YANG Model Compilation Compilation Result (pyang --lint). pyang 2.0-devel Compilation Result (pyang). Note: also generates errors for imported files. pyang 2.0-devel Compilation Results (confdc) Note: also generates errors for imported files. confd version confd-6.6 Compilation Results (yangdump-pro). Note: also generates errors for imported files. yangdump-pro 17.10-11 Compilation Results (yanglint -V -i). Note: also generates errors for imported files. yanglint 0.16.50
ietf-kea-dhcpv6@2016-07-16.yang PASSED          
snabb-softwire-v1@2016-11-04.yang FAILED snabb-softwire-v1.yang:13: error: RFC 8407: 4.8: statement "revision" must have a "reference" substatement
snabb-softwire-v1.yang:18: error: RFC 8407: 4.10: top-level node softwire-config must not be mandatory
snabb-softwire-v1.yang:82: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement
snabb-softwire-v1.yang:104: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement
snabb-softwire-v1.yang:178: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement
snabb-softwire-v1.yang:225: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "container" must have a "description" substatement
snabb-softwire-v1.yang:290: error: keyword "key" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12)
snabb-softwire-v1.yang:343: error: RFC 8407: 4.14: statement "list" must have a "description" substatement
snabb-softwire-v1.yang:359: error: range error: "0" is not larger than "0"
snabb-softwire-v1.yang:360: warning: default value for a key leaf is ignored
snabb-softwire-v1.yang:385: error: keyword "config" not in canonical order (see RFC 6020, Section 12)
snabb-softwire-v1.yang:359: error: range error: "0" is not larger than "0"
snabb-softwire-v1.yang:360: warning: default value for a key leaf is ignored
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/sysrepo/yang/applications/snabb-softwire-v1.yang:359: error: the range value 0 is not larger than 0
/home/bclaise/yanggithub/sysrepo/yang/applications/snabb-softwire-v1.yang:360: warning: the default value for a key leaf is ignored
Warning: top-level NP container 'softwire-config' is mandatory
snabb-softwire-v1.yang:18.3: warning(1048): top-level object is mandatory

*** 0 Errors, 1 Warnings
warn: Default value "0" in the list key "padding" is ignored. (/snabb-softwire-v1:softwire-config/binding-table/softwire)
sysrepo-dnsmasq@2016-01-22.yang PASSED          
sysrepo-raspberry-demo@2016-07-12.yang PASSED