPABILITIES" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'RI_INFORMATIONAL_CAPABILITIES'".
warn: Invalid value "RI_NODE_ADMIN_TAG" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'RI_NODE_ADMIN_TAG'".
warn: Invalid value "RI_SR_ALGORITHM" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'RI_SR_ALGORITHM'".
warn: Invalid value "RI_SR_SID_LABEL_RANGE" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'RI_SR_SID_LABEL_RANGE'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "OSPFV2_EXTENDED_PREFIX" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'OSPFV2_EXTENDED_PREFIX'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "OSPFV2_EXTENDED_PREFIX". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'OSPFV2_EXTENDED_PREFIX'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "EXTENDED_PREFIX_RANGE" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'EXTENDED_PREFIX_RANGE'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "EXTENDED_PREFIX_RANGE". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'EXTENDED_PREFIX_RANGE'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "PREFIX_SID" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'PREFIX_SID'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PREFIX_SID". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'PREFIX_SID'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "SID_LABEL_BINDING" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'SID_LABEL_BINDING'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "SID_LABEL_BINDING". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'SID_LABEL_BINDING'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "SID_LABEL_BINDING" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'SID_LABEL_BINDING'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "SID_LABEL_BINDING". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'SID_LABEL_BINDING'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "ERO_METRIC" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'ERO_METRIC'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "ERO_METRIC". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'ERO_METRIC'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "ERO_PATH" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'ERO_PATH'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "ERO_PATH". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'ERO_PATH'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "IPV4_SEGMENT" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'IPV4_SEGMENT'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "IPV4_SEGMENT". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'IPV4_SEGMENT'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "UNNUMBERED_INTERFACE_SEGMENT" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'UNNUMBERED_INTERFACE_SEGMENT'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "UNNUMBERED_INTERFACE_SEGMENT". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'UNNUMBERED_INTERFACE_SEGMENT'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "ADJACENCY_SID" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'ADJACENCY_SID'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "ADJACENCY_SID". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'ADJACENCY_SID'".
warn: Identityref "identifier" comparison with identity "ISIS" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'ISIS'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "ISIS". (/openconfig-network-instance:identifier)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'ISIS'".
warn: Identityref "identifier" comparison with identity "PIM" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'PIM'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PIM". (/openconfig-network-instance:identifier)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'PIM'".
warn: Identityref "identifier" comparison with identity "IGMP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'IGMP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "IGMP". (/openconfig-network-instance:identifier)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'IGMP'".
openconfig-openflow-types@2018-11-21.yang PASSED          
openconfig-openflow@2018-11-21.yang PASSED WITH WARNINGS   /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-system.yang:995 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-aaa.yang:269): warning: node openconfig-system::config is not found in openconfig-system::servers
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-system.yang:995 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-aaa.yang:273): warning: node openconfig-system::config is not found in openconfig-system::servers
  Warning: revision with same date on line 60
openconfig-inet-types.yang:66.3: warning(1054): Revision date has already been used

Warning: no child node '*:config' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: ../../config/type = 'oc-aaa-types:TACACS'
openconfig-aaa.yang:269.22: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: no child node '*:config' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: ../../config/type = 'oc-aaa-types:RADIUS'
openconfig-aaa.yang:273.22: warning(1032): no child node available
warn: Module's revisions are not unique (2017-04-03).
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "openconfig-aaa-types:TACACS". (/openconfig-system:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[13] "type = 'openconfig-aaa-types:TACACS'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "openconfig-aaa-types:RADIUS". (/openconfig-system:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[13] "type = 'openconfig-aaa-types:RADIUS'".
openconfig-optical-amplifier@2018-11-21.yang PASSED WITH WARNINGS       Warning: Module 'iana-if-type' not used
openconfig-if-ethernet.yang:12.3: warning(1015): import not used
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:state" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:type" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state/openconfig-interfaces:type) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-platform:state" not found (../openconfig-platform:state) with context node "/components/component/port".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-platform:type" not found (../openconfig-platform:state/openconfig-platform:type) with context node "/components/component/port".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-platform:state" not found (current()/openconfig-platform:state) with context node "/components/component".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-platform:type" not found (current()/openconfig-platform:state/openconfig-platform:type) with context node "/components/component".
openconfig-ospf-policy@2018-11-21.yang PASSED WITH WARNINGS       Warning: revision with same date on line 60
openconfig-inet-types.yang:66.3: warning(1054): Revision date has already been used
warn: Module's revisions are not unique (2017-04-03).
openconfig-ospf-types@2018-11-21.yang PASSED          
openconfig-ospfv2@2018-11-21.yang PASSED WITH WARNINGS       Warning: revision with same date on line 60
openconfig-inet-types.yang:66.3: warning(1054): Revision date has already been used
warn: Module's revisions are not unique (2017-04-03).
openconfig-packet-match-types@2018-11-21.yang PASSED WITH WARNINGS       Warning: revision with same date on line 60
openconfig-inet-types.yang:66.3: warning(1054): Revision date has already been used
warn: Module's revisions are not unique (2017-04-03).
openconfig-packet-match@2018-11-21.yang PASSED WITH WARNINGS       Warning: revision with same date on line 60
openconfig-inet-types.yang:66.3: warning(1054): Revision date has already been used
warn: Module's revisions are not unique (2017-04-03).
openconfig-pf-srte@2018-11-21.yang FAILED   /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-acl.yang:842 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-acl.yang:388): warning: node openconfig-acl::config is not found in openconfig-acl::acl-entries
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-acl.yang:842 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-acl.yang:394): warning: node openconfig-acl::config is not found in openconfig-acl::acl-entries
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-acl.yang:842 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-acl.yang:401): warning: node openconfig-acl::config is not found in openconfig-acl::acl-entries
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-acl.yang:842 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-acl.yang:409): warning: node openconfig-acl::config is not found in openconfig-acl::acl-entries
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:218): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::type is not found in openconfig-network-instance::config
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:264): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::type is not found in openconfig-network-instance::config
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:282): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::type is not found in openconfig-network-instance::config
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:402): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::type is not found in openconfig-network-instance::route-limits
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:620): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::config is not found in openconfig-network-instance::mpls
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:628): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::config is not found in openconfig-network-instance::segment-routing
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:692): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::config is not found in openconfig-network-instance::static-routes
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:703): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::config is not found in openconfig-network-instance::local-aggregates
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:714): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::config is not found in openconfig-network-instance::bgp
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:725): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::config is not found in openconfig-network-instance::ospfv2
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:733): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::config is not found in openconfig-network-instance::isis
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:744): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::config is not found in openconfig-network-instance::pim
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:755): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::config is not found in openconfig-network-instance::igmp
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:775): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::type is not found in openconfig-network-instance::enabled-address-families
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:784): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::type is not found in openconfig-network-instance::mtu
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang:2304): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::state is not found in openconfig-network-instance::lsas
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang:2312): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::state is not found in openconfig-network-instance::lsas
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang:2323): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::state is not found in openconfig-network-instance::lsas
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang:2331): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::state is not found in openconfig-network-instance::lsas
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang:2339): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::state is not found in openconfig-network-instance::lsas
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang:2349): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::state is not found in openconfig-network-instance::lsas
./openconfig-network-instance.yang:402: error: the node 'type' from module 'openconfig-network-instance' (in node 'network-instance' from 'openconfig-network-instance') is not found
Warning: revision with same date on line 60
openconfig-inet-types.yang:66.3: warning(1054): Revision date has already been used

Warning: revision with same date on line 48
openconfig-bgp-types.yang:54.3: warning(1054): Revision date has already been used

Warning: top-level NP container 'bgp' is mandatory
openconfig-bgp.yang:180.3: warning(1048): top-level object is mandatory

Warning: compare value '../IPV4_ADDRESS_INDEX' invalid for object 'openconfig-bgp:type type:enumeration'
XPath:../type = 'IPV4_NODE_ADDRESS' or ../type='../IPV4_ADDRESS_INDEX'or ../type='IPV4_LOCAL_INTF_ID' or ../type='IPV4_LOCAL_REMOTE_ADDR'
openconfig-rib-bgp-attributes.yang: line 855: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'IPV6_ADDRESS_INDEX' invalid for object 'openconfig-bgp:type type:enumeration'
XPath:../type = 'IPV6_NODE_ADDRESS' or ../type='IPV6_ADDRESS_INDEX'or ../type='IPV6_LOCAL_INTF_ID' or ../type='IPV6_LOCAL_REMOTE_ADDR'
openconfig-rib-bgp-attributes.yang: line 884: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: Module 'iana-if-type' not used
openconfig-if-ethernet.yang:12.3: warning(1015): import not used

Warning: Module 'iana-if-type' not used
openconfig-if-aggregate.yang:13.3: warning(1015): import not used

Warning: Module 'openconfig-if-types' not used
openconfig-if-aggregate.yang:14.3: warning(1015): import not used

Warning: Module 'iana-if-type' not used
openconfig-vlan.yang:15.3: warning(1015): import not used

Warning: revision with same date on line 25
openconfig-isis-types.yang:31.3: warning(1054): Revision date has already been used

Warning: revision with same date on line 66
openconfig-isis.yang:72.3: warning(1054): Revision date has already been used

Warning: no child node '*:config' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: ../../config/type='ACL_L2'
openconfig-acl.yang:388.22: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: no child node '*:config' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: ../../config/type='ACL_IPV4'
openconfig-acl.yang:394.22: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: no child node '*:config' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: ../../config/type='ACL_IPV6'
openconfig-acl.yang:401.22: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: no child node '*:config' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: ../../config/type='ACL_IPV6' or ../../config/type='ACL_IPV4'
openconfig-acl.yang:408.22: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: no child node '*:config' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: ../../config/type='ACL_IPV6' or ../../config/type='ACL_IPV4'
openconfig-acl.yang:408.54: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: compare value 'L2VSI' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:config/type = 'L2VSI' or config/type = 'L2P2P' or config/type = 'L2L3' or config/type = 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 217: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'L2P2P' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:config/type = 'L2VSI' or config/type = 'L2P2P' or config/type = 'L2L3' or config/type = 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 217: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'L2L3' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:config/type = 'L2VSI' or config/type = 'L2P2P' or config/type = 'L2L3' or config/type = 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 217: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:config/type = 'L2VSI' or config/type = 'L2P2P' or config/type = 'L2L3' or config/type = 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 217: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'L2VSI' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../../config/type = 'L2VSI' or ../../config/type = 'L2P2P'
or ../../config/type = 'L2L3'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 263: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'L2P2P' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../../config/type = 'L2VSI' or ../../config/type = 'L2P2P'
or ../../config/type = 'L2L3'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 263: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'L2L3' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../../config/type = 'L2VSI' or ../../config/type = 'L2P2P'
or ../../config/type = 'L2L3'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 263: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'L2VSI' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../../config/type = 'L2VSI' or ../../config/type = 'L2P2P'
or ../../config/type = 'L2L3'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 281: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'L2P2P' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../../config/type = 'L2VSI' or ../../config/type = 'L2P2P'
or ../../config/type = 'L2L3'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 281: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'L2L3' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../../config/type = 'L2VSI' or ../../config/type = 'L2P2P'
or ../../config/type = 'L2L3'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 281: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: no child node '*:type' found for parent 'openconfig-network-instance:network-instance'
XPath: type = 'L3VRF' or type = 'L2L3'
openconfig-network-instance.yang:402.16: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: no child node '*:type' found for parent 'openconfig-network-instance:network-instance'
XPath: type = 'L3VRF' or type = 'L2L3'
openconfig-network-instance.yang:402.34: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: compare value 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:config/type = 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 620: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:config/type = 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 628: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'STATIC' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:identifier type:identityref'
XPath:config/identifier = 'STATIC'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 692: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'LOCAL_AGGREGATE' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:identifier type:identityref'
XPath:config/identifier = 'LOCAL_AGGREGATE'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 703: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'BGP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:identifier type:identityref'
XPath:config/identifier = 'BGP'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 714: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'OSPF' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:identifier type:identityref'
XPath:config/identifier = 'OSPF'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 725: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'ISIS' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:identifier type:identityref'
XPath:config/identifier = 'ISIS'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 733: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PIM' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:identifier type:identityref'
XPath:config/identifier = 'PIM'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 744: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'IGMP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:identifier type:identityref'
XPath:config/identifier = 'IGMP'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 755: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: no child node '*:type' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: type = 'L3VRF' or type = 'L2L3'
openconfig-network-instance.yang:775.12: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: no child node '*:type' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: type = 'L3VRF' or type = 'L2L3'
openconfig-network-instance.yang:775.30: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: no child node '*:type' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: type = 'L2VSI' or type = 'L2P2P' or type = 'L2L3'
openconfig-network-instance.yang:783.12: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: no child node '*:type' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: type = 'L2VSI' or type = 'L2P2P' or type = 'L2L3'
openconfig-network-instance.yang:783.30: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: no child node '*:type' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: type = 'L2VSI' or type = 'L2P2P' or type = 'L2L3'
openconfig-network-instance.yang:783.48: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: compare value 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../config/type != 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 246: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'L2P2P' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../../../config/type = 'L2P2P' or ../../../config/type = 'L2VSI'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 513: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'L2VSI' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../../../config/type = 'L2P2P' or ../../../config/type = 'L2VSI'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 513: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'LOCAL' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../config/type = 'LOCAL'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 560: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'REMOTE' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../config/type = 'REMOTE'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 588: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 571: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 581: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 600: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 617: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 571: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 581: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 600: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 617: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'P2P' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../config/type = 'P2P'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 901: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 831: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 842: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 855: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 867: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../../../../../config/signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 640: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../../../../../config/signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 658: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../../../../../config/signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 683: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 831: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 842: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 855: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 867: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../../../../../config/signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 640: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../../../../../config/signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 658: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../../../../../config/signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 683: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 831: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 842: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 855: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 867: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../../../../../config/signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 640: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../../../../../config/signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 658: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../../../../../config/signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 683: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 831: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 842: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 855: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 867: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../../../../../config/signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 640: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../../../../../config/signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 658: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../../../../../config/signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 683: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value '../IPV4_ADDRESS_INDEX' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:enumeration'
XPath:../type = 'IPV4_NODE_ADDRESS' or ../type='../IPV4_ADDRESS_INDEX'or ../type='IPV4_LOCAL_INTF_ID' or ../type='IPV4_LOCAL_REMOTE_ADDR'
openconfig-rib-bgp-attributes.yang: line 855: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'IPV6_ADDRESS_INDEX' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:enumeration'
XPath:../type = 'IPV6_NODE_ADDRESS' or ../type='IPV6_ADDRESS_INDEX'or ../type='IPV6_LOCAL_INTF_ID' or ../type='IPV6_LOCAL_REMOTE_ADDR'
openconfig-rib-bgp-attributes.yang: line 884: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'TRAFFIC_ENGINEERING' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'TRAFFIC_ENGINEERING'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 479: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'TE_ROUTER_ADDRESS' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'TE_ROUTER_ADDRESS'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 505: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'TE_ROUTER_LINK' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'TE_ROUTER_LINK'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 522: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'TE_LINK_TYPE' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:union'
XPath:../type = 'TE_LINK_TYPE'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1372: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'TE_LINK_ID' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:union'
XPath:../type = 'TE_LINK_ID'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1401: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'TE_LINK_LOCAL_IP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:union'
XPath:../type = 'TE_LINK_LOCAL_IP'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1415: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'TE_LINK_REMOTE_IP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:union'
XPath:../type = 'TE_LINK_REMOTE_IP'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1428: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'TE_LINK_METRIC' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:union'
XPath:../type = 'TE_LINK_METRIC'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1441: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'TE_LINK_MAXIMUM_BANDWIDTH' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:union'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1455: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'TE_LINK_MAXIUMUM_RESERVABLE_BANDWIDTH' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:union'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1470: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'TE_NODE_ATTRIBUTE' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'TE_NODE_ATTRIBUTE'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 614: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'NODE_IPV4_LOCAL_ADDRESS' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:union'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1557: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'NODE_LOCAL_IPV6_ADDRESS' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:union'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1569: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'GRACE_LSA' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'GRACE_LSA'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 655: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'GRACE_PERIOD' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../type = 'GRACE_PERIOD'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1608: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'GRACE_RESTART_REASON' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1624: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'GRACE_IP_INTERFACE_ADDRESS' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1662: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'ROUTER_INFORMATION_LSA' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'ROUTER_INFORMATION_LSA'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 686: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'RI_INFORMATIONAL_CAPABILITIES' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:union'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 714: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'RI_NODE_ADMIN_TAG' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:union'
XPath:../state/type = 'RI_NODE_ADMIN_TAG'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 734: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'RI_SR_ALGORITHM' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:union'
XPath:../state/type = 'RI_SR_ALGORITHM'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 753: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'RI_SR_SID_LABEL_RANGE' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:union'
XPath:../state/type = 'RI_SR_SID_LABEL_RANGE'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 771: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'OSPFV2_EXTENDED_PREFIX' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'OSPFV2_EXTENDED_PREFIX'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 818: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'EXTENDED_PREFIX_RANGE' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'EXTENDED_PREFIX_RANGE'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 853: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PREFIX_SID' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'PREFIX_SID'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 872: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'SID_LABEL_BINDING' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'SID_LABEL_BINDING'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 891: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'SID_LABEL_BINDING' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'SID_LABEL_BINDING'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 925: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'ERO_METRIC' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'ERO_METRIC'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 944: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'ERO_PATH' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'ERO_PATH'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 963: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'IPV4_SEGMENT' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'IPV4_SEGMENT'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 990: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'UNNUMBERED_INTERFACE_SEGMENT' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1007: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'ADJACENCY_SID' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'ADJACENCY_SID'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1067: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type
warn: Module's revisions are not unique (2017-04-03).
warn: Module's revisions are not unique (2018-03-20).
warn: Invalid value "../IPV4_ADDRESS_INDEX" in "type" element. (/openconfig-bgp:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[36] "type='../IPV4_ADDRESS_INDEX'".
warn: Invalid value "IPV6_ADDRESS_INDEX" in "type" element. (/openconfig-bgp:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[36] "type='IPV6_ADDRESS_INDEX'".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:state" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:type" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state/openconfig-interfaces:type) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:state" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:type" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state/openconfig-interfaces:type) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:state" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state/openconfig-interfaces:type = 'iana-if-type:ieee8023adLag' or openconfig-interfaces:state) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:type" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state/openconfig-interfaces:type = 'iana-if-type:ieee8023adLag' or openconfig-interfaces:state/openconfig-interfaces:type) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
warn: Module's revisions are not unique (2018-06-05).
warn: Module's revisions are not unique (2018-11-21).
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "ACL_L2" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[13] "type='ACL_L2'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "ACL_IPV4" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[13] "type='ACL_IPV4'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "ACL_IPV6" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[13] "type='ACL_IPV6'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "ACL_IPV6" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[13] "type='ACL_IPV6'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "ACL_IPV4" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[45] "type='ACL_IPV4'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2VSI" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "type = 'L2VSI'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2VSI". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "type = 'L2VSI'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2P2P" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[32] "type = 'L2P2P'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2P2P". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[32] "type = 'L2P2P'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2L3" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[57] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2L3". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[57] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "DEFAULT_INSTANCE" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[81] "type = 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "DEFAULT_INSTANCE". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[81] "type = 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L3VRF" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[0] "type = 'L3VRF'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L3VRF". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[0] "type = 'L3VRF'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2L3" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[18] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2L3". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[18] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2VSI" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[0] "type = 'L2VSI'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2VSI". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[0] "type = 'L2VSI'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2P2P" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[18] "type = 'L2P2P'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2P2P". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[18] "type = 'L2P2P'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2L3" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[36] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2L3". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[36] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L3VRF" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[0] "type = 'L3VRF'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L3VRF". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[0] "type = 'L3VRF'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2L3" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[18] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2L3". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[18] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2VSI" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[0] "type = 'L2VSI'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2VSI". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[0] "type = 'L2VSI'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2P2P" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[18] "type = 'L2P2P'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2P2P". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[18] "type = 'L2P2P'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2L3" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[36] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2L3". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[36] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "DEFAULT_INSTANCE" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[10] "type != 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "DEFAULT_INSTANCE". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[10] "type != 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2VSI" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[13] "type = 'L2VSI'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2VSI". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[13] "type = 'L2VSI'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2P2P" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[44] "type = 'L2P2P'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2P2P". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[44] "type = 'L2P2P'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2L3" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[77] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2L3". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[77] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2VSI" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[13] "type = 'L2VSI'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2VSI". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[13] "type = 'L2VSI'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2P2P" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[44] "type = 'L2P2P'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2P2P". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[44] "type = 'L2P2P'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2L3" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[77] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2L3". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[77] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Schema node "type" not found (type) with context node "/network-instances/network-instance".
warn: Schema node "type" not found (type = 'L3VRF' or type) with context node "/network-instances/network-instance".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2P2P" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[16] "type = 'L2P2P'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2P2P". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[16] "type = 'L2P2P'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2VSI" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[50] "type = 'L2VSI'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2VSI". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[50] "type = 'L2VSI'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "LOCAL" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[10] "type = 'LOCAL'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "LOCAL". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[10] "type = 'LOCAL'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "REMOTE" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[10] "type = 'REMOTE'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "REMOTE". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[10] "type = 'REMOTE'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "DEFAULT_INSTANCE" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "type = 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "DEFAULT_INSTANCE". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "type = 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "P2P" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[10] "type = 'P2P'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "P2P". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[10] "type = 'P2P'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "LOCALLY_COMPUTED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "LOCALLY_COMPUTED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "LOCALLY_COMPUTED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "LOCALLY_COMPUTED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "EXTERNALLY_QUERIED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "EXTERNALLY_QUERIED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "EXPLICITLY_DEFINED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "EXPLICITLY_DEFINED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "LOCALLY_COMPUTED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "LOCALLY_COMPUTED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "LOCALLY_COMPUTED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "LOCALLY_COMPUTED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "EXTERNALLY_QUERIED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "EXTERNALLY_QUERIED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "EXPLICITLY_DEFINED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "EXPLICITLY_DEFINED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "LOCALLY_COMPUTED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "LOCALLY_COMPUTED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "LOCALLY_COMPUTED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "LOCALLY_COMPUTED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "EXTERNALLY_QUERIED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "EXTERNALLY_QUERIED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "EXPLICITLY_DEFINED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "EXPLICITLY_DEFINED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "LOCALLY_COMPUTED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "LOCALLY_COMPUTED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "LOCALLY_COMPUTED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "LOCALLY_COMPUTED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "EXTERNALLY_QUERIED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "EXTERNALLY_QUERIED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "EXPLICITLY_DEFINED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "EXPLICITLY_DEFINED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "DEFAULT_INSTANCE" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "type = 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "DEFAULT_INSTANCE". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "type = 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'".
warn: Identityref "identifier" comparison with identity "STATIC" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'STATIC'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "STATIC". (/openconfig-network-instance:identifier)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'STATIC'".
warn: Identityref "identifier" comparison with identity "LOCAL_AGGREGATE" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'LOCAL_AGGREGATE'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "LOCAL_AGGREGATE". (/openconfig-network-instance:identifier)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'LOCAL_AGGREGATE'".
warn: Identityref "identifier" comparison with identity "BGP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'BGP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "BGP". (/openconfig-network-instance:identifier)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'BGP'".
warn: Invalid value "../IPV4_ADDRESS_INDEX" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[36] "type='../IPV4_ADDRESS_INDEX'".
warn: Invalid value "IPV6_ADDRESS_INDEX" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[36] "type='IPV6_ADDRESS_INDEX'".
warn: Identityref "identifier" comparison with identity "OSPF" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'OSPF'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "OSPF". (/openconfig-network-instance:identifier)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'OSPF'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "ROUTER_LSA" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[12] "type = 'ROUTER_LSA'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "ROUTER_LSA". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[12] "type = 'ROUTER_LSA'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "NETWORK_LSA" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[12] "type = 'NETWORK_LSA'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "NETWORK_LSA". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[12] "type = 'NETWORK_LSA'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "SUMMARY_IP_NETWORK_LSA" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[12] "type = 'SUMMARY_IP_NETWORK_LSA'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "SUMMARY_IP_NETWORK_LSA". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[12] "type = 'SUMMARY_IP_NETWORK_LSA'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "SUMMARY_ASBR_LSA" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[59] "type = 'SUMMARY_ASBR_LSA'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "SUMMARY_ASBR_LSA". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[59] "type = 'SUMMARY_ASBR_LSA'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "AS_EXTERNAL_LSA" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[12] "type = 'AS_EXTERNAL_LSA'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "AS_EXTERNAL_LSA". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[12] "type = 'AS_EXTERNAL_LSA'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "NSSA_AS_EXTERNAL_LSA" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[12] "type = 'NSSA_AS_EXTERNAL_LSA'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "NSSA_AS_EXTERNAL_LSA". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[12] "type = 'NSSA_AS_EXTERNAL_LSA'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "OSPFV2_LINK_SCOPE_OPAQUE_LSA" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[12] "type = 'OSPFV2_LINK_SCOPE_OPAQUE_LSA'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "OSPFV2_LINK_SCOPE_OPAQUE_LSA". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[12] "type = 'OSPFV2_LINK_SCOPE_OPAQUE_LSA'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "OSPFV2_AREA_SCOPE_OPAQUE_LSA" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[65] "type = 'OSPFV2_AREA_SCOPE_OPAQUE_LSA'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "OSPFV2_AREA_SCOPE_OPAQUE_LSA". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[65] "type = 'OSPFV2_AREA_SCOPE_OPAQUE_LSA'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "OSPFV2_AS_SCOPE_OPAQUE_LSA" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[118] "type = 'OSPFV2_AS_SCOPE_OPAQUE_LSA'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "OSPFV2_AS_SCOPE_OPAQUE_LSA". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[118] "type = 'OSPFV2_AS_SCOPE_OPAQUE_LSA'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "TRAFFIC_ENGINEERING" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'TRAFFIC_ENGINEERING'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "TRAFFIC_ENGINEERING". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'TRAFFIC_ENGINEERING'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "TE_ROUTER_ADDRESS" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'TE_ROUTER_ADDRESS'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "TE_ROUTER_ADDRESS". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'TE_ROUTER_ADDRESS'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "TE_ROUTER_LINK" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'TE_ROUTER_LINK'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "TE_ROUTER_LINK". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'TE_ROUTER_LINK'".
warn: Invalid value "TE_LINK_TYPE" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'TE_LINK_TYPE'".
warn: Invalid value "TE_LINK_ID" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'TE_LINK_ID'".
warn: Invalid value "TE_LINK_LOCAL_IP" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'TE_LINK_LOCAL_IP'".
warn: Invalid value "TE_LINK_REMOTE_IP" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'TE_LINK_REMOTE_IP'".
warn: Invalid value "TE_LINK_METRIC" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'TE_LINK_METRIC'".
warn: Invalid value "TE_LINK_MAXIMUM_BANDWIDTH" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'TE_LINK_MAXIMUM_BANDWIDTH'".
warn: Invalid value "TE_LINK_MAXIUMUM_RESERVABLE_BANDWIDTH" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'TE_LINK_MAXIUMUM_RESERVABLE_BANDWIDTH'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "TE_NODE_ATTRIBUTE" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'TE_NODE_ATTRIBUTE'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "TE_NODE_ATTRIBUTE". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'TE_NODE_ATTRIBUTE'".
warn: Invalid value "NODE_IPV4_LOCAL_ADDRESS" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'NODE_IPV4_LOCAL_ADDRESS'".
warn: Invalid value "NODE_LOCAL_IPV6_ADDRESS" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'NODE_LOCAL_IPV6_ADDRESS'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "GRACE_LSA" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'GRACE_LSA'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "GRACE_LSA". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'GRACE_LSA'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "GRACE_PERIOD" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'GRACE_PERIOD'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "GRACE_PERIOD". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'GRACE_PERIOD'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "GRACE_RESTART_REASON" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'GRACE_RESTART_REASON'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "GRACE_RESTART_REASON". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'GRACE_RESTART_REASON'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "GRACE_IP_INTERFACE_ADDRESS" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'GRACE_IP_INTERFACE_ADDRESS'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "GRACE_IP_INTERFACE_ADDRESS". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'GRACE_IP_INTERFACE_ADDRESS'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "ROUTER_INFORMATION_LSA" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'ROUTER_INFORMATION_LSA'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "ROUTER_INFORMATION_LSA". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'ROUTER_INFORMATION_LSA'".
warn: Invalid value "RI_INFORMATIONAL_CAPABILITIES" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'RI_INFORMATIONAL_CAPABILITIES'".
warn: Invalid value "RI_NODE_ADMIN_TAG" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'RI_NODE_ADMIN_TAG'".
warn: Invalid value "RI_SR_ALGORITHM" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'RI_SR_ALGORITHM'".
warn: Invalid value "RI_SR_SID_LABEL_RANGE" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'RI_SR_SID_LABEL_RANGE'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "OSPFV2_EXTENDED_PREFIX" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'OSPFV2_EXTENDED_PREFIX'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "OSPFV2_EXTENDED_PREFIX". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'OSPFV2_EXTENDED_PREFIX'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "EXTENDED_PREFIX_RANGE" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'EXTENDED_PREFIX_RANGE'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "EXTENDED_PREFIX_RANGE". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'EXTENDED_PREFIX_RANGE'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "PREFIX_SID" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'PREFIX_SID'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PREFIX_SID". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'PREFIX_SID'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "SID_LABEL_BINDING" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'SID_LABEL_BINDING'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "SID_LABEL_BINDING". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'SID_LABEL_BINDING'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "SID_LABEL_BINDING" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'SID_LABEL_BINDING'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "SID_LABEL_BINDING". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'SID_LABEL_BINDING'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "ERO_METRIC" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'ERO_METRIC'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "ERO_METRIC". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'ERO_METRIC'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "ERO_PATH" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'ERO_PATH'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "ERO_PATH". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'ERO_PATH'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "IPV4_SEGMENT" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'IPV4_SEGMENT'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "IPV4_SEGMENT". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'IPV4_SEGMENT'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "UNNUMBERED_INTERFACE_SEGMENT" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'UNNUMBERED_INTERFACE_SEGMENT'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "UNNUMBERED_INTERFACE_SEGMENT". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'UNNUMBERED_INTERFACE_SEGMENT'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "ADJACENCY_SID" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'ADJACENCY_SID'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "ADJACENCY_SID". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'ADJACENCY_SID'".
warn: Identityref "identifier" comparison with identity "ISIS" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'ISIS'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "ISIS". (/openconfig-network-instance:identifier)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'ISIS'".
warn: Identityref "identifier" comparison with identity "PIM" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'PIM'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PIM". (/openconfig-network-instance:identifier)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'PIM'".
warn: Identityref "identifier" comparison with identity "IGMP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'IGMP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "IGMP". (/openconfig-network-instance:identifier)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'IGMP'".
openconfig-pim-types@2018-11-21.yang PASSED          
openconfig-pim@2018-11-21.yang PASSED WITH WARNINGS   /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-acl.yang:842 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-acl.yang:388): warning: node openconfig-acl::config is not found in openconfig-acl::acl-entries
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-acl.yang:842 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-acl.yang:394): warning: node openconfig-acl::config is not found in openconfig-acl::acl-entries
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-acl.yang:842 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-acl.yang:401): warning: node openconfig-acl::config is not found in openconfig-acl::acl-entries
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-acl.yang:842 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-acl.yang:409): warning: node openconfig-acl::config is not found in openconfig-acl::acl-entries
  Warning: revision with same date on line 60
openconfig-inet-types.yang:66.3: warning(1054): Revision date has already been used

Warning: no child node '*:config' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: ../../config/type='ACL_L2'
openconfig-acl.yang:388.22: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: no child node '*:config' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: ../../config/type='ACL_IPV4'
openconfig-acl.yang:394.22: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: no child node '*:config' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: ../../config/type='ACL_IPV6'
openconfig-acl.yang:401.22: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: no child node '*:config' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: ../../config/type='ACL_IPV6' or ../../config/type='ACL_IPV4'
openconfig-acl.yang:408.22: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: no child node '*:config' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: ../../config/type='ACL_IPV6' or ../../config/type='ACL_IPV4'
openconfig-acl.yang:408.54: warning(1032): no child node available
warn: Module's revisions are not unique (2017-04-03).
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "ACL_L2" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[13] "type='ACL_L2'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "ACL_IPV4" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[13] "type='ACL_IPV4'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "ACL_IPV6" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[13] "type='ACL_IPV6'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "ACL_IPV6" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[13] "type='ACL_IPV6'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "ACL_IPV4" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[45] "type='ACL_IPV4'".
openconfig-platform-cpu@2018-11-21.yang PASSED          
openconfig-platform-ext@2018-11-21.yang PASSED          
openconfig-platform-fan@2018-11-21.yang PASSED          
openconfig-platform-linecard@2018-11-21.yang PASSED WITH WARNINGS         warn: Schema node "openconfig-platform:state" not found (current()/openconfig-platform:state) with context node "/components/component".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-platform:type" not found (current()/openconfig-platform:state/openconfig-platform:type) with context node "/components/component".
openconfig-platform-port@2018-11-21.yang PASSED WITH WARNINGS       Warning: Module 'iana-if-type' not used
openconfig-if-ethernet.yang:12.3: warning(1015): import not used
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:state" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:type" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state/openconfig-interfaces:type) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-platform:state" not found (../openconfig-platform:state) with context node "/components/component/port".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-platform:type" not found (../openconfig-platform:state/openconfig-platform:type) with context node "/components/component/port".
openconfig-platform-psu@2018-11-21.yang PASSED          
openconfig-platform-transceiver@2018-11-25.yang PASSED WITH WARNINGS       Warning: Module 'iana-if-type' not used
openconfig-if-ethernet.yang:12.3: warning(1015): import not used
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:state" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:type" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state/openconfig-interfaces:type) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-platform:state" not found (../openconfig-platform:state) with context node "/components/component/port".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-platform:type" not found (../openconfig-platform:state/openconfig-platform:type) with context node "/components/component/port".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-platform:state" not found (current()/openconfig-platform:state) with context node "/components/component".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-platform:type" not found (current()/openconfig-platform:state/openconfig-platform:type) with context node "/components/component".
openconfig-platform-types@2019-06-03.yang PASSED          
openconfig-platform@2019-04-16.yang PASSED          
openconfig-policy-forwarding@2018-11-21.yang FAILED /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-pf-forwarding-policies.yang:296: error: keyword "config" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12)
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-pf-forwarding-policies.yang:333: error: keyword "config" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12)
    Warning: revision with same date on line 60
openconfig-inet-types.yang:66.3: warning(1054): Revision date has already been used
warn: Module's revisions are not unique (2017-04-03).
openconfig-policy-types@2018-11-21.yang PASSED          
openconfig-probes-types@2018-11-21.yang PASSED          
openconfig-probes@2018-11-21.yang FAILED openconfig-probes.yang:115: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12)
openconfig-probes.yang:406: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12)
openconfig-probes.yang:496: error: keyword "mandatory" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12)
    Warning: revision with same date on line 60
openconfig-inet-types.yang:66.3: warning(1054): Revision date has already been used
warn: Module's revisions are not unique (2017-04-03).
openconfig-procmon@2018-11-21.yang PASSED          
openconfig-qos-types@2018-11-21.yang PASSED          
openconfig-qos@2018-11-21.yang FAILED /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-qos-elements.yang:614: error: keyword "when" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12)
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-qos-elements.yang:630: error: keyword "when" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12)
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-qos-elements.yang:709: error: keyword "when" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12)
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-qos-interfaces.yang:194: error: keyword "value" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12)
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-qos-interfaces.yang:199: error: keyword "value" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12)
  ./openconfig-qos-elements.yang:559: error: the node 'config' from module 'openconfig-qos' (in node 'queues' from 'openconfig-qos') is not found
./openconfig-qos-elements.yang:566: error: the node 'config' from module 'openconfig-qos' (in node 'queues' from 'openconfig-qos') is not found
Warning: revision with same date on line 60
openconfig-inet-types.yang:66.3: warning(1054): Revision date has already been used

Warning: no child node '*:config' found for parent 'openconfig-qos:queues'
XPath: ../config/queue-type = 'oc-qos-types:RED'
openconfig-qos-elements.yang:559.19: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: no child node '*:config' found for parent 'openconfig-qos:queues'
XPath: ../config/queue-type = 'oc-qos-types:WRED'
openconfig-qos-elements.yang:566.19: warning(1032): no child node available

*** 0 Errors, 2 Warnings
warn: Module's revisions are not unique (2017-04-03).
warn: Schema node "config" not found (../config) with context node "/qos/queues/queue".
warn: Schema node "queue-type" not found (../config/queue-type) with context node "/qos/queues/queue".
warn: Schema node "config" not found (../config) with context node "/qos/queues/queue".
warn: Schema node "queue-type" not found (../config/queue-type) with context node "/qos/queues/queue".
openconfig-relay-agent@2018-11-21.yang PASSED          
openconfig-rib-bgp-ext@2019-02-27.yang FAILED   /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-acl.yang:842 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-acl.yang:388): warning: node openconfig-acl::config is not found in openconfig-acl::acl-entries
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-acl.yang:842 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-acl.yang:394): warning: node openconfig-acl::config is not found in openconfig-acl::acl-entries
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-acl.yang:842 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-acl.yang:401): warning: node openconfig-acl::config is not found in openconfig-acl::acl-entries
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-acl.yang:842 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-acl.yang:409): warning: node openconfig-acl::config is not found in openconfig-acl::acl-entries
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:218): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::type is not found in openconfig-network-instance::config
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:264): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::type is not found in openconfig-network-instance::config
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:282): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::type is not found in openconfig-network-instance::config
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:402): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::type is not found in openconfig-network-instance::route-limits
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:620): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::config is not found in openconfig-network-instance::mpls
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:628): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::config is not found in openconfig-network-instance::segment-routing
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:692): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::config is not found in openconfig-network-instance::static-routes
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:703): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::config is not found in openconfig-network-instance::local-aggregates
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:714): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::config is not found in openconfig-network-instance::bgp
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:725): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::config is not found in openconfig-network-instance::ospfv2
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:733): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::config is not found in openconfig-network-instance::isis
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:744): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::config is not found in openconfig-network-instance::pim
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:755): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::config is not found in openconfig-network-instance::igmp
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:775): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::type is not found in openconfig-network-instance::enabled-address-families
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:784): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::type is not found in openconfig-network-instance::mtu
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang:2304): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::state is not found in openconfig-network-instance::lsas
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang:2312): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::state is not found in openconfig-network-instance::lsas
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang:2323): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::state is not found in openconfig-network-instance::lsas
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang:2331): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::state is not found in openconfig-network-instance::lsas
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang:2339): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::state is not found in openconfig-network-instance::lsas
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang:2349): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::state is not found in openconfig-network-instance::lsas
./openconfig-network-instance.yang:402: error: the node 'type' from module 'openconfig-network-instance' (in node 'network-instance' from 'openconfig-network-instance') is not found
Warning: revision with same date on line 60
openconfig-inet-types.yang:66.3: warning(1054): Revision date has already been used

Warning: revision with same date on line 48
openconfig-bgp-types.yang:54.3: warning(1054): Revision date has already been used

Warning: top-level NP container 'bgp' is mandatory
openconfig-bgp.yang:180.3: warning(1048): top-level object is mandatory

Warning: compare value '../IPV4_ADDRESS_INDEX' invalid for object 'openconfig-bgp:type type:enumeration'
XPath:../type = 'IPV4_NODE_ADDRESS' or ../type='../IPV4_ADDRESS_INDEX'or ../type='IPV4_LOCAL_INTF_ID' or ../type='IPV4_LOCAL_REMOTE_ADDR'
openconfig-rib-bgp-attributes.yang: line 855: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'IPV6_ADDRESS_INDEX' invalid for object 'openconfig-bgp:type type:enumeration'
XPath:../type = 'IPV6_NODE_ADDRESS' or ../type='IPV6_ADDRESS_INDEX'or ../type='IPV6_LOCAL_INTF_ID' or ../type='IPV6_LOCAL_REMOTE_ADDR'
openconfig-rib-bgp-attributes.yang: line 884: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: Module 'iana-if-type' not used
openconfig-if-ethernet.yang:12.3: warning(1015): import not used

Warning: Module 'iana-if-type' not used
openconfig-if-aggregate.yang:13.3: warning(1015): import not used

Warning: Module 'openconfig-if-types' not used
openconfig-if-aggregate.yang:14.3: warning(1015): import not used

Warning: Module 'iana-if-type' not used
openconfig-vlan.yang:15.3: warning(1015): import not used

Warning: revision with same date on line 25
openconfig-isis-types.yang:31.3: warning(1054): Revision date has already been used

Warning: revision with same date on line 66
openconfig-isis.yang:72.3: warning(1054): Revision date has already been used

Warning: no child node '*:config' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: ../../config/type='ACL_L2'
openconfig-acl.yang:388.22: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: no child node '*:config' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: ../../config/type='ACL_IPV4'
openconfig-acl.yang:394.22: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: no child node '*:config' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: ../../config/type='ACL_IPV6'
openconfig-acl.yang:401.22: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: no child node '*:config' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: ../../config/type='ACL_IPV6' or ../../config/type='ACL_IPV4'
openconfig-acl.yang:408.22: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: no child node '*:config' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: ../../config/type='ACL_IPV6' or ../../config/type='ACL_IPV4'
openconfig-acl.yang:408.54: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: compare value 'L2VSI' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:config/type = 'L2VSI' or config/type = 'L2P2P' or config/type = 'L2L3' or config/type = 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 217: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'L2P2P' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:config/type = 'L2VSI' or config/type = 'L2P2P' or config/type = 'L2L3' or config/type = 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 217: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'L2L3' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:config/type = 'L2VSI' or config/type = 'L2P2P' or config/type = 'L2L3' or config/type = 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 217: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:config/type = 'L2VSI' or config/type = 'L2P2P' or config/type = 'L2L3' or config/type = 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 217: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'L2VSI' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../../config/type = 'L2VSI' or ../../config/type = 'L2P2P'
or ../../config/type = 'L2L3'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 263: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'L2P2P' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../../config/type = 'L2VSI' or ../../config/type = 'L2P2P'
or ../../config/type = 'L2L3'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 263: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'L2L3' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../../config/type = 'L2VSI' or ../../config/type = 'L2P2P'
or ../../config/type = 'L2L3'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 263: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'L2VSI' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../../config/type = 'L2VSI' or ../../config/type = 'L2P2P'
or ../../config/type = 'L2L3'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 281: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'L2P2P' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../../config/type = 'L2VSI' or ../../config/type = 'L2P2P'
or ../../config/type = 'L2L3'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 281: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'L2L3' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../../config/type = 'L2VSI' or ../../config/type = 'L2P2P'
or ../../config/type = 'L2L3'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 281: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: no child node '*:type' found for parent 'openconfig-network-instance:network-instance'
XPath: type = 'L3VRF' or type = 'L2L3'
openconfig-network-instance.yang:402.16: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: no child node '*:type' found for parent 'openconfig-network-instance:network-instance'
XPath: type = 'L3VRF' or type = 'L2L3'
openconfig-network-instance.yang:402.34: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: compare value 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:config/type = 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 620: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:config/type = 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 628: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'STATIC' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:identifier type:identityref'
XPath:config/identifier = 'STATIC'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 692: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'LOCAL_AGGREGATE' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:identifier type:identityref'
XPath:config/identifier = 'LOCAL_AGGREGATE'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 703: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'BGP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:identifier type:identityref'
XPath:config/identifier = 'BGP'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 714: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'OSPF' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:identifier type:identityref'
XPath:config/identifier = 'OSPF'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 725: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'ISIS' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:identifier type:identityref'
XPath:config/identifier = 'ISIS'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 733: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PIM' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:identifier type:identityref'
XPath:config/identifier = 'PIM'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 744: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'IGMP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:identifier type:identityref'
XPath:config/identifier = 'IGMP'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 755: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: no child node '*:type' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: type = 'L3VRF' or type = 'L2L3'
openconfig-network-instance.yang:775.12: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: no child node '*:type' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: type = 'L3VRF' or type = 'L2L3'
openconfig-network-instance.yang:775.30: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: no child node '*:type' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: type = 'L2VSI' or type = 'L2P2P' or type = 'L2L3'
openconfig-network-instance.yang:783.12: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: no child node '*:type' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: type = 'L2VSI' or type = 'L2P2P' or type = 'L2L3'
openconfig-network-instance.yang:783.30: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: no child node '*:type' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: type = 'L2VSI' or type = 'L2P2P' or type = 'L2L3'
openconfig-network-instance.yang:783.48: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: compare value 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../config/type != 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 246: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'L2P2P' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../../../config/type = 'L2P2P' or ../../../config/type = 'L2VSI'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 513: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'L2VSI' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../../../config/type = 'L2P2P' or ../../../config/type = 'L2VSI'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 513: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'LOCAL' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../config/type = 'LOCAL'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 560: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'REMOTE' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../config/type = 'REMOTE'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 588: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 571: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 581: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 600: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 617: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 571: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 581: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 600: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 617: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'P2P' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../config/type = 'P2P'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 901: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 831: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 842: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 855: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 867: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../../../../../config/signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 640: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../../../../../config/signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 658: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../../../../../config/signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 683: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 831: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 842: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 855: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 867: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../../../../../config/signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 640: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../../../../../config/signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 658: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../../../../../config/signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 683: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 831: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 842: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 855: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 867: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../../../../../config/signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 640: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../../../../../config/signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 658: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../../../../../config/signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 683: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 831: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 842: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 855: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 867: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../../../../../config/signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 640: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../../../../../config/signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 658: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../../../../../config/signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 683: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value '../IPV4_ADDRESS_INDEX' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:enumeration'
XPath:../type = 'IPV4_NODE_ADDRESS' or ../type='../IPV4_ADDRESS_INDEX'or ../type='IPV4_LOCAL_INTF_ID' or ../type='IPV4_LOCAL_REMOTE_ADDR'
openconfig-rib-bgp-attributes.yang: line 855: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'IPV6_ADDRESS_INDEX' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:enumeration'
XPath:../type = 'IPV6_NODE_ADDRESS' or ../type='IPV6_ADDRESS_INDEX'or ../type='IPV6_LOCAL_INTF_ID' or ../type='IPV6_LOCAL_REMOTE_ADDR'
openconfig-rib-bgp-attributes.yang: line 884: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'TRAFFIC_ENGINEERING' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'TRAFFIC_ENGINEERING'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 479: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'TE_ROUTER_ADDRESS' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'TE_ROUTER_ADDRESS'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 505: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'TE_ROUTER_LINK' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'TE_ROUTER_LINK'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 522: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'TE_LINK_TYPE' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:union'
XPath:../type = 'TE_LINK_TYPE'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1372: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'TE_LINK_ID' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:union'
XPath:../type = 'TE_LINK_ID'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1401: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'TE_LINK_LOCAL_IP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:union'
XPath:../type = 'TE_LINK_LOCAL_IP'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1415: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'TE_LINK_REMOTE_IP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:union'
XPath:../type = 'TE_LINK_REMOTE_IP'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1428: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'TE_LINK_METRIC' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:union'
XPath:../type = 'TE_LINK_METRIC'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1441: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'TE_LINK_MAXIMUM_BANDWIDTH' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:union'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1455: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'TE_LINK_MAXIUMUM_RESERVABLE_BANDWIDTH' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:union'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1470: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'TE_NODE_ATTRIBUTE' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'TE_NODE_ATTRIBUTE'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 614: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'NODE_IPV4_LOCAL_ADDRESS' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:union'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1557: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'NODE_LOCAL_IPV6_ADDRESS' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:union'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1569: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'GRACE_LSA' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'GRACE_LSA'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 655: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'GRACE_PERIOD' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../type = 'GRACE_PERIOD'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1608: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'GRACE_RESTART_REASON' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1624: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'GRACE_IP_INTERFACE_ADDRESS' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1662: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'ROUTER_INFORMATION_LSA' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'ROUTER_INFORMATION_LSA'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 686: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'RI_INFORMATIONAL_CAPABILITIES' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:union'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 714: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'RI_NODE_ADMIN_TAG' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:union'
XPath:../state/type = 'RI_NODE_ADMIN_TAG'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 734: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'RI_SR_ALGORITHM' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:union'
XPath:../state/type = 'RI_SR_ALGORITHM'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 753: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'RI_SR_SID_LABEL_RANGE' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:union'
XPath:../state/type = 'RI_SR_SID_LABEL_RANGE'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 771: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'OSPFV2_EXTENDED_PREFIX' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'OSPFV2_EXTENDED_PREFIX'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 818: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'EXTENDED_PREFIX_RANGE' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'EXTENDED_PREFIX_RANGE'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 853: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PREFIX_SID' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'PREFIX_SID'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 872: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'SID_LABEL_BINDING' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'SID_LABEL_BINDING'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 891: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'SID_LABEL_BINDING' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'SID_LABEL_BINDING'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 925: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'ERO_METRIC' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'ERO_METRIC'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 944: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'ERO_PATH' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'ERO_PATH'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 963: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'IPV4_SEGMENT' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'IPV4_SEGMENT'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 990: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'UNNUMBERED_INTERFACE_SEGMENT' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1007: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'ADJACENCY_SID' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'ADJACENCY_SID'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1067: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type
warn: Module's revisions are not unique (2017-04-03).
warn: Module's revisions are not unique (2018-03-20).
warn: Invalid value "../IPV4_ADDRESS_INDEX" in "type" element. (/openconfig-bgp:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[36] "type='../IPV4_ADDRESS_INDEX'".
warn: Invalid value "IPV6_ADDRESS_INDEX" in "type" element. (/openconfig-bgp:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[36] "type='IPV6_ADDRESS_INDEX'".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:state" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:type" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state/openconfig-interfaces:type) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:state" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:type" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state/openconfig-interfaces:type) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:state" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state/openconfig-interfaces:type = 'iana-if-type:ieee8023adLag' or openconfig-interfaces:state) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:type" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state/openconfig-interfaces:type = 'iana-if-type:ieee8023adLag' or openconfig-interfaces:state/openconfig-interfaces:type) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
warn: Module's revisions are not unique (2018-06-05).
warn: Module's revisions are not unique (2018-11-21).
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "ACL_L2" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[13] "type='ACL_L2'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "ACL_IPV4" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[13] "type='ACL_IPV4'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "ACL_IPV6" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[13] "type='ACL_IPV6'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "ACL_IPV6" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[13] "type='ACL_IPV6'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "ACL_IPV4" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[45] "type='ACL_IPV4'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2VSI" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "type = 'L2VSI'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2VSI". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "type = 'L2VSI'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2P2P" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[32] "type = 'L2P2P'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2P2P". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[32] "type = 'L2P2P'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2L3" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[57] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2L3". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[57] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "DEFAULT_INSTANCE" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[81] "type = 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "DEFAULT_INSTANCE". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[81] "type = 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L3VRF" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[0] "type = 'L3VRF'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L3VRF". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[0] "type = 'L3VRF'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2L3" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[18] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2L3". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[18] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2VSI" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[0] "type = 'L2VSI'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2VSI". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[0] "type = 'L2VSI'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2P2P" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[18] "type = 'L2P2P'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2P2P". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[18] "type = 'L2P2P'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2L3" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[36] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2L3". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[36] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L3VRF" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[0] "type = 'L3VRF'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L3VRF". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[0] "type = 'L3VRF'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2L3" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[18] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2L3". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[18] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2VSI" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[0] "type = 'L2VSI'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2VSI". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[0] "type = 'L2VSI'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2P2P" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[18] "type = 'L2P2P'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2P2P". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[18] "type = 'L2P2P'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2L3" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[36] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2L3". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[36] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "DEFAULT_INSTANCE" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[10] "type != 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "DEFAULT_INSTANCE". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[10] "type != 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2VSI" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[13] "type = 'L2VSI'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2VSI". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[13] "type = 'L2VSI'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2P2P" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[44] "type = 'L2P2P'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2P2P". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[44] "type = 'L2P2P'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2L3" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[77] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2L3". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[77] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2VSI" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[13] "type = 'L2VSI'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2VSI". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[13] "type = 'L2VSI'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2P2P" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[44] "type = 'L2P2P'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2P2P". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[44] "type = 'L2P2P'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2L3" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[77] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2L3". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[77] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Schema node "type" not found (type) with context node "/network-instances/network-instance".
warn: Schema node "type" not found (type = 'L3VRF' or type) with context node "/network-instances/network-instance".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2P2P" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[16] "type = 'L2P2P'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2P2P". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[16] "type = 'L2P2P'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2VSI" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[50] "type = 'L2VSI'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2VSI". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[50] "type = 'L2VSI'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "LOCAL" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[10] "type = 'LOCAL'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "LOCAL". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[10] "type = 'LOCAL'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "REMOTE" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[10] "type = 'REMOTE'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "REMOTE". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[10] "type = 'REMOTE'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "DEFAULT_INSTANCE" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "type = 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "DEFAULT_INSTANCE". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "type = 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "P2P" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[10] "type = 'P2P'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "P2P". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[10] "type = 'P2P'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "LOCALLY_COMPUTED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "LOCALLY_COMPUTED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "LOCALLY_COMPUTED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "LOCALLY_COMPUTED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "EXTERNALLY_QUERIED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "EXTERNALLY_QUERIED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "EXPLICITLY_DEFINED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "EXPLICITLY_DEFINED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "LOCALLY_COMPUTED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "LOCALLY_COMPUTED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "LOCALLY_COMPUTED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "LOCALLY_COMPUTED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "EXTERNALLY_QUERIED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "EXTERNALLY_QUERIED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "EXPLICITLY_DEFINED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "EXPLICITLY_DEFINED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "LOCALLY_COMPUTED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "LOCALLY_COMPUTED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "LOCALLY_COMPUTED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "LOCALLY_COMPUTED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "EXTERNALLY_QUERIED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "EXTERNALLY_QUERIED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "EXPLICITLY_DEFINED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "EXPLICITLY_DEFINED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "LOCALLY_COMPUTED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "LOCALLY_COMPUTED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "LOCALLY_COMPUTED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "LOCALLY_COMPUTED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "EXTERNALLY_QUERIED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "EXTERNALLY_QUERIED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "EXPLICITLY_DEFINED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "EXPLICITLY_DEFINED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "DEFAULT_INSTANCE" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "type = 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "DEFAULT_INSTANCE". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "type = 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'".
warn: Identityref "identifier" comparison with identity "STATIC" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'STATIC'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "STATIC". (/openconfig-network-instance:identifier)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'STATIC'".
warn: Identityref "identifier" comparison with identity "LOCAL_AGGREGATE" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'LOCAL_AGGREGATE'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "LOCAL_AGGREGATE". (/openconfig-network-instance:identifier)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'LOCAL_AGGREGATE'".
warn: Identityref "identifier" comparison with identity "BGP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'BGP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "BGP". (/openconfig-network-instance:identifier)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'BGP'".
warn: Invalid value "../IPV4_ADDRESS_INDEX" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[36] "type='../IPV4_ADDRESS_INDEX'".
warn: Invalid value "IPV6_ADDRESS_INDEX" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[36] "type='IPV6_ADDRESS_INDEX'".
warn: Identityref "identifier" comparison with identity "OSPF" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'OSPF'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "OSPF". (/openconfig-network-instance:identifier)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'OSPF'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "ROUTER_LSA" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[12] "type = 'ROUTER_LSA'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "ROUTER_LSA". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[12] "type = 'ROUTER_LSA'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "NETWORK_LSA" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[12] "type = 'NETWORK_LSA'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "NETWORK_LSA". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[12] "type = 'NETWORK_LSA'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "SUMMARY_IP_NETWORK_LSA" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[12] "type = 'SUMMARY_IP_NETWORK_LSA'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "SUMMARY_IP_NETWORK_LSA". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[12] "type = 'SUMMARY_IP_NETWORK_LSA'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "SUMMARY_ASBR_LSA" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[59] "type = 'SUMMARY_ASBR_LSA'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "SUMMARY_ASBR_LSA". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[59] "type = 'SUMMARY_ASBR_LSA'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "AS_EXTERNAL_LSA" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[12] "type = 'AS_EXTERNAL_LSA'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "AS_EXTERNAL_LSA". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[12] "type = 'AS_EXTERNAL_LSA'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "NSSA_AS_EXTERNAL_LSA" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[12] "type = 'NSSA_AS_EXTERNAL_LSA'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "NSSA_AS_EXTERNAL_LSA". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[12] "type = 'NSSA_AS_EXTERNAL_LSA'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "OSPFV2_LINK_SCOPE_OPAQUE_LSA" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[12] "type = 'OSPFV2_LINK_SCOPE_OPAQUE_LSA'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "OSPFV2_LINK_SCOPE_OPAQUE_LSA". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[12] "type = 'OSPFV2_LINK_SCOPE_OPAQUE_LSA'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "OSPFV2_AREA_SCOPE_OPAQUE_LSA" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[65] "type = 'OSPFV2_AREA_SCOPE_OPAQUE_LSA'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "OSPFV2_AREA_SCOPE_OPAQUE_LSA". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[65] "type = 'OSPFV2_AREA_SCOPE_OPAQUE_LSA'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "OSPFV2_AS_SCOPE_OPAQUE_LSA" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[118] "type = 'OSPFV2_AS_SCOPE_OPAQUE_LSA'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "OSPFV2_AS_SCOPE_OPAQUE_LSA". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[118] "type = 'OSPFV2_AS_SCOPE_OPAQUE_LSA'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "TRAFFIC_ENGINEERING" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'TRAFFIC_ENGINEERING'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "TRAFFIC_ENGINEERING". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'TRAFFIC_ENGINEERING'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "TE_ROUTER_ADDRESS" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'TE_ROUTER_ADDRESS'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "TE_ROUTER_ADDRESS". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'TE_ROUTER_ADDRESS'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "TE_ROUTER_LINK" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'TE_ROUTER_LINK'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "TE_ROUTER_LINK". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'TE_ROUTER_LINK'".
warn: Invalid value "TE_LINK_TYPE" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'TE_LINK_TYPE'".
warn: Invalid value "TE_LINK_ID" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'TE_LINK_ID'".
warn: Invalid value "TE_LINK_LOCAL_IP" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'TE_LINK_LOCAL_IP'".
warn: Invalid value "TE_LINK_REMOTE_IP" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'TE_LINK_REMOTE_IP'".
warn: Invalid value "TE_LINK_METRIC" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'TE_LINK_METRIC'".
warn: Invalid value "TE_LINK_MAXIMUM_BANDWIDTH" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'TE_LINK_MAXIMUM_BANDWIDTH'".
warn: Invalid value "TE_LINK_MAXIUMUM_RESERVABLE_BANDWIDTH" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'TE_LINK_MAXIUMUM_RESERVABLE_BANDWIDTH'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "TE_NODE_ATTRIBUTE" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'TE_NODE_ATTRIBUTE'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "TE_NODE_ATTRIBUTE". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'TE_NODE_ATTRIBUTE'".
warn: Invalid value "NODE_IPV4_LOCAL_ADDRESS" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'NODE_IPV4_LOCAL_ADDRESS'".
warn: Invalid value "NODE_LOCAL_IPV6_ADDRESS" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'NODE_LOCAL_IPV6_ADDRESS'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "GRACE_LSA" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'GRACE_LSA'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "GRACE_LSA". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'GRACE_LSA'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "GRACE_PERIOD" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'GRACE_PERIOD'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "GRACE_PERIOD". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'GRACE_PERIOD'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "GRACE_RESTART_REASON" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'GRACE_RESTART_REASON'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "GRACE_RESTART_REASON". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'GRACE_RESTART_REASON'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "GRACE_IP_INTERFACE_ADDRESS" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'GRACE_IP_INTERFACE_ADDRESS'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "GRACE_IP_INTERFACE_ADDRESS". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'GRACE_IP_INTERFACE_ADDRESS'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "ROUTER_INFORMATION_LSA" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'ROUTER_INFORMATION_LSA'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "ROUTER_INFORMATION_LSA". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'ROUTER_INFORMATION_LSA'".
warn: Invalid value "RI_INFORMATIONAL_CAPABILITIES" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'RI_INFORMATIONAL_CAPABILITIES'".
warn: Invalid value "RI_NODE_ADMIN_TAG" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'RI_NODE_ADMIN_TAG'".
warn: Invalid value "RI_SR_ALGORITHM" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'RI_SR_ALGORITHM'".
warn: Invalid value "RI_SR_SID_LABEL_RANGE" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'RI_SR_SID_LABEL_RANGE'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "OSPFV2_EXTENDED_PREFIX" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'OSPFV2_EXTENDED_PREFIX'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "OSPFV2_EXTENDED_PREFIX". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'OSPFV2_EXTENDED_PREFIX'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "EXTENDED_PREFIX_RANGE" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'EXTENDED_PREFIX_RANGE'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "EXTENDED_PREFIX_RANGE". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'EXTENDED_PREFIX_RANGE'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "PREFIX_SID" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'PREFIX_SID'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PREFIX_SID". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'PREFIX_SID'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "SID_LABEL_BINDING" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'SID_LABEL_BINDING'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "SID_LABEL_BINDING". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'SID_LABEL_BINDING'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "SID_LABEL_BINDING" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'SID_LABEL_BINDING'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "SID_LABEL_BINDING". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'SID_LABEL_BINDING'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "ERO_METRIC" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'ERO_METRIC'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "ERO_METRIC". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'ERO_METRIC'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "ERO_PATH" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'ERO_PATH'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "ERO_PATH". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'ERO_PATH'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "IPV4_SEGMENT" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'IPV4_SEGMENT'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "IPV4_SEGMENT". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'IPV4_SEGMENT'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "UNNUMBERED_INTERFACE_SEGMENT" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'UNNUMBERED_INTERFACE_SEGMENT'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "UNNUMBERED_INTERFACE_SEGMENT". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'UNNUMBERED_INTERFACE_SEGMENT'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "ADJACENCY_SID" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'ADJACENCY_SID'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "ADJACENCY_SID". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'ADJACENCY_SID'".
warn: Identityref "identifier" comparison with identity "ISIS" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'ISIS'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "ISIS". (/openconfig-network-instance:identifier)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'ISIS'".
warn: Identityref "identifier" comparison with identity "PIM" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'PIM'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PIM". (/openconfig-network-instance:identifier)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'PIM'".
warn: Identityref "identifier" comparison with identity "IGMP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'IGMP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "IGMP". (/openconfig-network-instance:identifier)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'IGMP'".
openconfig-rib-bgp-types@2019-02-27.yang PASSED          
openconfig-rib-bgp@2019-04-16.yang FAILED /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-rib-bgp-attributes.yang:757: error: keyword "value" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12)
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-rib-bgp-attributes.yang:762: error: keyword "value" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12)
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-rib-bgp-attributes.yang:768: error: keyword "value" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12)
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-rib-bgp-attributes.yang:774: error: keyword "value" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12)
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-rib-bgp-attributes.yang:780: error: keyword "value" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12)
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-rib-bgp-attributes.yang:786: error: keyword "value" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12)
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-rib-bgp-attributes.yang:792: error: keyword "value" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12)
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-rib-bgp-attributes.yang:798: error: keyword "value" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12)
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-rib-bgp-tables.yang:724: error: keyword "description" not in canonical order,expected "type" (see RFC 6020, Section 12)
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-rib-bgp-tables.yang:725: error: keyword "type" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12)
    Warning: revision with same date on line 60
openconfig-inet-types.yang:66.3: warning(1054): Revision date has already been used

Warning: revision with same date on line 48
openconfig-bgp-types.yang:54.3: warning(1054): Revision date has already been used
warn: Module's revisions are not unique (2018-03-20).
warn: Module's revisions are not unique (2017-04-03).
openconfig-routing-policy@2018-11-21.yang PASSED WITH WARNINGS       Warning: revision with same date on line 60
openconfig-inet-types.yang:66.3: warning(1054): Revision date has already been used
warn: Module's revisions are not unique (2017-04-03).
openconfig-rsvp-sr-ext@2018-11-21.yang FAILED   /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-acl.yang:842 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-acl.yang:388): warning: node openconfig-acl::config is not found in openconfig-acl::acl-entries
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-acl.yang:842 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-acl.yang:394): warning: node openconfig-acl::config is not found in openconfig-acl::acl-entries
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-acl.yang:842 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-acl.yang:401): warning: node openconfig-acl::config is not found in openconfig-acl::acl-entries
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-acl.yang:842 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-acl.yang:409): warning: node openconfig-acl::config is not found in openconfig-acl::acl-entries
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:218): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::type is not found in openconfig-network-instance::config
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:264): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::type is not found in openconfig-network-instance::config
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:282): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::type is not found in openconfig-network-instance::config
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:402): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::type is not found in openconfig-network-instance::route-limits
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:620): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::config is not found in openconfig-network-instance::mpls
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:628): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::config is not found in openconfig-network-instance::segment-routing
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:692): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::config is not found in openconfig-network-instance::static-routes
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:703): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::config is not found in openconfig-network-instance::local-aggregates
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:714): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::config is not found in openconfig-network-instance::bgp
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:725): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::config is not found in openconfig-network-instance::ospfv2
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:733): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::config is not found in openconfig-network-instance::isis
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:744): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::config is not found in openconfig-network-instance::pim
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:755): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::config is not found in openconfig-network-instance::igmp
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:775): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::type is not found in openconfig-network-instance::enabled-address-families
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:784): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::type is not found in openconfig-network-instance::mtu
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang:2304): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::state is not found in openconfig-network-instance::lsas
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang:2312): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::state is not found in openconfig-network-instance::lsas
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang:2323): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::state is not found in openconfig-network-instance::lsas
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang:2331): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::state is not found in openconfig-network-instance::lsas
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang:2339): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::state is not found in openconfig-network-instance::lsas
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-network-instance.yang:1160 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang:2349): warning: node openconfig-network-instance::state is not found in openconfig-network-instance::lsas
./openconfig-network-instance.yang:402: error: the node 'type' from module 'openconfig-network-instance' (in node 'network-instance' from 'openconfig-network-instance') is not found
Warning: revision with same date on line 60
openconfig-inet-types.yang:66.3: warning(1054): Revision date has already been used

Warning: revision with same date on line 48
openconfig-bgp-types.yang:54.3: warning(1054): Revision date has already been used

Warning: top-level NP container 'bgp' is mandatory
openconfig-bgp.yang:180.3: warning(1048): top-level object is mandatory

Warning: compare value '../IPV4_ADDRESS_INDEX' invalid for object 'openconfig-bgp:type type:enumeration'
XPath:../type = 'IPV4_NODE_ADDRESS' or ../type='../IPV4_ADDRESS_INDEX'or ../type='IPV4_LOCAL_INTF_ID' or ../type='IPV4_LOCAL_REMOTE_ADDR'
openconfig-rib-bgp-attributes.yang: line 855: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'IPV6_ADDRESS_INDEX' invalid for object 'openconfig-bgp:type type:enumeration'
XPath:../type = 'IPV6_NODE_ADDRESS' or ../type='IPV6_ADDRESS_INDEX'or ../type='IPV6_LOCAL_INTF_ID' or ../type='IPV6_LOCAL_REMOTE_ADDR'
openconfig-rib-bgp-attributes.yang: line 884: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: Module 'iana-if-type' not used
openconfig-if-ethernet.yang:12.3: warning(1015): import not used

Warning: Module 'iana-if-type' not used
openconfig-if-aggregate.yang:13.3: warning(1015): import not used

Warning: Module 'openconfig-if-types' not used
openconfig-if-aggregate.yang:14.3: warning(1015): import not used

Warning: Module 'iana-if-type' not used
openconfig-vlan.yang:15.3: warning(1015): import not used

Warning: revision with same date on line 25
openconfig-isis-types.yang:31.3: warning(1054): Revision date has already been used

Warning: revision with same date on line 66
openconfig-isis.yang:72.3: warning(1054): Revision date has already been used

Warning: no child node '*:config' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: ../../config/type='ACL_L2'
openconfig-acl.yang:388.22: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: no child node '*:config' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: ../../config/type='ACL_IPV4'
openconfig-acl.yang:394.22: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: no child node '*:config' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: ../../config/type='ACL_IPV6'
openconfig-acl.yang:401.22: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: no child node '*:config' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: ../../config/type='ACL_IPV6' or ../../config/type='ACL_IPV4'
openconfig-acl.yang:408.22: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: no child node '*:config' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: ../../config/type='ACL_IPV6' or ../../config/type='ACL_IPV4'
openconfig-acl.yang:408.54: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: compare value 'L2VSI' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:config/type = 'L2VSI' or config/type = 'L2P2P' or config/type = 'L2L3' or config/type = 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 217: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'L2P2P' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:config/type = 'L2VSI' or config/type = 'L2P2P' or config/type = 'L2L3' or config/type = 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 217: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'L2L3' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:config/type = 'L2VSI' or config/type = 'L2P2P' or config/type = 'L2L3' or config/type = 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 217: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:config/type = 'L2VSI' or config/type = 'L2P2P' or config/type = 'L2L3' or config/type = 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 217: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'L2VSI' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../../config/type = 'L2VSI' or ../../config/type = 'L2P2P'
or ../../config/type = 'L2L3'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 263: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'L2P2P' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../../config/type = 'L2VSI' or ../../config/type = 'L2P2P'
or ../../config/type = 'L2L3'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 263: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'L2L3' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../../config/type = 'L2VSI' or ../../config/type = 'L2P2P'
or ../../config/type = 'L2L3'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 263: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'L2VSI' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../../config/type = 'L2VSI' or ../../config/type = 'L2P2P'
or ../../config/type = 'L2L3'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 281: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'L2P2P' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../../config/type = 'L2VSI' or ../../config/type = 'L2P2P'
or ../../config/type = 'L2L3'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 281: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'L2L3' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../../config/type = 'L2VSI' or ../../config/type = 'L2P2P'
or ../../config/type = 'L2L3'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 281: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: no child node '*:type' found for parent 'openconfig-network-instance:network-instance'
XPath: type = 'L3VRF' or type = 'L2L3'
openconfig-network-instance.yang:402.16: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: no child node '*:type' found for parent 'openconfig-network-instance:network-instance'
XPath: type = 'L3VRF' or type = 'L2L3'
openconfig-network-instance.yang:402.34: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: compare value 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:config/type = 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 620: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:config/type = 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 628: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'STATIC' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:identifier type:identityref'
XPath:config/identifier = 'STATIC'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 692: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'LOCAL_AGGREGATE' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:identifier type:identityref'
XPath:config/identifier = 'LOCAL_AGGREGATE'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 703: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'BGP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:identifier type:identityref'
XPath:config/identifier = 'BGP'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 714: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'OSPF' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:identifier type:identityref'
XPath:config/identifier = 'OSPF'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 725: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'ISIS' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:identifier type:identityref'
XPath:config/identifier = 'ISIS'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 733: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PIM' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:identifier type:identityref'
XPath:config/identifier = 'PIM'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 744: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'IGMP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:identifier type:identityref'
XPath:config/identifier = 'IGMP'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 755: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: no child node '*:type' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: type = 'L3VRF' or type = 'L2L3'
openconfig-network-instance.yang:775.12: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: no child node '*:type' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: type = 'L3VRF' or type = 'L2L3'
openconfig-network-instance.yang:775.30: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: no child node '*:type' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: type = 'L2VSI' or type = 'L2P2P' or type = 'L2L3'
openconfig-network-instance.yang:783.12: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: no child node '*:type' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: type = 'L2VSI' or type = 'L2P2P' or type = 'L2L3'
openconfig-network-instance.yang:783.30: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: no child node '*:type' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: type = 'L2VSI' or type = 'L2P2P' or type = 'L2L3'
openconfig-network-instance.yang:783.48: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: compare value 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../config/type != 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 246: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'L2P2P' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../../../config/type = 'L2P2P' or ../../../config/type = 'L2VSI'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 513: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'L2VSI' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../../../config/type = 'L2P2P' or ../../../config/type = 'L2VSI'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 513: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'LOCAL' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../config/type = 'LOCAL'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 560: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'REMOTE' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../config/type = 'REMOTE'
openconfig-network-instance.yang: line 588: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 571: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 581: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 600: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 617: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 571: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 581: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 600: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 617: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'P2P' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../config/type = 'P2P'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 901: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 831: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 842: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 855: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 867: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../../../../../config/signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 640: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../../../../../config/signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 658: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../../../../../config/signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 683: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 831: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 842: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 855: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 867: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../../../../../config/signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 640: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../../../../../config/signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 658: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../../../../../config/signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 683: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 831: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 842: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 855: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 867: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../../../../../config/signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 640: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../../../../../config/signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 658: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../../../../../config/signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 683: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 831: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 842: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 855: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method type:identityref'
XPath:../path-computation-method = 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED'
openconfig-mpls-te.yang: line 867: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../../../../../config/signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 640: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../../../../../config/signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 658: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol type:identityref'
XPath:../../../../../config/signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'
openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang: line 683: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value '../IPV4_ADDRESS_INDEX' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:enumeration'
XPath:../type = 'IPV4_NODE_ADDRESS' or ../type='../IPV4_ADDRESS_INDEX'or ../type='IPV4_LOCAL_INTF_ID' or ../type='IPV4_LOCAL_REMOTE_ADDR'
openconfig-rib-bgp-attributes.yang: line 855: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'IPV6_ADDRESS_INDEX' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:enumeration'
XPath:../type = 'IPV6_NODE_ADDRESS' or ../type='IPV6_ADDRESS_INDEX'or ../type='IPV6_LOCAL_INTF_ID' or ../type='IPV6_LOCAL_REMOTE_ADDR'
openconfig-rib-bgp-attributes.yang: line 884: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'TRAFFIC_ENGINEERING' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'TRAFFIC_ENGINEERING'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 479: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'TE_ROUTER_ADDRESS' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'TE_ROUTER_ADDRESS'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 505: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'TE_ROUTER_LINK' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'TE_ROUTER_LINK'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 522: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'TE_LINK_TYPE' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:union'
XPath:../type = 'TE_LINK_TYPE'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1372: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'TE_LINK_ID' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:union'
XPath:../type = 'TE_LINK_ID'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1401: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'TE_LINK_LOCAL_IP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:union'
XPath:../type = 'TE_LINK_LOCAL_IP'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1415: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'TE_LINK_REMOTE_IP' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:union'
XPath:../type = 'TE_LINK_REMOTE_IP'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1428: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'TE_LINK_METRIC' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:union'
XPath:../type = 'TE_LINK_METRIC'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1441: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'TE_LINK_MAXIMUM_BANDWIDTH' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:union'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1455: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'TE_LINK_MAXIUMUM_RESERVABLE_BANDWIDTH' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:union'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1470: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'TE_NODE_ATTRIBUTE' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'TE_NODE_ATTRIBUTE'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 614: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'NODE_IPV4_LOCAL_ADDRESS' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:union'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1557: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'NODE_LOCAL_IPV6_ADDRESS' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:union'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1569: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'GRACE_LSA' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'GRACE_LSA'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 655: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'GRACE_PERIOD' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../type = 'GRACE_PERIOD'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1608: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'GRACE_RESTART_REASON' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1624: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'GRACE_IP_INTERFACE_ADDRESS' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1662: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'ROUTER_INFORMATION_LSA' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'ROUTER_INFORMATION_LSA'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 686: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'RI_INFORMATIONAL_CAPABILITIES' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:union'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 714: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'RI_NODE_ADMIN_TAG' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:union'
XPath:../state/type = 'RI_NODE_ADMIN_TAG'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 734: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'RI_SR_ALGORITHM' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:union'
XPath:../state/type = 'RI_SR_ALGORITHM'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 753: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'RI_SR_SID_LABEL_RANGE' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:union'
XPath:../state/type = 'RI_SR_SID_LABEL_RANGE'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 771: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'OSPFV2_EXTENDED_PREFIX' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'OSPFV2_EXTENDED_PREFIX'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 818: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'EXTENDED_PREFIX_RANGE' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'EXTENDED_PREFIX_RANGE'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 853: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PREFIX_SID' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'PREFIX_SID'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 872: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'SID_LABEL_BINDING' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'SID_LABEL_BINDING'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 891: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'SID_LABEL_BINDING' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'SID_LABEL_BINDING'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 925: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'ERO_METRIC' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'ERO_METRIC'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 944: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'ERO_PATH' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'ERO_PATH'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 963: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'IPV4_SEGMENT' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'IPV4_SEGMENT'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 990: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'UNNUMBERED_INTERFACE_SEGMENT' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1007: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'ADJACENCY_SID' invalid for object 'openconfig-network-instance:type type:identityref'
XPath:../state/type = 'ADJACENCY_SID'
openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang: line 1067: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type
warn: Module's revisions are not unique (2017-04-03).
warn: Module's revisions are not unique (2018-03-20).
warn: Invalid value "../IPV4_ADDRESS_INDEX" in "type" element. (/openconfig-bgp:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[36] "type='../IPV4_ADDRESS_INDEX'".
warn: Invalid value "IPV6_ADDRESS_INDEX" in "type" element. (/openconfig-bgp:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[36] "type='IPV6_ADDRESS_INDEX'".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:state" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:type" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state/openconfig-interfaces:type) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:state" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:type" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state/openconfig-interfaces:type) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:state" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state/openconfig-interfaces:type = 'iana-if-type:ieee8023adLag' or openconfig-interfaces:state) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:type" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state/openconfig-interfaces:type = 'iana-if-type:ieee8023adLag' or openconfig-interfaces:state/openconfig-interfaces:type) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
warn: Module's revisions are not unique (2018-06-05).
warn: Module's revisions are not unique (2018-11-21).
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "ACL_L2" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[13] "type='ACL_L2'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "ACL_IPV4" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[13] "type='ACL_IPV4'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "ACL_IPV6" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[13] "type='ACL_IPV6'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "ACL_IPV6" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[13] "type='ACL_IPV6'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "ACL_IPV4" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[45] "type='ACL_IPV4'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2VSI" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "type = 'L2VSI'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2VSI". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "type = 'L2VSI'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2P2P" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[32] "type = 'L2P2P'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2P2P". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[32] "type = 'L2P2P'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2L3" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[57] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2L3". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[57] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "DEFAULT_INSTANCE" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[81] "type = 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "DEFAULT_INSTANCE". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[81] "type = 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L3VRF" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[0] "type = 'L3VRF'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L3VRF". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[0] "type = 'L3VRF'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2L3" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[18] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2L3". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[18] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2VSI" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[0] "type = 'L2VSI'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2VSI". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[0] "type = 'L2VSI'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2P2P" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[18] "type = 'L2P2P'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2P2P". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[18] "type = 'L2P2P'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2L3" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[36] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2L3". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[36] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L3VRF" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[0] "type = 'L3VRF'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L3VRF". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[0] "type = 'L3VRF'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2L3" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[18] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2L3". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[18] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2VSI" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[0] "type = 'L2VSI'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2VSI". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[0] "type = 'L2VSI'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2P2P" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[18] "type = 'L2P2P'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2P2P". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[18] "type = 'L2P2P'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2L3" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[36] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2L3". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[36] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "DEFAULT_INSTANCE" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[10] "type != 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "DEFAULT_INSTANCE". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[10] "type != 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2VSI" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[13] "type = 'L2VSI'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2VSI". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[13] "type = 'L2VSI'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2P2P" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[44] "type = 'L2P2P'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2P2P". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[44] "type = 'L2P2P'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2L3" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[77] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2L3". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[77] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2VSI" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[13] "type = 'L2VSI'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2VSI". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[13] "type = 'L2VSI'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2P2P" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[44] "type = 'L2P2P'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2P2P". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[44] "type = 'L2P2P'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2L3" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[77] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2L3". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[77] "type = 'L2L3'".
warn: Schema node "type" not found (type) with context node "/network-instances/network-instance".
warn: Schema node "type" not found (type = 'L3VRF' or type) with context node "/network-instances/network-instance".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2P2P" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[16] "type = 'L2P2P'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2P2P". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[16] "type = 'L2P2P'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "L2VSI" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[50] "type = 'L2VSI'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "L2VSI". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[50] "type = 'L2VSI'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "LOCAL" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[10] "type = 'LOCAL'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "LOCAL". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[10] "type = 'LOCAL'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "REMOTE" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[10] "type = 'REMOTE'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "REMOTE". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[10] "type = 'REMOTE'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "DEFAULT_INSTANCE" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "type = 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "DEFAULT_INSTANCE". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "type = 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "P2P" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[10] "type = 'P2P'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "P2P". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[10] "type = 'P2P'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "LOCALLY_COMPUTED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "LOCALLY_COMPUTED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "LOCALLY_COMPUTED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "LOCALLY_COMPUTED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "EXTERNALLY_QUERIED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "EXTERNALLY_QUERIED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "EXPLICITLY_DEFINED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "EXPLICITLY_DEFINED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "LOCALLY_COMPUTED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "LOCALLY_COMPUTED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "LOCALLY_COMPUTED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "LOCALLY_COMPUTED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "EXTERNALLY_QUERIED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "EXTERNALLY_QUERIED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "EXPLICITLY_DEFINED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "EXPLICITLY_DEFINED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "LOCALLY_COMPUTED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "LOCALLY_COMPUTED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "LOCALLY_COMPUTED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "LOCALLY_COMPUTED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "EXTERNALLY_QUERIED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "EXTERNALLY_QUERIED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "EXPLICITLY_DEFINED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "EXPLICITLY_DEFINED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "LOCALLY_COMPUTED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "LOCALLY_COMPUTED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "LOCALLY_COMPUTED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "LOCALLY_COMPUTED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'LOCALLY_COMPUTED'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "EXTERNALLY_QUERIED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "EXTERNALLY_QUERIED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXTERNALLY_QUERIED'".
warn: Identityref "path-computation-method" comparison with identity "EXPLICITLY_DEFINED" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "EXPLICITLY_DEFINED". (/openconfig-network-instance:path-computation-method)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "path-computation-method = 'EXPLICITLY_DEFINED'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "signaling-protocol" comparison with identity "PATH_SETUP_RSVP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PATH_SETUP_RSVP". (/openconfig-network-instance:signaling-protocol)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[22] "signaling-protocol = 'PATH_SETUP_RSVP'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "DEFAULT_INSTANCE" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "type = 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "DEFAULT_INSTANCE". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "type = 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE'".
warn: Identityref "identifier" comparison with identity "STATIC" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'STATIC'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "STATIC". (/openconfig-network-instance:identifier)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'STATIC'".
warn: Identityref "identifier" comparison with identity "LOCAL_AGGREGATE" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'LOCAL_AGGREGATE'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "LOCAL_AGGREGATE". (/openconfig-network-instance:identifier)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'LOCAL_AGGREGATE'".
warn: Identityref "identifier" comparison with identity "BGP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'BGP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "BGP". (/openconfig-network-instance:identifier)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'BGP'".
warn: Invalid value "../IPV4_ADDRESS_INDEX" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[36] "type='../IPV4_ADDRESS_INDEX'".
warn: Invalid value "IPV6_ADDRESS_INDEX" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[36] "type='IPV6_ADDRESS_INDEX'".
warn: Identityref "identifier" comparison with identity "OSPF" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'OSPF'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "OSPF". (/openconfig-network-instance:identifier)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'OSPF'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "ROUTER_LSA" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[12] "type = 'ROUTER_LSA'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "ROUTER_LSA". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[12] "type = 'ROUTER_LSA'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "NETWORK_LSA" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[12] "type = 'NETWORK_LSA'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "NETWORK_LSA". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[12] "type = 'NETWORK_LSA'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "SUMMARY_IP_NETWORK_LSA" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[12] "type = 'SUMMARY_IP_NETWORK_LSA'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "SUMMARY_IP_NETWORK_LSA". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[12] "type = 'SUMMARY_IP_NETWORK_LSA'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "SUMMARY_ASBR_LSA" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[59] "type = 'SUMMARY_ASBR_LSA'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "SUMMARY_ASBR_LSA". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[59] "type = 'SUMMARY_ASBR_LSA'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "AS_EXTERNAL_LSA" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[12] "type = 'AS_EXTERNAL_LSA'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "AS_EXTERNAL_LSA". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[12] "type = 'AS_EXTERNAL_LSA'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "NSSA_AS_EXTERNAL_LSA" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[12] "type = 'NSSA_AS_EXTERNAL_LSA'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "NSSA_AS_EXTERNAL_LSA". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[12] "type = 'NSSA_AS_EXTERNAL_LSA'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "OSPFV2_LINK_SCOPE_OPAQUE_LSA" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[12] "type = 'OSPFV2_LINK_SCOPE_OPAQUE_LSA'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "OSPFV2_LINK_SCOPE_OPAQUE_LSA". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[12] "type = 'OSPFV2_LINK_SCOPE_OPAQUE_LSA'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "OSPFV2_AREA_SCOPE_OPAQUE_LSA" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[65] "type = 'OSPFV2_AREA_SCOPE_OPAQUE_LSA'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "OSPFV2_AREA_SCOPE_OPAQUE_LSA". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[65] "type = 'OSPFV2_AREA_SCOPE_OPAQUE_LSA'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "OSPFV2_AS_SCOPE_OPAQUE_LSA" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[118] "type = 'OSPFV2_AS_SCOPE_OPAQUE_LSA'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "OSPFV2_AS_SCOPE_OPAQUE_LSA". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[118] "type = 'OSPFV2_AS_SCOPE_OPAQUE_LSA'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "TRAFFIC_ENGINEERING" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'TRAFFIC_ENGINEERING'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "TRAFFIC_ENGINEERING". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'TRAFFIC_ENGINEERING'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "TE_ROUTER_ADDRESS" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'TE_ROUTER_ADDRESS'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "TE_ROUTER_ADDRESS". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'TE_ROUTER_ADDRESS'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "TE_ROUTER_LINK" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'TE_ROUTER_LINK'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "TE_ROUTER_LINK". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'TE_ROUTER_LINK'".
warn: Invalid value "TE_LINK_TYPE" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'TE_LINK_TYPE'".
warn: Invalid value "TE_LINK_ID" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'TE_LINK_ID'".
warn: Invalid value "TE_LINK_LOCAL_IP" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'TE_LINK_LOCAL_IP'".
warn: Invalid value "TE_LINK_REMOTE_IP" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'TE_LINK_REMOTE_IP'".
warn: Invalid value "TE_LINK_METRIC" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'TE_LINK_METRIC'".
warn: Invalid value "TE_LINK_MAXIMUM_BANDWIDTH" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'TE_LINK_MAXIMUM_BANDWIDTH'".
warn: Invalid value "TE_LINK_MAXIUMUM_RESERVABLE_BANDWIDTH" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'TE_LINK_MAXIUMUM_RESERVABLE_BANDWIDTH'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "TE_NODE_ATTRIBUTE" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'TE_NODE_ATTRIBUTE'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "TE_NODE_ATTRIBUTE". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'TE_NODE_ATTRIBUTE'".
warn: Invalid value "NODE_IPV4_LOCAL_ADDRESS" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'NODE_IPV4_LOCAL_ADDRESS'".
warn: Invalid value "NODE_LOCAL_IPV6_ADDRESS" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'NODE_LOCAL_IPV6_ADDRESS'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "GRACE_LSA" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'GRACE_LSA'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "GRACE_LSA". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'GRACE_LSA'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "GRACE_PERIOD" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'GRACE_PERIOD'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "GRACE_PERIOD". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'GRACE_PERIOD'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "GRACE_RESTART_REASON" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'GRACE_RESTART_REASON'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "GRACE_RESTART_REASON". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'GRACE_RESTART_REASON'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "GRACE_IP_INTERFACE_ADDRESS" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'GRACE_IP_INTERFACE_ADDRESS'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "GRACE_IP_INTERFACE_ADDRESS". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[3] "type = 'GRACE_IP_INTERFACE_ADDRESS'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "ROUTER_INFORMATION_LSA" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'ROUTER_INFORMATION_LSA'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "ROUTER_INFORMATION_LSA". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'ROUTER_INFORMATION_LSA'".
warn: Invalid value "RI_INFORMATIONAL_CAPABILITIES" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'RI_INFORMATIONAL_CAPABILITIES'".
warn: Invalid value "RI_NODE_ADMIN_TAG" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'RI_NODE_ADMIN_TAG'".
warn: Invalid value "RI_SR_ALGORITHM" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'RI_SR_ALGORITHM'".
warn: Invalid value "RI_SR_SID_LABEL_RANGE" in "type" element. (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'RI_SR_SID_LABEL_RANGE'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "OSPFV2_EXTENDED_PREFIX" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'OSPFV2_EXTENDED_PREFIX'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "OSPFV2_EXTENDED_PREFIX". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'OSPFV2_EXTENDED_PREFIX'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "EXTENDED_PREFIX_RANGE" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'EXTENDED_PREFIX_RANGE'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "EXTENDED_PREFIX_RANGE". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'EXTENDED_PREFIX_RANGE'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "PREFIX_SID" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'PREFIX_SID'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PREFIX_SID". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'PREFIX_SID'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "SID_LABEL_BINDING" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'SID_LABEL_BINDING'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "SID_LABEL_BINDING". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'SID_LABEL_BINDING'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "SID_LABEL_BINDING" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'SID_LABEL_BINDING'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "SID_LABEL_BINDING". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'SID_LABEL_BINDING'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "ERO_METRIC" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'ERO_METRIC'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "ERO_METRIC". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'ERO_METRIC'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "ERO_PATH" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'ERO_PATH'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "ERO_PATH". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'ERO_PATH'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "IPV4_SEGMENT" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'IPV4_SEGMENT'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "IPV4_SEGMENT". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'IPV4_SEGMENT'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "UNNUMBERED_INTERFACE_SEGMENT" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'UNNUMBERED_INTERFACE_SEGMENT'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "UNNUMBERED_INTERFACE_SEGMENT". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'UNNUMBERED_INTERFACE_SEGMENT'".
warn: Identityref "type" comparison with identity "ADJACENCY_SID" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'ADJACENCY_SID'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "ADJACENCY_SID". (/openconfig-network-instance:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[9] "type = 'ADJACENCY_SID'".
warn: Identityref "identifier" comparison with identity "ISIS" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'ISIS'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "ISIS". (/openconfig-network-instance:identifier)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'ISIS'".
warn: Identityref "identifier" comparison with identity "PIM" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'PIM'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PIM". (/openconfig-network-instance:identifier)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'PIM'".
warn: Identityref "identifier" comparison with identity "IGMP" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'IGMP'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "IGMP". (/openconfig-network-instance:identifier)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "identifier = 'IGMP'".
openconfig-segment-routing@2018-11-21.yang PASSED          
openconfig-spanning-tree-types@2018-11-21.yang PASSED          
openconfig-spanning-tree@2018-11-21.yang PASSED          
openconfig-system-logging@2018-11-21.yang PASSED WITH WARNINGS       Warning: revision with same date on line 60
openconfig-inet-types.yang:66.3: warning(1054): Revision date has already been used
warn: Module's revisions are not unique (2017-04-03).
openconfig-system-management@2018-11-21.yang PASSED WITH WARNINGS       Warning: revision with same date on line 60
openconfig-inet-types.yang:66.3: warning(1054): Revision date has already been used
warn: Module's revisions are not unique (2017-04-03).
openconfig-system-terminal@2018-11-21.yang PASSED          
openconfig-system@2019-01-29.yang PASSED WITH WARNINGS   openconfig-system.yang:995 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-aaa.yang:269): warning: node openconfig-system::config is not found in openconfig-system::servers
openconfig-system.yang:995 (at /home/bclaise/yanggithub/openconfig/public/release/models/openconfig-aaa.yang:273): warning: node openconfig-system::config is not found in openconfig-system::servers
  Warning: revision with same date on line 60
openconfig-inet-types.yang:66.3: warning(1054): Revision date has already been used

Warning: no child node '*:config' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: ../../config/type = 'oc-aaa-types:TACACS'
openconfig-aaa.yang:269.22: warning(1032): no child node available

Warning: no child node '*:config' found for parent 'yuma-ncx:root'
XPath: ../../config/type = 'oc-aaa-types:RADIUS'
openconfig-aaa.yang:273.22: warning(1032): no child node available
warn: Module's revisions are not unique (2017-04-03).
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "openconfig-aaa-types:TACACS". (/openconfig-system:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[13] "type = 'openconfig-aaa-types:TACACS'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "openconfig-aaa-types:RADIUS". (/openconfig-system:type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[13] "type = 'openconfig-aaa-types:RADIUS'".
openconfig-telemetry-types@2018-11-21.yang PASSED          
openconfig-telemetry@2018-11-21.yang PASSED WITH WARNINGS       Warning: revision with same date on line 60
openconfig-inet-types.yang:66.3: warning(1054): Revision date has already been used
warn: Module's revisions are not unique (2017-04-03).
openconfig-terminal-device@2018-11-21.yang PASSED WITH WARNINGS openconfig-terminal-device.yang:1383 (at openconfig-terminal-device.yang:997): warning: node openconfig-terminal-device::logical-channel-type is not found in openconfig-terminal-device::config
openconfig-terminal-device.yang:1383 (at openconfig-terminal-device.yang:1004): warning: node openconfig-terminal-device::logical-channel-type is not found in openconfig-terminal-device::config
openconfig-terminal-device.yang:1383 (at openconfig-terminal-device.yang:997): warning: node openconfig-terminal-device::logical-channel-type is not found in openconfig-terminal-device::config
openconfig-terminal-device.yang:1383 (at openconfig-terminal-device.yang:1004): warning: node openconfig-terminal-device::logical-channel-type is not found in openconfig-terminal-device::config
  Warning: Module 'iana-if-type' not used
openconfig-if-ethernet.yang:12.3: warning(1015): import not used

Warning: compare value 'PROT_OTN' invalid for object 'openconfig-terminal-device:logical-channel-type type:identityref'
XPath:config/logical-channel-type = 'PROT_OTN'
openconfig-terminal-device.yang: line 997: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'PROT_ETHERNET' invalid for object 'openconfig-terminal-device:logical-channel-type type:identityref'
XPath:config/logical-channel-type = 'PROT_ETHERNET'
openconfig-terminal-device.yang: line 1004: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

Warning: compare value 'OPTICAL_CHANNEL' invalid for object 'openconfig-platform:type type:union'
XPath:/oc-platform:components/oc-platform:component/oc-platform:state/oc-platform:type = 'OPTICAL_CHANNEL'
openconfig-terminal-device.yang: line 1388: warning(1052): XPath compare value invalid for YANG type

*** 0 Errors, 3 Warnings
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:state" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:type" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state/openconfig-interfaces:type) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-platform:state" not found (../openconfig-platform:state) with context node "/components/component/port".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-platform:type" not found (../openconfig-platform:state/openconfig-platform:type) with context node "/components/component/port".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-platform:state" not found (current()/openconfig-platform:state) with context node "/components/component".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-platform:type" not found (current()/openconfig-platform:state/openconfig-platform:type) with context node "/components/component".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-platform:state" not found (/openconfig-platform:components/openconfig-platform:component/openconfig-platform:state) with context node "/components/component".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-platform:type" not found (/openconfig-platform:components/openconfig-platform:component/openconfig-platform:state/openconfig-platform:type) with context node "/components/component".
warn: Identityref "logical-channel-type" comparison with identity "PROT_OTN" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "logical-channel-type = 'PROT_OTN'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PROT_OTN". (/openconfig-terminal-device:logical-channel-type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "logical-channel-type = 'PROT_OTN'".
warn: Identityref "logical-channel-type" comparison with identity "PROT_ETHERNET" without prefix, consider adding a prefix or best using "derived-from(-or-self)()" functions.
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "logical-channel-type = 'PROT_ETHERNET'".
warn: Failed to resolve identityref "PROT_ETHERNET". (/openconfig-terminal-device:logical-channel-type)
warn: Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[7] "logical-channel-type = 'PROT_ETHERNET'".
openconfig-transport-line-common@2019-06-03.yang PASSED WITH WARNINGS       Warning: Module 'iana-if-type' not used
openconfig-if-ethernet.yang:12.3: warning(1015): import not used
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:state" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:type" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state/openconfig-interfaces:type) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-platform:state" not found (../openconfig-platform:state) with context node "/components/component/port".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-platform:type" not found (../openconfig-platform:state/openconfig-platform:type) with context node "/components/component/port".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-platform:state" not found (current()/openconfig-platform:state) with context node "/components/component".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-platform:type" not found (current()/openconfig-platform:state/openconfig-platform:type) with context node "/components/component".
openconfig-transport-line-protection@2018-11-21.yang PASSED          
openconfig-transport-types@2019-06-21.yang PASSED          
openconfig-types@2018-11-21.yang PASSED          
openconfig-vlan-types@2019-01-31.yang PASSED          
openconfig-vlan@2019-04-16.yang PASSED WITH WARNINGS       Warning: Module 'iana-if-type' not used
openconfig-if-ethernet.yang:12.3: warning(1015): import not used

Warning: Module 'iana-if-type' not used
openconfig-if-aggregate.yang:13.3: warning(1015): import not used

Warning: Module 'openconfig-if-types' not used
openconfig-if-aggregate.yang:14.3: warning(1015): import not used

Warning: Module 'iana-if-type' not used
openconfig-vlan.yang:15.3: warning(1015): import not used

*** 0 Errors, 1 Warnings
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:state" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:type" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state/openconfig-interfaces:type) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:state" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:type" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state/openconfig-interfaces:type) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:state" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state/openconfig-interfaces:type = 'iana-if-type:ieee8023adLag' or openconfig-interfaces:state) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
warn: Schema node "openconfig-interfaces:type" not found (openconfig-interfaces:state/openconfig-interfaces:type = 'iana-if-type:ieee8023adLag' or openconfig-interfaces:state/openconfig-interfaces:type) with context node "/interfaces/interface".
openconfig-wavelength-router@2019-06-03.yang PASSED          
openconfig-wifi-mac@2018-07-16.yang PASSED WITH WARNINGS       Warning: revision with same date on line 60
openconfig-inet-types.yang:66.3: warning(1054): Revision date has already been used
warn: Module's revisions are not unique (2017-04-03).
openconfig-wifi-phy@2017-12-21.yang PASSED          
openconfig-wifi-types@2017-07-25.yang PASSED          
openconfig-yang-types@2018-11-21.yang PASSED